
Defined in omni/kit/exec/core/unstable/TbbSchedulerState.h


  • TaskStackEntry: A base struct from which all scheduled tasks need to derive from in order to be compatible with TbbSchedulerState , which uses an intrusive concurrent stack data container for storing said tasks.

struct TbbSchedulerState

Implementation details for the TBB based task scheduler state singleton.

Will be replaced.

Public Members

carb::container::LocklessStack<TaskStackEntry, &TaskStackEntry::m_link> stackParallel

Stack of parallel tasks. Allows concurrent insertion.

carb::container::LocklessStack<TaskStackEntry, &TaskStackEntry::m_link> stackSerial

Stack of serial tasks. Allows concurrent insertion.

carb::container::LocklessStack<TaskStackEntry, &TaskStackEntry::m_link> stackIsolate

Stack of isolate tasks. Allows concurrent insertion.

std::atomic<int> totalTasksInFlight = {0}

Track total number of serial and parallel tasks. Used for isolation.

tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<int> tasksExecutingPerThread = {0}

Track execution per thread to know if waiting on a task contributed to a total tasks in flight.

std::atomic<std::thread::id> serialThreadId

Thread currently processing serial tasks.

std::atomic<std::thread::id> isolateThreadId

Thread currently processing isolate tasks.

tbb::recursive_mutex executingThreadMutex

Mutex used to serialize the processing of all context-kickstarting threads (i.e., all threads which kickstarted execution from any given ExecutionContexts). This ensures that up to a single kickstarter thread is computing at any given moment, regardless of the number of threads that triggered execution from a given context OR the number of different ExecutionContexts that began executing concurrently (assuming that the user is utilizing the provided ParallelScheduler for those contexts, otherwise they will need to manage the synchronization on their own), which is important because serial and isolate tasks are scheduled to run on a context-kickstarter thread, so allowing multiple such threads to evaluate concurrently would break the promise that serial and isolate tasks cannot be executed in multiple threads simultaneously.

struct TaskStackEntry : public tbb::task

A base struct from which all scheduled tasks need to derive from in order to be compatible with TbbSchedulerState, which uses an intrusive concurrent stack data container for storing said tasks.