
Defined in OmniClient.h

struct OmniClientRetryBehavior

Parameters to control retry behavior.

The formula for delay between retries is: delayMs = (baseMs * count * count) + rand(0, jitterMs * count) where “count” is the current retry count.

Retries are aborted after ‘maxMs’ time has elapsed. Set it to 0 to disable retries.

Default behavior is: maxMs = 120,000 baseMs = 100 jitterMs = 100

Public Members

uint32_t maxMs

Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to attempt to retry.

uint32_t baseMs

Base amount of time (in milliseconds) to delay between retries. This is multiplied by the current retry count squared.

uint32_t jitterMs

Random amount of time (in milliseconds) to add to the delay between retries. This is multiplied by the current retry count.