
Defined in carb/extras/WindowsPath.h

inline std::wstring carb::extras::getWindowsFullPath(const std::wstring &pathW)

(Windows only) Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file.

If it’s not possible, original path is returned.


Accessible via carb::ErrorApi

  • Note: Error state is not cleared on success

  • omni::core::kResultFail - An error occurred

  • Other errors may be reported based on the underlying platform calls


pathW – Windows system file path, in Unicode (Windows native) encoding.


The full path and file name of the input file. If an error occurs, pathW is returned without modification. In order to determine if an error occurred, use carb::ErrorApi. Since the error state is not cleared on success, clear the error state before calling this function if you wish to make sure that it succeeds.