
File members: carb/container/RobinHoodImpl.h

// Copyright (c) 2022-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

#pragma once

#include "../Defines.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

#include "../cpp20/Bit.h"

namespace carb
namespace container

namespace detail

template <class Key, class ValueType>
struct Select1st
    const Key& operator()(const ValueType& vt) const noexcept
        return vt.first;

template <class Key, class ValueType>
struct Identity
    const Key& operator()(const ValueType& vt) const noexcept
        return vt;

template <size_t LoadFactorMax100, class Key, class ValueType, class KeyFromValue, class Hasher, class Equals>
class CARB_VIZ RobinHood
    using key_type = Key;
    using value_type = ValueType;
    using size_type = std::size_t;
    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using hasher = Hasher;
    using key_equal = Equals;
    using reference = value_type&;
    using const_reference = const value_type&;
    using pointer = value_type*;
    using const_pointer = const value_type*;

    static_assert(LoadFactorMax100 >= 10 && LoadFactorMax100 <= 100, "Load factor must be in range [10, 100]");

    // clang-format off
    class iter_base
        constexpr iter_base() noexcept = default;
        bool operator == (const iter_base& other) const noexcept { CARB_ASSERT(owner == other.owner); return where == other.where; }
        bool operator != (const iter_base& other) const noexcept { CARB_ASSERT(owner == other.owner); return where != other.where; }
        constexpr iter_base(const RobinHood* owner_, value_type* where_) noexcept : owner(owner_), where(where_) {}
        CARB_VIZ const RobinHood* owner{ nullptr };
        CARB_VIZ value_type* where{ nullptr };

    class CARB_VIZ const_find_iterator : public iter_base
        using Base = iter_base;
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using value_type = RobinHood::value_type;
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
        using pointer = const value_type*;
        using reference = const value_type&;
        constexpr               const_find_iterator() noexcept = default;
        reference               operator *  () const noexcept   { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return *this->where; }
        pointer                 operator -> () const noexcept   { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return this->where; }
        const_find_iterator&    operator ++ () noexcept         { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); incr(); return *this; }
        const_find_iterator     operator ++ (int) noexcept      { const_find_iterator i{ *this }; incr(); return i; }
        friend class RobinHood;
        constexpr const_find_iterator(const RobinHood* owner_, value_type* where_) noexcept : Base{ owner_, where_ } {}
        void incr() { CARB_ASSERT(this->owner && this->where); this->where = this->owner->_findnext(this->where); }
    class find_iterator : public const_find_iterator
        using Base = const_find_iterator;
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using value_type = RobinHood::value_type;
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
        using pointer = value_type*;
        using reference = value_type&;
        constexpr       find_iterator() noexcept = default;
        reference       operator *  () const noexcept { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return *this->where; }
        pointer         operator -> () const noexcept { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return this->where; }
        find_iterator&  operator ++ () noexcept       { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); this->incr(); return *this; }
        find_iterator   operator ++ (int) noexcept    { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); find_iterator i{ *this }; this->incr(); return i; }
        friend class RobinHood;
        constexpr find_iterator(const RobinHood* owner_, value_type* where_) noexcept : Base(owner_, where_) {}

    class CARB_VIZ const_iterator : public iter_base
        using Base = iter_base;
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using value_type = RobinHood::value_type;
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
        using pointer = const value_type*;
        using reference = const value_type&;
        constexpr       const_iterator() noexcept = default;
        reference       operator *  () const noexcept   { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return *this->where; }
        pointer         operator -> () const noexcept   { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return this->where; }
        const_iterator& operator ++ () noexcept         { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); incr(); return *this; }
        const_iterator  operator ++ (int) noexcept      { const_iterator i{ *this }; incr(); return i; }
        friend class RobinHood;
        constexpr const_iterator(const RobinHood* owner_, value_type* where_) noexcept : Base{ owner_, where_ } {}
        void incr() { CARB_ASSERT(this->owner && this->where); this->where = this->owner->_next(this->where); }
    class iterator : public const_iterator
        using Base = const_iterator;
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using value_type = RobinHood::value_type;
        using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
        using pointer = value_type*;
        using reference = value_type&;
        constexpr iterator() noexcept = default;
        reference operator *  () const noexcept { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return *this->where; }
        pointer   operator -> () const noexcept { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); return this->where; }
        iterator& operator ++ () noexcept       { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); this->incr(); return *this; }
        iterator  operator ++ (int) noexcept    { CARB_ASSERT(this->where); iterator i{ *this }; this->incr(); return i; }
        friend class RobinHood;
        constexpr iterator(const RobinHood* owner_, value_type* where_) noexcept : Base(owner_, where_) {}
    // clang-format on

