
File members: omni/kit/exec/core/unstable/ParallelScheduler.h

// Copyright (c) 2022-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

#pragma once

#include <omni/graph/exec/unstable/AtomicBackoff.h>
#include <omni/kit/exec/core/unstable/ITbbSchedulerState.h>
#include <omni/kit/exec/core/unstable/TbbSchedulerState.h>


#include <tbb/task.h>
#include <tbb/task_group.h>

#include <atomic>
#include <thread>

namespace omni
namespace kit
namespace exec
namespace core
namespace unstable
namespace detail

class ParallelSchedulerDebugger;

} // namespace detail


class ParallelScheduler
    static ParallelScheduler& getSingleton()
        // this static is per-DLL, but the actual private data (s_state) is shared across DLLs
        static ParallelScheduler sScheduler;
        return sScheduler;

    template <typename Fn>
    class TaskBody : public TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry
        TaskBody(Fn&& f) : m_fn(std::forward<Fn>(f)), m_sharedState(ParallelScheduler::getSingleton().s_state)

        task* execute() override
            struct ExecutingCountedTaskScope
                ExecutingCountedTaskScope(tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<int>& executingPerThread)
                    : _executingPerThread(executingPerThread)

                tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<int>& _executingPerThread;
            } executingScope(m_sharedState->tasksExecutingPerThread);

            return m_fn(); // Allow for potential continuation.

        Fn m_fn;
        TbbSchedulerState* m_sharedState{ nullptr };

    template <typename Fn>
    class IsolateTaskBody : public TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry
        IsolateTaskBody(Fn&& f) : m_fn(std::forward<Fn>(f))

        task* execute() override
            // Isolate tasks are not counted in total in flight tasks to allow us detect when
            // all other work is finished. Once we are entering scope of isolate task, we make sure
            // PauseTaskScope doesn't consider this task as taking part in totalTasksInFlight.
            struct ExecutingNotCountedTaskScope
                ExecutingNotCountedTaskScope(tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<int>& executingPerThread)
                    : _executingPerThread(executingPerThread)
                    auto& perThreadCount = _executingPerThread.local();
                    _originalPerThread = perThreadCount;
                    perThreadCount = 0;
                    _executingPerThread.local() = _originalPerThread;

                tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<int>& _executingPerThread;
                int _originalPerThread;
            } executingScope(ParallelScheduler::getSingleton().s_state->tasksExecutingPerThread);

            return m_fn(); // Allow for potential continuation.

        Fn m_fn;

    class PauseTaskScope
            : m_scheduler(ParallelScheduler::getSingleton()),
              m_isCountedTask(m_scheduler.s_state->tasksExecutingPerThread.local() > 0)
            if (m_isCountedTask)
            if (m_isCountedTask)

        ParallelScheduler& m_scheduler;
        const bool m_isCountedTask;

    void pushParallelTask(TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry& t, bool isExecutingThread)
        if (!isProcessingIsolate())
            if (isExecutingThread && (s_state->totalTasksInFlight < 2))
                // Context execution-invoking threads never joins the arena, so won't process its local queue. Add the
                // task to the global queue. We only do this if there aren't already tasks in flight that can pick up
                // task if we spawn() it.
                tbb::task::spawn(t); // add to local queue

    void pushSerialTask(TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry& t)

    void pushIsolateTask(TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry& t)

    bool isWithinSerialTask() const
        return (s_state->serialThreadId.load() == std::this_thread::get_id());

    bool isWithinIsolateTask() const
        return (s_state->isolateThreadId.load() == std::this_thread::get_id());

    bool isProcessingIsolate() const
        return (s_state->isolateThreadId.load() != std::thread::id());

    void processContextThread(tbb::empty_task* const rootTask)
        // See the note in TbbSchedulerState.h as to why we need this
        // mutex lock here.
        std::unique_lock<tbb::recursive_mutex> uniqueLock(s_state->executingThreadMutex);

        graph::exec::unstable::AtomicBackoff backoff;

        if (isWithinIsolateTask())
            while (rootTask->ref_count() > 1)
                if (processQueuedTasks(rootTask))
            while (rootTask->ref_count() > 1)
                if (processSerialTasks() || processIsolateTasks())

    bool processSerialTasks()
        tbb::task* task = s_state->stackSerial.pop();

