
File members: omni/connect/core/PrimvarData.inl

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#pragma once

#include "omni/connect/core/Log.h"

#include <pxr/base/tf/token.h>
#include <pxr/base/vt/array.h>
#include <pxr/usd/usdGeom/tokens.h>

#include <map>

namespace omni::connect::core

template <typename T>
PrimvarData<T>::PrimvarData(const pxr::TfToken& interpolation, const pxr::VtArray<T>& values, int elementSize)
    : m_interpolation(interpolation), m_elementSize(elementSize), m_values(values)

template <typename T>
PrimvarData<T>::PrimvarData(const pxr::TfToken& interpolation, const pxr::VtArray<T>& values, const pxr::VtArray<int>& indices, int elementSize)
    : m_interpolation(interpolation), m_elementSize(elementSize), m_values(values), m_indices(indices)

template <typename T>
PrimvarData<T> PrimvarData<T>::getPrimvarData(const pxr::UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar, pxr::UsdTimeCode time)
    if (!primvar)
        return PrimvarData<T>(pxr::UsdGeomTokens->constant, {}, -1);

    int elementSize = primvar.HasAuthoredElementSize() ? primvar.GetElementSize() : -1;

    pxr::VtArray<T> values;
    if (!primvar.Get<pxr::VtArray<T>>(&values, time))
        return PrimvarData<T>(pxr::UsdGeomTokens->constant, {}, -1);

    if (primvar.IsIndexed())
        pxr::VtIntArray indices;
        primvar.GetIndices(&indices, time);
        return PrimvarData<T>(primvar.GetInterpolation(), values, indices, elementSize);
        return PrimvarData<T>(primvar.GetInterpolation(), values, elementSize);

template <typename T>
bool PrimvarData<T>::setPrimvar(pxr::UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar, pxr::UsdTimeCode time) const
    if (!primvar)
        return false;

    if (!primvar.SetInterpolation(m_interpolation))
        return false;

    if (!primvar.Set(m_values, time))
        return false;

    // Author an explicit opinion about the indices to ensure weaker opinions are overriden
    if (hasIndices())
        if (!primvar.SetIndices(m_indices, time))
            return false;

    if (m_elementSize > 0)
    else if (primvar.HasAuthoredElementSize())
        // if the elementSize was previously authored, we need to reset it as there is no way to block element size

    return true;

template <typename T>
const pxr::TfToken& PrimvarData<T>::interpolation() const
    return m_interpolation;

template <typename T>
const pxr::VtArray<T>& PrimvarData<T>::values() const
    return m_values;

template <typename T>
bool PrimvarData<T>::hasIndices() const
    return !m_indices.empty();

template <typename T>
const pxr::VtArray<int>& PrimvarData<T>::indices() const
    if (!m_indices.empty())
        return m_indices;

    throw std::runtime_error("It is invalid to call `indices()` on a `PrimvarData` unless `hasIndices()` returns true");

template <typename T>
int PrimvarData<T>::elementSize() const
    return m_elementSize;

template <typename T>
size_t PrimvarData<T>::effectiveSize() const
    if (m_elementSize > 0)
        return m_indices.empty() ? m_values.size() / m_elementSize : m_indices.size() / m_elementSize;
        return m_indices.empty() ? m_values.size() : m_indices.size();

template <typename T>
bool PrimvarData<T>::isValid() const
    if (!pxr::UsdGeomPrimvar::IsValidInterpolation(m_interpolation))
        return false;

    if (m_values.empty())
        return false;

    if (m_indices.empty())
        if (m_elementSize > 0 && (m_values.size() % m_elementSize))
            return false;
        if (m_elementSize > 0 && (m_indices.size() % m_elementSize))
            return false;

        size_t maxIndex = m_values.size() - 1;
        for (const int i : indices())
            if (i < 0 || (size_t)i > maxIndex)
                return false;

    return true;

template <typename T>
bool PrimvarData<T>::isIdentical(const PrimvarData& other) const
    return (
        (m_interpolation == other.interpolation()) && (m_elementSize == other.elementSize()) && (this->hasIndices() == other.hasIndices()) &&
        m_values.IsIdentical(other.values()) && m_indices.IsIdentical(other.indices())

template <typename T>
bool PrimvarData<T>::index()
    // Abort indexing if the element size is greater than one
    // We do not fully understand the correct manner by which indexing should be described when element size is involved.
    if (m_elementSize > 1)
        OMNI_LOG_ERROR("Unable to index PrimvarData due to element size greater than one");
        return false;

    // Compute the flattened values so that indexing can be performed on indexed or non-indexed data
    pxr::VtArray<T> flattenedValues;
    if (this->hasIndices())
        for (const auto& index : m_indices)
            if (size_t(index) < m_values.size())
                // Abort indexing if existing indices are outside the value range
                OMNI_LOG_ERROR("Unable to index PrimvarData due to existing indices outside the range of existing values");
                return false;
        flattenedValues = m_values;

    // Compute the indices and indexed values
    pxr::VtArray<T> indexedValues;
    pxr::VtIntArray indices;

    std::unordered_map<size_t, int> indexMap;
    for (const auto& value : flattenedValues)
        auto insertIt = indexMap.insert(std::make_pair(pxr::VtHashValue(value), indexedValues.size()));

        // If the insert succeeded it is a new value and should be added to the values array
        if (insertIt.second)


    // Do not update the values and indices if their sizes have not changed.
    // Otherwise we are simply shuffling the data rather than actually changing the indexing.
    if (m_values.size() == indexedValues.size() && m_indices.size() == indices.size())
        return false;

    // Do not update the values and indices if the indices and values are the same size and the data is currently not indexed.
    // Otherwise we are authoring redundant indexing as there are no duplicate values.
    if (indexedValues.size() == indices.size() && m_indices.empty())
        return false;

    // Update the values and indices
    m_values = indexedValues;
    m_indices = indices;

    return true;

template <typename T>
bool PrimvarData<T>::operator==(const PrimvarData<T>& other) const
    return (
        (m_interpolation == other.interpolation()) && (m_elementSize == other.elementSize()) && (this->hasIndices() == other.hasIndices()) &&
        (m_values == other.values()) && (m_indices == other.indices())

template <typename T>
bool PrimvarData<T>::operator!=(const PrimvarData<T>& other) const
    return !(*this == other);

} // namespace omni::connect::core