    constexpr RobinHood() noexcept = default;

    RobinHood(const RobinHood& other)
        // This effectively rebuilds `other` as *this, but it sizes *this as compactly as possible (whereas `other` may
        // have a high capacity():size() ratio).
        for (auto& entry : other)
            auto result = internal_insert_multi(KeyFromValue{}(entry));
            new (result) value_type(entry); // copy

    RobinHood(RobinHood&& other)
        std::swap(m_data, other.m_data);

        if (m_data.m_table)
            if (!empty() && !std::is_trivially_destructible<value_type>::value)
                for (size_t i = 0; i != m_data.m_tableSize; ++i)
                    if (isHashValid(m_data.m_hashes[i]))
            std::free(std::exchange(m_data.m_table, nullptr));
            m_data.m_hashes = nullptr;
            m_data.m_size = m_data.m_tableSize = 0;

    RobinHood& operator=(const RobinHood& other)
        for (auto& entry : other)
            auto result = internal_insert_multi(KeyFromValue{}(entry));
            new (result) value_type(entry);
        return *this;

    RobinHood& operator=(RobinHood&& other)
        if (this != &other)
            std::swap(m_data, other.m_data);
        return *this;

    const_iterator cbegin() const
        if (CARB_UNLIKELY(empty()))
            return cend();

        auto const end = m_data.m_hashes + m_data.m_tableSize;
        for (auto e = m_data.m_hashes; e != end; ++e)
            if (isHashValid(*e))
                return { this, m_data.m_table + (e - m_data.m_hashes) };

        // Should never get here since we checked empty()
        return cend();

    iterator begin()
        if (CARB_UNLIKELY(empty()))
            return end();

        auto const kEnd = m_data.m_hashes + m_data.m_tableSize;
        for (auto e = m_data.m_hashes; e != kEnd; ++e)
            if (isHashValid(*e))
                return { this, m_data.m_table + (e - m_data.m_hashes) };

        // Should never get here since we checked empty()
        return end();

    const_iterator begin() const
        return cbegin();

    const_iterator cend() const
        return { this, nullptr };

    iterator end()
        return { this, nullptr };

    const_iterator end() const
        return cend();

    bool empty() const noexcept
        return !m_data.m_size;

    size_t size() const noexcept
        return m_data.m_size;

    constexpr size_t max_size() const noexcept
        return size_t(-1) & ~kDeletedBit;

    size_t capacity() const noexcept
        // Handle case where Windows.h may have defined 'max'
#pragma push_macro("max")
#undef max
        if (CARB_LIKELY(m_data.m_tableSize <= (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 100)))
            return (m_data.m_tableSize * LoadFactorMax100) / 100;
#pragma pop_macro("max")
        // In the unlikely event of a huge table, switch operations to not overflow
        return (m_data.m_tableSize / 100) * LoadFactorMax100;

    void clear()
        if (!empty())
            size_t* const end = m_data.m_hashes + m_data.m_tableSize;
            for (size_t* e = m_data.m_hashes; e != end; ++e)
                if (isHashValid(*e) && !std::is_trivially_destructible<value_type>::value)
                    m_data.m_table[e - m_data.m_hashes].~value_type();
                *e = kEmpty;
            m_data.m_size = 0;

    void swap(RobinHood& other)
        std::swap(m_data, other.m_data);

    iterator erase(const_iterator pos)
        CARB_ASSERT(pos.owner == this);

        return iterator{ this, _next(pos.where) };

    iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
        while (first != last)
            first = erase(first);
        return { this, first.where };