        // No work.
        if (!task)
            return false;

            // Acquire the thread that's supposed to be handling serial task evaluation. Note
            // that this thread can be derived from many different execution contexts kickstarted
            // by multiple different threads.
            std::thread::id currentThreadId = std::this_thread::get_id();
            std::thread::id originalThreadId;
            if (!s_state->serialThreadId.compare_exchange_strong(originalThreadId, currentThreadId) &&
                originalThreadId != currentThreadId)
                return false;

            // Once serial tasks evaluation is complete, we will want to restore the serial thread ID
            // back to its default value; employ an RAII helper to do so.
            struct ScopeRelease
                std::thread::id _originalThreadId;
                std::atomic<std::thread::id>& _serialThreadId;
                    _serialThreadId = _originalThreadId;
            } threadScope = { originalThreadId, s_state->serialThreadId };

            // Run the loop over tasks. We are responsible here to delete the task since it is consumed outside of TBB.
            } while ((task = s_state->stackSerial.pop()));

        // Let the caller know that we had something to do
        return true;

    bool processIsolateTasks()
        if (s_state->totalTasksInFlight > 0 || s_state->stackIsolate.isEmpty())
            return false;

        // Try to acquire the right to process isolated tasks. Need to support nested executions.
            std::thread::id currentThreadId = std::this_thread::get_id();
            std::thread::id originalThreadId;
            if (!s_state->isolateThreadId.compare_exchange_strong(originalThreadId, currentThreadId) &&
                originalThreadId != currentThreadId)
                return false;

            // We acquired the thread, nothing else will be running until the end of this scope.
            struct ScopeRelease
                std::thread::id _originalThreadId;
                std::atomic<std::thread::id>& _isolateThreadId;
                    _isolateThreadId = _originalThreadId;
            } threadScope = { originalThreadId, s_state->isolateThreadId };

            // Run the loop over tasks. We are responsible here to delete the task since it is consumed outside of TBB.
            while (tbb::task* task = s_state->stackIsolate.pop())

            // Here we will release this thread from processing isolate tasks.
            // We don't worry about synchronization between push tasks and this operation because
            // all push call can only happen from within above loop (indirectly via execute). There is no
            // other concurrent execution happening when we are in here.

        // Do NOT start parallel work in nested isolate task; it has to be all consumed on this thread until we can
        // exit isolation.
        if (!isWithinIsolateTask())
            // Restart parallel task execution.
            while (tbb::task* dispatchTask = s_state->stackParallel.pop())
                if (s_state->totalTasksInFlight < 2)

        return true;

    bool processQueuedTasks(tbb::empty_task* const rootTask)

        // First attempt to only process the first task in each scheduling-type stack. In most cases this is enough to
        // allow for subsequent execution to occur.
        bool ret = processTaskStackTop(s_state->stackIsolate, rootTask) ||
                   processTaskStackTop(s_state->stackParallel, rootTask) ||
                   processTaskStackTop(s_state->stackSerial, rootTask);

        // If no tasks have been processed yet because the top task in each stack belongs to a different ParallelSpawner
        // instance than the one currently running (i.e., not because all of the task stacks are empty), perform more
        // intensive task processing by looping through each stack to find at least one task that's been enqueued by
        // the current ParallelSpanwer/Executor. This situation has not been observed thus far in any cases where only
        // a single ExecutionGraph is present in the runtime (as is the case in kit at the moment, and even if there are
        // multiple contexts associated with it for evaluation, which is exercised in the unit tests), and only seems to
        // happen occassionally (~5% of the time) in a couple of unit tests (specifically ones that either contain very
        // large execution graphs or multiple different execution graphs that are evaluated across multiple threads
        // simultaneously, and even those cases seem to only manifest in Linux, or at least have not been observed in
        // Windows so far). The relative rarity with which this scenario is encountered, combined with the fact that the
        // aforementioned looping logic does add some extra overhead to potentially hot code-paths, is why we've broken
        // the below section out into its own scope.
        if (!ret &&
            (!s_state->stackIsolate.isEmpty() || !s_state->stackParallel.isEmpty() || !s_state->stackSerial.isEmpty()))
            if (!ret)
                ret = processTaskStack(s_state->stackIsolate, rootTask);

            if (!ret)
                ret = processTaskStack(s_state->stackParallel, rootTask);

            if (!ret)
                ret = processTaskStack(s_state->stackSerial, rootTask);

        return ret;

