File members: carb/dictionary/DictionaryUtils.h
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
#pragma once
#include "../Framework.h"
#include "../InterfaceUtils.h"
#include "../datasource/IDataSource.h"
#include "../extras/CmdLineParser.h"
#include "../filesystem/IFileSystem.h"
#include "../logging/Log.h"
#include "IDictionary.h"
#include "ISerializer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
namespace carb
namespace dictionary
inline IDictionary* getCachedDictionaryInterface()
return getCachedInterface<IDictionary>();
template <typename ElementData>
using OnItemFn = ElementData (*)(const Item* srcItem, ElementData elementData, void* userData);
template <typename ItemPtrType>
inline ItemPtrType* getChildByIndex(IDictionary* dict, ItemPtrType* item, size_t idx);
template <>
inline const Item* getChildByIndex(IDictionary* dict, const Item* item, size_t idx)
return dict->getItemChildByIndex(item, idx);
enum class WalkerMode
template <typename ElementData,
typename OnItemFnType,
typename ItemPtrType = const Item,
typename GetChildByIndexFuncType CARB_NO_DOC(= decltype(getChildByIndex<ItemPtrType>))>
inline void walkDictionary(IDictionary* dict,
WalkerMode walkerMode,
ItemPtrType* root,
ElementData rootElementData,
OnItemFnType onItemFn,
void* userData,
GetChildByIndexFuncType getChildByIndexFunc = getChildByIndex<ItemPtrType>)
if (!root)
struct ValueToParse
ItemPtrType* srcItem;
ElementData elementData;
std::vector<ValueToParse> valuesToParse;
if (walkerMode == WalkerMode::eSkipRoot)
size_t numChildren = dict->getItemChildCount(root);
for (size_t chIdx = 0; chIdx < numChildren; ++chIdx)
valuesToParse.push_back({ getChildByIndexFunc(dict, root, numChildren - chIdx - 1), rootElementData });
valuesToParse.push_back({ root, rootElementData });
while (valuesToParse.size())
const ValueToParse valueToParse = valuesToParse.back();
ItemPtrType* curItem = valueToParse.srcItem;
ItemType curItemType = dict->getItemType(curItem);
if (curItemType == ItemType::eDictionary)
size_t numChildren = dict->getItemChildCount(curItem);
ElementData elementData = onItemFn(curItem, valueToParse.elementData, userData);
for (size_t chIdx = 0; chIdx < numChildren; ++chIdx)
valuesToParse.push_back({ getChildByIndexFunc(dict, curItem, numChildren - chIdx - 1), elementData });
onItemFn(curItem, valueToParse.elementData, userData);
inline std::string getStringFromItemName(const IDictionary* dict, const Item* baseItem, const char* path = nullptr)
const Item* item = dict->getItem(baseItem, path);
if (!item)
return std::string();
const char* itemNameBuf = dict->createStringBufferFromItemName(item);
std::string returnString = itemNameBuf;
return returnString;
inline std::string getStringFromItemValue(const IDictionary* dict, const Item* baseItem, const char* path = nullptr)
const Item* item = dict->getItem(baseItem, path);
if (!item)
return std::string();
const char* stringBuf = dict->createStringBufferFromItemValue(item);
std::string returnString = stringBuf;
return returnString;
inline std::vector<std::string> getStringArray(const IDictionary* dict, const Item* baseItem, const char* path)
const Item* itemAtKey = dict->getItem(baseItem, path);
std::vector<std::string> stringArray(dict->getArrayLength(itemAtKey));
for (size_t i = 0; i < stringArray.size(); i++)
stringArray[i] = dict->getStringBufferAt(itemAtKey, i);
return stringArray;
inline std::vector<std::string> getStringArray(const IDictionary* dict, const Item* item)
return getStringArray(dict, item, nullptr);
inline void setStringArray(IDictionary* dict, Item* baseItem, const char* path, const std::vector<std::string>& stringArray)
Item* itemAtKey = dict->getItemMutable(baseItem, path);
if (dict->getItemType(itemAtKey) != dictionary::ItemType::eCount)
for (size_t i = 0, stringCount = stringArray.size(); i < stringCount; ++i)
dict->setStringAt(itemAtKey, i, stringArray[i].c_str());
inline void setStringArray(IDictionary* dict, Item* item, const std::vector<std::string>& stringArray)
setStringArray(dict, item, nullptr, stringArray);
inline void setDictionaryElementAutoType(IDictionary* id, Item* dict, const std::string& path, const std::string& value)
if (!path.empty())
// We should validate that provided path is a proper path but for now we just use it
// Simple rules to support basic values:
// if the value starts and with quotes (" or ') then it's the string inside the quotes
// else if we can parse the value as a bool, int or float then we read it
// according to the type. Otherwise we consider it to be a string.
