Defined in carb/extras/WindowsPath.h
inline std::wstring carb::extras::getWindowsFullPath(const std::wstring &pathW)
(Windows only) Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file.
If it’s not possible, original path is returned.
- Errors
Accessible via carb::ErrorApi
Note: Error state is not cleared on success
omni::core::kResultFail - An error occurred
Other errors may be reported based on the underlying platform calls
- Parameters
pathW – Windows system file path, in Unicode (Windows native) encoding.
- Returns
The full path and file name of the input file. If an error occurs,
is returned without modification. In order to determine if an error occurred, use carb::ErrorApi. Since the error state is not cleared on success, clear the error state before calling this function if you wish to make sure that it succeeds.