    find_iterator erase(const_find_iterator pos)
        CARB_ASSERT(pos.owner == this);

        find_iterator next{ this, _findnext(pos.where) };
        return next;

    find_iterator erase(const_find_iterator first, const_find_iterator last)
        while (first != last)
            first = erase(first);
        return { this, first.where };

    find_iterator find(const key_type& key)
        return { this, internal_find(key) };

    const_find_iterator find(const key_type& key) const
        return { this, internal_find(key) };

    bool contains(const key_type& key) const
        return !!internal_find(key);

    std::pair<find_iterator, find_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key)
        auto vt = this->internal_find(key);
        find_iterator fend{ this, nullptr };
        return vt ? std::make_pair(find_iterator{ this, vt }, fend) : std::make_pair(fend, fend);

    std::pair<const_find_iterator, const_find_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) const
        auto vt = this->internal_find(key);
        const_find_iterator fend{ this, nullptr };
        return vt ? std::make_pair(const_find_iterator{ this, vt }, fend) : std::make_pair(fend, fend);

    void reserve(size_t n)
        if (n > capacity())

    void rehash(size_t n)
        if (n < m_data.m_size)
            n = m_data.m_size;

        if (n == 0)
            m_data.m_table = nullptr;
            m_data.m_hashes = nullptr;
            m_data.m_tableSize = 0;

        ncvalue_type* const oldtable = m_data.m_table;
        size_t* const oldhashes = m_data.m_hashes;
        size_t* const oldend = oldhashes + m_data.m_tableSize;

        size_t minsize = (n * 100 + (LoadFactorMax100 - 1)) / LoadFactorMax100; // ceiling (round up)
        constexpr static auto kMinSize_ = kMinSize; // CC-1110
        size_t newsize = ::carb_max(kMinSize_, cpp20::bit_ceil(minsize)); // must be a power of 2

        m_data.m_tableSize = newsize;
        CARB_ASSERT(capacity() >= m_data.m_size);

        m_data.m_table =
            static_cast<ncvalue_type*>(std::malloc(m_data.m_tableSize * (sizeof(ncvalue_type) + sizeof(size_t))));
        m_data.m_hashes = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(m_data.m_table + m_data.m_tableSize);
        size_t* const end = m_data.m_hashes + m_data.m_tableSize;

        // Initialize
        for (size_t* e = m_data.m_hashes; e != end; ++e)
            *e = kEmpty;

        for (size_t* e = oldhashes; e != oldend; ++e)
            if (isHashValid(*e))
                auto result = internal_insert_multi2(*e, KeyFromValue{}(oldtable[e - oldhashes]));
                new (result) ncvalue_type(std::move(oldtable[e - oldhashes]));
                oldtable[e - oldhashes].~value_type();


    constexpr static size_t kDeletedBit = size_t(1) << (8 * sizeof(size_t) - 1);
    constexpr static size_t kEmpty = size_t(-1) & ~kDeletedBit;
    constexpr static size_t kMinSize = 8; // Minimum hash table size
    static_assert(cpp20::has_single_bit(kMinSize), "Must be power of 2");

    using ncvalue_type = typename std::remove_const_t<value_type>;

    static constexpr bool isEmpty(size_t h) noexcept
        return h == kEmpty;
    static constexpr bool isDeleted(size_t h) noexcept
        return !!(h & kDeletedBit);
    static constexpr bool isHashValid(size_t h) noexcept
        return !(isDeleted(h) | isEmpty(h));

    struct Data : public Hasher, public Equals
        CARB_VIZ ncvalue_type* m_table{ nullptr };
        CARB_VIZ size_t* m_hashes{ nullptr };
        CARB_VIZ size_t m_size{ 0 };
        CARB_VIZ size_t m_tableSize{ 0 };

    size_t hash(const key_type& key) const noexcept
        const Hasher& hasher = m_data;
        size_t h = size_t(hasher(key)) & ~kDeletedBit;
        return h ^ (h == kEmpty);

    bool equals(const key_type& k1, const key_type& k2) const noexcept
        const Equals& e = m_data;
        return e(k1, k2);