// Special case, if the string is empty, write an empty string early
if (value.empty())
constexpr const char* kEmptyString = "";
id->makeStringAtPath(dict, path.c_str(), kEmptyString);
if (value.size() > 1 &&
((value.front() == '"' && value.back() == '"') || (value.front() == '\'' && value.back() == '\'')))
// string value - chop off quotes
id->makeStringAtPath(dict, path.c_str(), value.substr(1, value.size() - 2).c_str());
// Convert the value to upper case to simplify checks
std::string uppercaseValue = value;
std::transform(value.begin(), value.end(), uppercaseValue.begin(),
[](const char c) { return static_cast<char>(::toupper(c)); });
// let's see if it's a boolean
if (uppercaseValue == "TRUE")
id->makeBoolAtPath(dict, path.c_str(), true);
if (uppercaseValue == "FALSE")
id->makeBoolAtPath(dict, path.c_str(), false);
// let's see if it's an integer
size_t valueLen = value.length();
char* endptr;
// Use a radix of 0 to allow for decimal, octal, and hexadecimal values to all be parsed.
const long long int valueAsInt = strtoll(value.c_str(), &endptr, 0);
if (endptr - value.c_str() == (ptrdiff_t)valueLen)
id->makeInt64AtPath(dict, path.c_str(), valueAsInt);
// let's see if it's a float
const double valueAsFloat = strtod(value.c_str(), &endptr);
if (endptr - value.c_str() == (ptrdiff_t)valueLen)
id->makeFloat64AtPath(dict, path.c_str(), valueAsFloat);
// consider the value to be a string even if it's empty
id->makeStringAtPath(dict, path.c_str(), value.c_str());
inline void setDictionaryFromStringMapping(IDictionary* id, Item* dict, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& mapping)
for (const auto& kv : mapping)
setDictionaryElementAutoType(id, dict, kv.first, kv.second);
inline void setDictionaryFromCmdLine(IDictionary* id, Item* dict, char** argv, int argc, const char* prefix = "--/")
carb::extras::CmdLineParser cmdLineParser(prefix);
cmdLineParser.parse(argv, argc);
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& opts = cmdLineParser.getOptions();
setDictionaryFromStringMapping(id, dict, opts);
inline void setDictionaryArrayElementFromStringValue(dictionary::IDictionary* dictionaryInterface,
dictionary::Item* targetDictionary,
const std::string& elementPath,
const std::string& elementValue)
if (elementPath.empty())
CARB_ASSERT(elementValue.size() >= 2 && elementValue.front() == '[' && elementValue.back() == ']');
// Force delete item if it exists before creating a new array
dictionary::Item* arrayItem = dictionaryInterface->getItemMutable(targetDictionary, elementPath.c_str());
if (arrayItem)
// Creating a new dictionary element at the required path
arrayItem = dictionaryInterface->makeDictionaryAtPath(targetDictionary, elementPath.c_str());
// Setting necessary flag to make it a proper empty array
// This will result in correct item replacement in case of dictionary merging
dictionaryInterface->setItemFlag(arrayItem, dictionary::ItemFlag::eUnitSubtree, true);
// Skip initial and the last square brackets and consider all elements separated by commas one by one
// For each value create corresponding new path including index
// Ex. "/some/path=[10,20]" will be processed as "/some/path/0=10" and "/some/path/1=20"
const std::string commonElementPath = elementPath + '/';
size_t curElementIndex = 0;
// Helper adds provided value into the dictionary and increases index for the next addition
auto dictElementAddHelper = [&](std::string value) {
// Processing only non empty strings, empty string values should be stated as "": [ "a", "", "b" ]
if (value.empty())
"Encountered and skipped an empty value for dictionary array element '%s' while parsing value '%s'",
elementPath.c_str(), elementValue.c_str());
dictionaryInterface, targetDictionary, commonElementPath + std::to_string(curElementIndex), value);
std::string::size_type curValueStartPos = 1;
// Add comma-separated values (except for the last one)
for (std::string::size_type curCommaPos = elementValue.find(',', curValueStartPos);
curCommaPos != std::string::npos; curCommaPos = elementValue.find(',', curValueStartPos))
dictElementAddHelper(elementValue.substr(curValueStartPos, curCommaPos - curValueStartPos));
curValueStartPos = curCommaPos + 1;
// Now only the last value is left for addition
std::string lastValue = elementValue.substr(curValueStartPos, elementValue.size() - curValueStartPos - 1);
// Do nothing if it's just a trailing comma: [ 1, 2, 3, ]
if (!lastValue.empty())
dictionaryInterface, targetDictionary, commonElementPath + std::to_string(curElementIndex), lastValue);
