
An example C++ extension that can be used as a reference/template for creating new extensions.

Demonstrates how to create actions in C++ that can then be executed from either C++ or Python.

See the omni.kit.actions.core extension for extensive documentation about actions themselves.

C++ Usage Examples

Defining Custom Actions

using namespace omni::kit::actions::core;

class ExampleCustomAction : public Action
    static carb::ObjectPtr<IAction> create(const char* extensionId,
                                           const char* actionId,
                                           const MetaData* metaData)
        return carb::stealObject<IAction>(new ExampleCustomAction(extensionId, actionId, metaData));

    ExampleCustomAction(const char* extensionId, const char* actionId, const MetaData* metaData)
        : Action(extensionId, actionId, metaData), m_executionCount(0)

    carb::variant::Variant execute(const carb::variant::Variant& args = {},
                                   const carb::dictionary::Item* kwargs = nullptr) override
        printf("Executing %s (execution count = %d).\n", getActionId(), m_executionCount);
        return carb::variant::Variant(m_executionCount);

    void invalidate() override

    uint32_t getExecutionCount() const
        return m_executionCount;

    void resetExecutionCount()
        m_executionCount = 0;

    uint32_t m_executionCount = 0;

Creating and Registering Custom Actions

// Example of creating and registering a custom action from C++.
Action::MetaData metaData;
metaData.displayName = "Example Custom Action Display Name";
metaData.description = "Example Custom Action Description.";
carb::ObjectPtr<IAction> exampleCustomAction =
    ExampleCustomAction::create("omni.example.cpp.actions", "example_custom_action_id", &metaData);

Creating and Registering Lambda Actions

auto actionRegistry = carb::getCachedInterface<omni::kit::actions::core::IActionRegistry>();

// Example of creating and registering a lambda action from C++.
omni::kit::actions::core::IAction::MetaData metaData;
metaData.displayName = "Example Lambda Action Display Name";
metaData.description = "Example Lambda Action Description.";
carb::ObjectPtr<IAction> exampleLambdaAction =
        "omni.example.cpp.actions", "example_lambda_action_id", &metaData,
        [this](const carb::variant::Variant& args = {}, const carb::dictionary::Item* kwargs = nullptr) {
            printf("Executing example_lambda_action_id.\n");
            return carb::variant::Variant();
// Example of creating and registering (at the same time) a lambda action from C++.
    "omni.example.cpp.actions", "example_lambda_action_id",
    [](const carb::variant::Variant& args = {}, const carb::dictionary::Item* kwargs = nullptr) {
        printf("Executing example_lambda_action_id.\n");
        return carb::variant::Variant();
    "Example Lambda Action Display Name",
    "Example Lambda Action Description.");

Discovering Actions

auto registry = carb::getCachedInterface<omni::kit::actions::core::IActionRegistry>();

// Retrieve an action that has been registered using the registering extension id and the action id.
carb::ObjectPtr<IAction> action = registry->getAction("omni.example.cpp.actions", "example_custom_action_id");

// Retrieve all actions that have been registered by a specific extension id.
std::vector<carb::ObjectPtr<IAction>> actions = registry->getAllActionsForExtension("example");

// Retrieve all actions that have been registered by any extension.
std::vector<carb::ObjectPtr<IAction>> actions = registry->getAllActions();

Deregistering Actions

auto actionRegistry = carb::getCachedInterface<omni::kit::actions::core::IActionRegistry>();

// Deregister an action directly...

// or using the registering extension id and the action id...
actionRegistry->deregisterAction("omni.example.cpp.actions", "example_custom_action_id");

// or deregister all actions that were registered by an extension.

Executing Actions

auto actionRegistry = carb::getCachedInterface<omni::kit::actions::core::IActionRegistry>();

// Execute an action after retrieving it from the action registry.
auto action = actionRegistry->getAction("omni.example.cpp.actions", "example_custom_action_id");

// Execute an action indirectly (retrieves it internally).
actionRegistry->executeAction("omni.example.cpp.actions", "example_custom_action_id");

// Execute an action that was stored previously.

Note: All of the above will find any actions that have been registered from either Python or C++, and you can interact with them without needing to know anything about where they were registered.