    void assertContained(const value_type* v) const
        CARB_ASSERT(v >= m_data.m_table && v < (m_data.m_table + m_data.m_tableSize));

    const size_t* _end() const noexcept
        return m_data.m_hashes + m_data.m_tableSize;

    value_type* _next(value_type* prev) const

        const size_t* e = m_data.m_hashes + (prev - m_data.m_table) + 1;
        for (; e != _end(); ++e)
            if (isHashValid(*e))
                return m_data.m_table + (e - m_data.m_hashes);

        return nullptr;

    value_type* _findnext(value_type* prev) const

        size_t const h = m_data.m_hashes[(prev - m_data.m_table)];
        key_type const& key = KeyFromValue{}(*prev);

        size_t const kMask = (m_data.m_tableSize - 1);
        size_t const start = (h & kMask); // starting index of the search. If we get back to this point, we're done.

        size_t index = ((prev - m_data.m_table) + 1) & kMask;
        size_t dist = (index - start) & kMask;

        for (; index != start; index = (index + 1) & kMask, ++dist)
            size_t* e = m_data.m_hashes + index;

            if (isEmpty(*e))
                return nullptr;

            if (*e == h && equals(KeyFromValue{}(m_data.m_table[index]), key))
                return m_data.m_table + index;

            size_t entryDist = (index - *e) & kMask;
            if (dist > entryDist)
                return nullptr;

        return nullptr;

    constexpr iterator make_iter(value_type* where) const noexcept
        return iterator{ this, where };

    std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(const value_type& value)
        auto result = internal_insert(KeyFromValue{}(value));
        if (result.second)
            new (result.first) value_type(value);
        return std::make_pair(iterator{ this, result.first }, result.second);

    std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(value_type&& value)
        auto result = internal_insert(KeyFromValue{}(value));
        if (result.second)
            new (result.first) value_type(std::move(value));
        return std::make_pair(iterator{ this, result.first }, result.second);

    iterator insert_multi(const value_type& value)
        return { this, new (internal_insert_multi(KeyFromValue{}(value))) value_type(value) };

    iterator insert_multi(value_type&& value)
        return { this, new (internal_insert_multi(KeyFromValue{}(value))) value_type(std::move(value)) };

    ncvalue_type* internal_insert_multi(const key_type& key)
        if (((m_data.m_size) + 1) >= capacity())
            reserve(m_data.m_size + 1);

        CARB_ASSERT(m_data.m_size < m_data.m_tableSize);
        size_t h = hash(key);
        return internal_insert_multi2(h, key);

    ncvalue_type* internal_insert_multi2(size_t h, const key_type& key)
        size_t const kMask = (m_data.m_tableSize - 1);
        size_t index = h & kMask;
        size_t last = (index - 1) & kMask;

        size_t dist = 0; // distance from desired slot

        size_t* e;
        for (;;)
            e = m_data.m_hashes + index;

            if (isEmpty(*e))
                *e = h;
                return m_data.m_table + index;

            // Compute the distance of the existing item or deleted entry
            size_t const existingDist = (index - *e) & kMask;
            if (isDeleted(*e))
                // The evicted item can only go into a deleted slot only if it's "fair": our distance-from-desired must
                // be same or worse than the existing deleted item.
                if (dist >= existingDist)
                    // We can take a deleted entry that meets or exceeds our desired distance
                    *e = h;
                    return m_data.m_table + (e - m_data.m_hashes);
            else if (dist > existingDist)
                // Our distance from desired now exceeds the current entry, so we'll take it and evict whatever was
                // previously there. Proceed to the next phase to find a spot for the evicted entry.
                dist = existingDist;

            if (CARB_UNLIKELY(index == last))
                // We reached the end without finding a valid spot, but there are deleted entries in the table. So
                // rebuild to remove all of the deleted entries and recursively call.
                return internal_insert_multi2(h, key);

            index = (index + 1) & kMask;

        // At this point, we have to evict an existing item in order to insert at a fair position. The slot that will
        // contain our new entry is pointed at by `orig`. Our caller will be responsible for initializing the value_type

        ncvalue_type* const orig = m_data.m_table + (e - m_data.m_hashes);
        std::swap(*e, h);
        ncvalue_type value(std::move(*orig));
        orig->~value_type(); // caller will need to reconstruct.