    // Helper method that will execute and clean up the top task in the specified stack if said task was originally
    // inserted by the current ParallelSpawner instance.
    const bool processTaskStackTop(carb::container::LocklessStack<TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry,
                                                                  &TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry::m_link>& taskStack,
                                   tbb::empty_task* const rootTask) noexcept
        if (TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry* const task = taskStack.pop())
            if (task->parent() == rootTask) // Prevent task execute continuation if the current task
                                            // belongs to a different ParallelSpawner instance.
                tbb::task::destroy(*task); // We are responsible here to delete the task since it is consumed manually.
                return true;
                taskStack.push(task); // Add the task back to the stack without processing it.

        return false;

    // Helper method that will execute and clean up the first task it finds in the specified stack that was originally
    // inserted by the current ParallelSpawner instance.
    const bool processTaskStack(carb::container::LocklessStack<TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry,
                                                               &TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry::m_link>& taskStack,
                                tbb::empty_task* const rootTask) noexcept
        if (!taskStack.isEmpty())
            TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry* taskToExecute = nullptr;
            carb::container::LocklessStack<TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry, &TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry::m_link> tempStack;
            while (TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry* const task = taskStack.pop())
                if (task->parent() == rootTask)
                    taskToExecute = task;

            while (TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry* const task = tempStack.pop())

            if (taskToExecute)
                tbb::task::destroy(*taskToExecute); // We are responsible here to delete the task since it is consumed
                                                    // manually.
                return true;

        return false;

    explicit ParallelScheduler() noexcept
        omni::core::ObjectPtr<ITbbSchedulerState> sInterface = omni::core::createType<ITbbSchedulerState>();
        s_state = sInterface->getState();

    TbbSchedulerState* s_state;
    friend class detail::ParallelSchedulerDebugger;

namespace detail

class ParallelSchedulerDebugger
    static const size_t enqueuedIsolateTasksUnsafeCount()
        ParallelScheduler& scheduler = ParallelScheduler::getSingleton();

        // First obtain the total number of enqueued isolate tasks by emptying the stack and counting all
        // popped tasks; store said tasks in a temporary container.
        std::size_t count = 0;
        carb::container::LocklessStack<TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry, &TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry::m_link> tempStack;
        while (auto task = scheduler.s_state->stackIsolate.pop())

        // Refill the isolate tasks stack.
        while (auto task = tempStack.pop())

        return count;

    static const size_t enqueuedParallelTasksUnsafeCount()
        ParallelScheduler& scheduler = ParallelScheduler::getSingleton();

        // First obtain the total number of enqueued parallel tasks by emptying the stack and counting all
        // popped tasks; store said tasks in a temporary container.
        std::size_t count = 0;
        carb::container::LocklessStack<TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry, &TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry::m_link> tempStack;
        while (auto task = scheduler.s_state->stackParallel.pop())

        // Refill the parallel tasks stack.
        while (auto task = tempStack.pop())

        return count;

    static const size_t enqueuedSerialTasksUnsafeCount()
        ParallelScheduler& scheduler = ParallelScheduler::getSingleton();

        // First obtain the total number of enqueued serial tasks by emptying the stack and counting all
        // popped tasks; store said tasks in a temporary container.
        std::size_t count = 0;
        carb::container::LocklessStack<TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry, &TbbSchedulerState::TaskStackEntry::m_link> tempStack;
        while (auto task = scheduler.s_state->stackSerial.pop())

