Defined in carb/profiler/Profile.h
CARB_PROFILE_CREATE_GPU_CONTEXT(name, correlatedCpuTimestampNs, correlatedGpuTimestamp, gpuTimestampPeriodNs, graphicApi)
Create a new GPU profiling context that allows injecting timestamps coming from a GPU in a deferred manner.
- Parameters
name – name of the context
correlatedCpuTimestampNs – correlated GPU clock timestamp (in nanoseconds)
correlatedGpuTimestamp – correlated GPU clock timestamp (raw value)
gpuTimestampPeriodNs – is the number of nanoseconds required for a GPU timestamp query to be incremented by 1.
graphicApi – string of graphic API used [‘vulkan’/’d3d12’]
- Returns
a valid ID or kInvalidGpuContextId if creation fails