kit-template: Omniverse Kit Extension & App Template

Kit Extensions & Apps Example :package: pipeline status

This repo is a gold standard for building Kit extensions and applications.

The idea is that you fork it, trim down parts you don’t need and use it to develop your extensions and applications. Which then can be packaged, shared, reused.

This README file provides a quick overview. In-depth documentation can be found at:


Teamcity Project

Extension Types

graph TD subgraph "python" A3( + python code) end subgraph cpp A1(omni.ext-example_cpp_ext.plugin.dll) end subgraph "mixed" A2( + python code) A2 --import _mixed_ext--> B2(example.mixed_ext.python) B2 -- carb::Framework --> C2(example.mixed_ext.plugin.dll) end Kit[Kit] --> A1 Kit[Kit] --> A2 Kit[Kit] --> A3

Getting Started

  1. build: build.bat -r

  2. run: _build\windows-x86_64\release\

  3. notice enabled extensions in “Extension Manager Window” of Kit. One of them brought its own test in “Test Runner” window.

To run tests: repo.bat test

To run from python: _build\windows-x86_64\release\example.pythonapp.bat

Using a Local Build of Kit SDK

By default packman downloads Kit SDK (from deps/kit-sdk.packman.xml). For developing purposes local build of Kit SDK can be used.

To use your local build of Kit SDK, assuming it is located say at C:/projects/kit.

Use repo_source tool to link:

repo source link kit-sdk c:/projects/kit/kit

Or use GUI mode to do source linking:

repo source gui

Or you can also do it manually: create a file: deps/kit-sdk.packman.xml.user containing the following lines:

<project toolsVersion="5.6">
	<dependency name="kit_sdk_${config}" linkPath="../_build/${platform}/${config}/kit">
		<source path="c:/projects/kit/kit/_build/$platform/$config" />

To see current source links:

repo source list

To remove source link:

repo source unlink kit-sdk

To remove all source links:

repo source clear

Using a Local Build of another Extension

Other extensions can often come from the registry to be downloaded by kit at run-time or build-time (e.g. example). Developers often want to use a local clone of their repo to develop across multiple repos simultaneously.

To do that additional extension search path needs to be passed into kit pointing to the local repo. There are many ways to do it. Recommended is using deps/user.toml. You can use that file to override any setting.

Create deps/user.toml file in this repo with the search to path to your repo added to app/exts/folders setting, e.g.:

folders."++" = ["c:/projects/extensions/kit-converters/_build/windows-x86_64/release/exts"]

Other options:

  • Pass CLI arg to any app like this: --ext-folder c:/projects/extensions/kit-converters/_build/windows-x86_64/release/exts.

  • Use Extension Manager UI (Gear button)

  • Use other user.toml files, refer to Kit Documentation: Configuration.

You can always find out where extension is coming from in Extension Manager by selecting an extension and hovering over open button or in the log (search for e.g. [ext: omni.kit.tool.asset_importer).