        // Refill the serial tasks stack.
        while (auto task = tempStack.pop())

        return count;

template <template <class...> typename TaskT, typename A, typename Fn>
TaskT<Fn>* makeTask(A&& allocTask, Fn&& f)
    return new (allocTask) TaskT<Fn>(std::forward<Fn>(f));

} // namespace detail


struct ParallelSpawner
    ParallelSpawner(graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionContext* context)
        : m_context(context), m_scheduler(ParallelScheduler::getSingleton())
        m_root = new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) tbb::empty_task;


    template <typename Fn>
    graph::exec::unstable::Status schedule(Fn&& task, graph::exec::unstable::SchedulingInfo schedInfo)
        using namespace detail;

        if (schedInfo == graph::exec::unstable::SchedulingInfo::eParallel)
            auto* dispatchTask = detail::makeTask<ParallelScheduler::TaskBody>(
                [task = graph::exec::unstable::captureScheduleFunction(task), this]() mutable
                    graph::exec::unstable::Status ret = graph::exec::unstable::invokeScheduleFunction(task);

                    return nullptr;

            m_scheduler.pushParallelTask(*dispatchTask, m_context->isExecutingThread());
        else if (schedInfo == graph::exec::unstable::SchedulingInfo::eIsolate)
            auto* dispatchTask = detail::makeTask<ParallelScheduler::IsolateTaskBody>(
                [task = graph::exec::unstable::captureScheduleFunction(task), this]() mutable
                    graph::exec::unstable::Status ret = graph::exec::unstable::invokeScheduleFunction(task);

                    return nullptr;

            auto* dispatchTask = detail::makeTask<ParallelScheduler::TaskBody>(
                [task = graph::exec::unstable::captureScheduleFunction(task), this]() mutable -> tbb::task*
                    graph::exec::unstable::Status ret = graph::exec::unstable::invokeScheduleFunction(task);

                    return nullptr;


        return graph::exec::unstable::Status::eSuccess;

    void accumulateStatus(graph::exec::unstable::Status ret)
        graph::exec::unstable::Status current, newValue = graph::exec::unstable::Status::eUnknown;
            current = m_status.load();
            newValue = ret | current;
        } while (!m_status.compare_exchange_weak(current, newValue));

    graph::exec::unstable::Status getStatus()
        // We are about to enter nested execution. This has an effect on total tasks in flight, i.e.
        // we will suspend the current task by reducing the counters. All that is done by RAII class below.
        ParallelScheduler::PauseTaskScope pauseTask;

        // Note that in situations where multiple different contexts are running from multiple different
        // threads, just having the first check (m_context->isExecutingThread()) won't be enough because
        // we may be attempting to get the status of a serial/isolate task that was originally created in
        // context A running on thread 1 while context B running on thread 2 is being processed in the
        // below check; this can occur if context A/thread 1 was temporarily suspended in the past after
        // context B/thread 2 beat it to acquiring the s_state->executingThreadMutex, meaning that we
        // are currently processing nested tasks (which can be of any scheduling type) that are derived
        // from some top-level set of serial/isolate tasks in context B. In such situations, we need to
        // additionally check if we are currently within a serial or isolate task scope, since otherwise
        // the task originally created in context A/thread 1 will incorrectly skip processing on context B's
        // running kickstarter thread, despite thread 2 being the only such evaluating kickstarter thread at
        // the moment, and take a different code-path that leads to hangs. Serial/isolate tasks don't need to
        // be run exclusively on the context-kickstarting thread from which they were eventually scheduled -
        // they can be run on any such thread type as long as that thread is the only one running/processing
        // serial/isolate tasks.
        if (m_context->isExecutingThread() || m_scheduler.isWithinSerialTask() || m_scheduler.isWithinIsolateTask())
            if (m_root->ref_count() > 1)

        return m_status;

    graph::exec::unstable::IExecutionContext* m_context;
    tbb::empty_task* m_root{ nullptr };
    std::atomic<graph::exec::unstable::Status> m_status{ graph::exec::unstable::Status::eUnknown };
    ParallelScheduler& m_scheduler;

} // namespace unable
} // namespace core
} // namespace exec
} // namespace kit
} // namespace omni