
An example C++ extension that can be used as a reference/template for creating new extensions.

Demonstrates how to create a C++ object that will startup / shutdown along with the extension.

C++ Usage Examples

Defining Extensions

// When this extension is enabled, any class that derives from omni.ext.IExt
// will be instantiated and 'onStartup(extId)' called. When the extension is
// later disabled, a matching 'onShutdown()' call will be made on the object.
class ExampleCppHelloWorldExtension : public omni::ext::IExt
    void onStartup(const char* extId) override
        printf("ExampleCppHelloWorldExtension starting up (ext_id: %s).\n", extId);

        if (omni::kit::IApp* app = carb::getFramework()->acquireInterface<omni::kit::IApp>())
            // Subscribe to update events.
            m_updateEventsSubscription =
                carb::events::createSubscriptionToPop(app->getUpdateEventStream(), [this](carb::events::IEvent*) {

    void onShutdown() override
        printf("ExampleCppHelloWorldExtension shutting down.\n");

        // Unsubscribe from update events.
        m_updateEventsSubscription = nullptr;

    void onUpdate()
        if (m_updateCounter % 1000 == 0)
            printf("Hello from the omni.example.cpp.hello_world extension! %d updates counted.\n", m_updateCounter);

    carb::events::ISubscriptionPtr m_updateEventsSubscription;
    int m_updateCounter = 0;