Extension: omni.fabric.commands-1.1.5

Documentation Generated: Dec 17, 2024

Usage Examples#

Create a Fabric Primitive#

import omni.kit.commands

# Create a Fabric primitive of type 'Sphere'
omni.kit.commands.execute("CreateFabricPrim", prim_type="Sphere")

Copy a Fabric Primitive#

import omni.kit.commands

# Copy a Fabric primitive from one path to another
omni.kit.commands.execute("CopyFabricPrim", path_from="/World/Sphere", path_to="/World/Sphere_Copy")

Delete Fabric Primitives#

import omni.kit.commands

# Delete a list of Fabric primitives by their paths
omni.kit.commands.execute("DeleteFabricPrims", paths=["/World/Sphere", "/World/Cube"])

Move a Fabric Primitive#

import omni.kit.commands

# Move a Fabric primitive from one path to another
omni.kit.commands.execute("MoveFabricPrim", path_from="/World/Sphere", path_to="/World/NewLocation/Sphere")

Toggle Visibility of Selected Fabric Primitives#

import omni.kit.commands
import omni.usd

# Assuming '/World/Sphere' is selected, toggle its visibility
selected_paths = ["/World/Sphere"]
omni.kit.commands.execute("ToggleVisibilitySelectedFabricPrims", selected_paths=selected_paths)

Group Fabric Primitives#

import omni.kit.commands

# Group multiple Fabric primitives under a new Xform primitive
prim_paths = ["/World/Sphere", "/World/Cube"]
omni.kit.commands.execute("GroupFabricPrims", prim_paths=prim_paths)

Ungroup Fabric Primitives#

import omni.kit.commands

# Ungroup Fabric primitives from their common parent group
prim_paths = ["/World/Group"]
omni.kit.commands.execute("UngroupFabricPrims", prim_paths=prim_paths)

Transform a Fabric Primitive#

import omni.kit.commands
import usdrt.Gf

# Apply a transformation matrix to a Fabric primitive
new_transform_matrix = usdrt.Gf.Matrix4d().SetTranslate(usdrt.Gf.Vec3d(1, 2, 3))
    "TransformFabricPrim", path="/World/Sphere", new_transform_matrix=new_transform_matrix

Change a Fabric Property#

import omni.kit.commands

# Change the 'radius' property of a Fabric Sphere primitive
prop_path = "/World/Sphere.radius"
    "ChangeFabricProperty", prop_path=prop_path, value=2.0, prev=1.0

Create Default Transform on a Fabric Primitive#

import omni.kit.commands

# Create and apply a default transform to a Fabric primitive at a specified path
    "CreateDefaultXformOnFabricPrim", prim_path="/World/Sphere"