
class omni.fabric.commands.scripts.extension.ChangeFabricAttributeCommand(attr_path: str, value: Any, prev: Any, timecode=Usd.TimeCode.Default(), type_to_create_if_not_exist: Optional[ValueTypeNames] = None, stage: Optional[Stage] = None, is_custom: bool = False)

Bases: Command

Change fabric prim attribute undoable Command.

  • attr_path (usdrt.Sdf.Path) – Prim attribute path.

  • value (Any) – Value to change to.

  • prev (Any) – Value to undo to.

  • timecode (usdrt.Usd.TimeCode) – The timecode to set attribute value to.

  • type_to_create_if_not_exist (usdrt.Sdf.ValueTypeName) – If not None AND attribute does not already exist, a new attribute will be created with given type and value.

  • stage (usdrt.Usd.Stage) – The current Fabric stage.

  • is_custom (bool) – If the attribute is created, specify if it is a ‘custom’ attribute (not part of the Schema).


__init__(attr_path, value, prev[, timecode, ...])



__init__(attr_path: str, value: Any, prev: Any, timecode=Usd.TimeCode.Default(), type_to_create_if_not_exist: Optional[ValueTypeNames] = None, stage: Optional[Stage] = None, is_custom: bool = False)