
Cadence Reality DC Design - [omni.kit.cadence_reality_dc_design]

Cadence Reality DC Design is the industry leading data center CFD (computational fluid dynamics) tool, built for data center design and operations. With the NVIDIA Omniverse Cadence Reality DC Design Extension, you can import entity models along with their properties and CFD simulation results from Cadence Reality DC Design into Omniverse. Visit the extension user manual to learn more about its features.

Datacenter CFD

User Manual


Cadence Reality DC Design installation is required. You can register and create a Cadence account at https://registration.cadence.com/CadenceApplicationRegScreen?appcode=cdotcom&langcode=en and register in Cadence Support Portal at https://support.cadence.com/apex/HomePage to download the software.

Enable Cadence Reality DC Design Extension

The Cadence Reality DC Design Extension is not enabled by default in Extensions Manager and will need to be enabled for use.

  1. Click on Window > Extensions to open the Extensions Manager

    Extensions Manager Menu

  2. Install and enable the Cadence Reality DC Design Extension.

    Extensions Manager Window

  3. Click on Window -> Cadence Reality DC Design Extension to open the Extension Window.

    Cadence Reality DC Design Extension Menu

User Interface

A floating window is shown after toggling on the Cadence Reality DC Design Extension option. Currently the extension supports two main features which allow users to import models from Cadence Reality DC Design via the Import tab or view the properties of the imported models under the Properties tab.

Import tab

The Import tab provides users the ability to import models and CFD results into Omniverse. These default options are shown initially to the users.

Import Tab



Commander Executable

The path to the Commander executable file. Commander is the tool that acts as a communication bridge between Omniverse and Cadence Reality DC Design Pro.

Import Destination

The path to the directory to store the converted files. Support both local file system path and Nucleus URL.

Path to .room

The path to the Cadence Reality DC Design’s model .room file.

Path to .vtk

The path to the .vtk output generated by Cadence Reality DC Design.

Additional options are shown after the extension loads .vtk file into memory.

Mesh Slice Panel Element



Normal vector of the slice to generate.


Origin of the slice to generate.


Scalar field to apply for color mapping.

VDB Panel Element


Sampling Dimensions

Sampling dimension x, y, z for the result .vdb file

Properties tab

Properties Tab



Entity Type

Displays a list of entity types available in the opened stage


Display a list of entities filtered by the selected entity type.

Attributes Panel

Shows entity attributes on entity selection. Initially hidden below the Entity Type and Entity List Views.

Use the Extension

Import .room Model

It’s highly recommended to go through the basic tutorials which can also be downloaded with Cadence Reality DC Design installation. In this guide we’ll go over how to import the models from Tutorial 3 provided by Cadence.

Import Steps

  1. Click on the Commander Executable text field or the browse button to set the path to the .exe file. This is the process that the extension uses to export models and properties from Cadence Reality DC Design Pro.

  2. Click on the Import Destination text field or the browse button to set the directory to write the converted models.

  3. Click on the Path to .room text field or the browse button to set the path to Tutorial3.room file. By default, the file is located at C:\Program Files\RealityDC\TutorialCases\DataCenterDesignPro\Tutorial3.room but it may be different for users who installed Cadence Reality DC Design and the tutorials under another location.

  4. Click the Import .room button to start the importing process. A progress bar will be shown and more detailed conversion status can be seen from the console.


Once the import process is done, we can see the converted models inside the viewport.

Imported Models

Import Cadence Reality DC Design’s result .vtk

Mesh Slice Visualization

Import Slice Steps

  1. Click on the Import Destination text field or the browse button to set the directory to write the converted mesh.

  2. Click on the Path to .vtk text field or the browse button to set the path to the .vtk generated by Cadence Reality DC Design.

  3. Additional panels, such as the Mesh Slice and VDB Conversion, are shown after the files are loaded. Set the desired normal, origin, and scalar field for the slice and click the Generate Slice button.

The resulting slice is shown in the Viewport once the conversion is complete. In addition, the users can click anywhere within the volumetric bound to query for CFD profile readings after loading the .vtk file when All Prim Types is selected as the selection mode in the application.

Selection Mode

Imported Slice

Flow Visualization

  1. We will utilize omni.flowusd Extension for air particle flow rendering. Open extensions manager to ensure that omni.flowusd is enabled and up to date.

    Enable Flow

  2. Enable Flow under Render settings

    Flow Settings

  3. Upon .vtk file load completion, a VDB Conversion panel is shown with integer fields pre-populated according to the simulation domain size. Change the sampling dimensions to the desired values and click the Convert to .vdb button to start the conversion process.

    Sampling Dimensions

  4. Create NanoVDB emitter, FlowSimulate, FlowOffscreen, and FlowRender prims from Create/Flow menu then place the NanoVDB emitter under an :term:Xform<XForm> scaled up by (100, 100, 100)

    Add Prims

  5. Select flowSimulate and set Density Cell Size to 5.0

  6. Select flowSimulate/advection and set Gravity to (0, 0, 0)

  7. Click the Play button or toggle on Force Simulate property under flowSimulate to see the effects from updating settings in real time.

  8. Select flowEmitterNanoVdb and navigate to Velocity Channel settings. Change Velocity Scale to 8, Asset Path to the converted .vdb file path, and Grid Name to Velocity(m/s)

    Set Velocity Channel

  9. Navigate to Smoke Channel settings under flowEmitterNanoVdb and change Smoke target value to 1.0

  10. Select flowOffscreen/debugVolume prim and toggle on Enable Speed as Temperature checkbox.

  11. Select flowOffscreen/colormap prim and change Color Scale to 14, add a blue control point at position 0.05 with 0 alpha, add a green control point at position 0.1 with 0.1 alpha, and add a red control point at position 0.35 with 0.75 alpha.

    FlowOffscreen Colormap

The result should look like the image below. Please refer to the Omniverse Flow guide at Using Omniverse™ Flow to learn more about the Flow extension.

Imported VDB

View Imported Properties

The Properties tab is where the Extension displays imported properties from Cadence Reality DC Design. First, we select an entity type of interest from the left tree view. All entities of that type will be listed in the right tree view for selection. Optionally, you can also click on an entity inside the Viewport to see its properties.

Entity Properties



Failed to solve all extension dependencies

Cadence Reality DC Design extension needs the following dependencies:

  • omni.kit.asset_converter v2.1.13 and up

  • omni.kit.converter.vtk v3.0.4 and up

If the application has an older version of them enabled, Failed to solve all extension dependencies error may arise upon installing or enabling the Cadence Reality DC Design extension. In order to resolve the issue, we need to disable the outdated dependencies or update them to the latest prior to enabling the Cadence Reality DC Design extension.