
Defined in carb/extras/Options.h

class Value

A multi-value type.

This contains a single value of a specific type. The value can only be retrieved if it can be safely converted to the requested type.

Public Functions

inline Value()

Constructor: initializes an object with no specific value in it.

inline void clear()

Clears the value in this object.


No return value.

inline void set(const char *value)

Sets the value and type in this object.


value[in] The value to set in this object. The value’s type is implied from the setter that is used.


No return value.

inline void set(long value)

Sets the value and type in this object.


value[in] The value to set in this object. The value’s type is implied from the setter that is used.


No return value.

inline void set(long long value)

Sets the value and type in this object.


value[in] The value to set in this object. The value’s type is implied from the setter that is used.


No return value.

inline void set(float value)

Sets the value and type in this object.


value[in] The value to set in this object. The value’s type is implied from the setter that is used.


No return value.

inline void set(double value)

Sets the value and type in this object.


value[in] The value to set in this object. The value’s type is implied from the setter that is used.


No return value.

inline ValueType getType() const

Retrieves the type of the value in this object.


A type name for the value in this object.

inline const char *getString() const

Retrieves the value in this object.


The value converted into the requested format if possible.

inline long getLong() const

Retrieves the value in this object.


The value converted into the requested format if possible.

inline long long getLongLong() const

Retrieves the value in this object.


The value converted into the requested format if possible.

inline float getFloat() const

Retrieves the value in this object.


The value converted into the requested format if possible.

inline double getDouble() const

Retrieves the value in this object.


The value converted into the requested format if possible.

Public Members

const char *string
long integer
long long longInteger
float floatValue
double doubleValue