inline Item* createDictionaryFromFile(ISerializer* serializer, const char* filename)
carb::filesystem::IFileSystem* fs = carb::getCachedInterface<carb::filesystem::IFileSystem>();
auto file = fs->openFileToRead(filename);
if (!file)
return nullptr;
const size_t fileSize = fs->getFileSize(file);
const size_t contentLen = fileSize + 1;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> heap;
char* content;
if (contentLen <= 4096)
content = CARB_STACK_ALLOC(char, contentLen);
heap.reset(new char[contentLen]);
content = heap.get();
const size_t readBytes = fs->readFileChunk(file, content, contentLen);
if (readBytes != fileSize)
CARB_LOG_ERROR("Only read %zu bytes of a total of %zu bytes from file '%s'", readBytes, fileSize, filename);
// NUL terminate
content[readBytes] = '\0';
return serializer->createDictionaryFromStringBuffer(content, readBytes, fDeserializerOptionInSitu);
inline void saveFileFromDictionary(ISerializer* serializer,
const dictionary::Item* dictionary,
const char* filename,
SerializerOptions serializerOptions)
const char* serializedString = serializer->createStringBufferFromDictionary(dictionary, serializerOptions);
filesystem::IFileSystem* fs = getFramework()->acquireInterface<filesystem::IFileSystem>();
filesystem::File* sFile = fs->openFileToWrite(filename);
if (sFile == nullptr)
CARB_LOG_ERROR("failed to open file '%s' - unable to save the dictionary", filename);
fs->writeFileChunk(sFile, serializedString, strlen(serializedString));
inline std::string dumpToString(const dictionary::Item* c, const char* serializerName = nullptr)
std::string serializedDictionary;
Framework* framework = carb::getFramework();
dictionary::ISerializer* configSerializer = nullptr;
// First, try to acquire interface with provided plugin name, if any
if (serializerName)
configSerializer = framework->tryAcquireInterface<dictionary::ISerializer>(serializerName);
// If not available, or plugin name is not provided, try to acquire any serializer interface
if (!configSerializer)
configSerializer = framework->tryAcquireInterface<dictionary::ISerializer>();
const char* configString =
configSerializer->createStringBufferFromDictionary(c, dictionary::fSerializerOptionMakePretty);
if (configString != nullptr)
serializedDictionary = configString;
return serializedDictionary;
inline std::string getItemFullPath(dictionary::IDictionary* dict, const carb::dictionary::Item* item)
if (!item)
return std::string();
std::vector<const char*> pathElementsNames;
while (item)
item = dict->getItemParent(item);
size_t totalSize = 0;
for (const auto& elementName : pathElementsNames)
totalSize += 1; // the '/' separator
if (elementName)
totalSize += std::strlen(elementName);
std::string result;
for (size_t idx = 0, elementCount = pathElementsNames.size(); idx < elementCount; ++idx)
const char* elementName = pathElementsNames[elementCount - idx - 1];
result += '/';
if (elementName)
result += elementName;
return result;
template <typename Type>
inline ItemType toItemType();
template <>
inline ItemType toItemType<int32_t>()
return ItemType::eInt;
template <>
inline ItemType toItemType<int64_t>()
return ItemType::eInt;
template <>
inline ItemType toItemType<float>()
return ItemType::eFloat;
template <>
inline ItemType toItemType<double>()
return ItemType::eFloat;
template <>
inline ItemType toItemType<bool>()
return ItemType::eBool;
template <>
inline ItemType toItemType<char*>()
return ItemType::eString;
template <>
inline ItemType toItemType<const char*>()
return ItemType::eString;
inline void unsubscribeTreeFromAllEvents(IDictionary* dict, Item* item)
auto unsubscribeItem = [](Item* srcItem, uint32_t elementData, void* userData) -> uint32_t {
IDictionary* dict = (IDictionary*)userData;
return elementData;
const auto getChildByIndexMutable = [](IDictionary* dict, Item* item, size_t index) {
return dict->getItemChildByIndexMutable(item, index);
walkDictionary(dict, WalkerMode::eIncludeRoot, item, 0, unsubscribeItem, dict, getChildByIndexMutable);
inline UpdateAction overwriteOriginalWithArrayHandling(
const Item* dstItem, ItemType dstItemType, const Item* srcItem, ItemType srcItemType, void* dictionaryInterface)
CARB_UNUSED(dstItemType, srcItemType);
if (dstItem && dictionaryInterface)
carb::dictionary::IDictionary* dictInt = static_cast<carb::dictionary::IDictionary*>(dictionaryInterface);
if (dictInt->getItemFlag(srcItem, carb::dictionary::ItemFlag::eUnitSubtree))
return carb::dictionary::UpdateAction::eReplaceSubtree;
return carb::dictionary::UpdateAction::eOverwrite;
} // namespace dictionary
} // namespace carb