
async omni.kit.stage_template.core.stage_core.new_stage_async(template='empty', usd_context=None)

Execute new_stage asynchronously

This function initializes the creation of a new USD stage asynchronously based on the specified template name. The operation is performed in the context of the given UsdContext. If no UsdContext is provided, the default context is used. The function is a coroutine and should be awaited to ensure the stage creation process is completed.

  • template (str) – The name of the template to use for creating the new stage. If not specified, the default ‘empty’ template is used.

  • usd_context (Optional[omni.usd.UsdContext]) – The UsdContext in which the new stage will be created. If not provided, the default UsdContext is used.


A tuple containing a boolean indicating the success status of the stage creation and an error message, if any occurred.

Return type

Tuple[bool, str]