        // We are now taking the perspective of the evicted item. `h` is already the hash value for the evicted item, so
        // recompute `last`. `dist` is already the distance from desired for the evicted item as well.
        last = (h - 1) & kMask;

        // Start with the following index as it is the first candidate for the evicted item.
        index = (index + 1) & kMask;

        for (;;)
            e = m_data.m_hashes + index;

            if (isEmpty(*e))
                // Found an empty slot that the evicted item can move into.
                *e = h;
                new (m_data.m_table + index) value_type(std::move(value));
                return orig;

            size_t existingDist = (index - *e) & kMask;
            if (isDeleted(*e))
                // The evicted item can only go into a deleted slot only if it's "fair": our distance-from-desired must
                // be same or worse than the existing deleted item.
                if (dist >= existingDist)
                    *e = h;
                    new (m_data.m_table + index) value_type(std::move(value));
                    return orig;
            else if (dist > existingDist)
                // For an existing item, we can swap it out with the previously evicted item if it is worse off than the
                // item at this location. It becomes the new evicted item and we continue traversal until we find a
                // suitable location for it.
                std::swap(*e, h);
                swapValue(value, m_data.m_table[e - m_data.m_hashes]);
                dist = existingDist;
                last = (h - 1) & kMask;

            if (index == last)
                // We're in a bad state. There are too many deleted items and we've walked the entire list trying to
                // find a location. Do a rebuild to remove all the deleted entries and re-hash everything then call
                // recursively.
                std::swap(m_data.m_hashes[orig - m_data.m_table], h);
                // Reconstruct the item at orig since it was previously deleted.
                new (orig) value_type(std::move(value));
                CARB_ASSERT(h == hash(key));
                return internal_insert_multi2(h, key);

            index = (index + 1) & kMask;

    std::pair<ncvalue_type*, bool> internal_insert(const key_type& key)
        if ((m_data.m_size + 1) >= capacity())
            reserve(m_data.m_size + 1);

        CARB_ASSERT(m_data.m_size < m_data.m_tableSize);
        size_t h = hash(key);
        auto result = internal_insert2(h, key);
        m_data.m_size += result.second;
        return result;

    std::pair<ncvalue_type*, bool> internal_insert2(size_t h, const key_type& key)
        size_t const kMask = (m_data.m_tableSize - 1);
        size_t index = h & kMask;
        size_t last = (index - 1) & kMask;

        size_t dist = 0; // distance from desired slot
        size_t* firstDeletedSlot = nullptr;

        size_t* e;
        for (;;)
            e = m_data.m_hashes + index;

            if (isEmpty(*e))
                *e = h;
                return std::make_pair(m_data.m_table + index, true);

            if (*e == h && equals(KeyFromValue{}(m_data.m_table[index]), key))
                return std::make_pair(m_data.m_table + index, false);

            // Compute the distance of the existing item or deleted entry
            size_t const existingDist = (index - *e) & kMask;
            if (dist > existingDist)
                // Our distance from desired now exceeds the current entry, so we'll take it. If it's deleted, we can
                // merely take it, but if something already exists there, we need to move it down the line.
                if (!firstDeletedSlot && isDeleted(*e))
                    firstDeletedSlot = e;

                if (firstDeletedSlot)
                    // If we found a deleted slot, we can go into it
                    *firstDeletedSlot = h;
                    return std::make_pair(m_data.m_table + (firstDeletedSlot - m_data.m_hashes), true);

                if (CARB_UNLIKELY(index == last))
                    // We reached the end without finding a valid spot, but there are deleted entries in the table. So
                    // rebuild to remove all of the deleted entries and recursively call.
                    return internal_insert2(h, key);

                // We break out and proceed to find a new location for the existing entry
                dist = existingDist;
            else if (!firstDeletedSlot && dist == existingDist && isDeleted(*e))
                firstDeletedSlot = e;

            if (CARB_UNLIKELY(index == last))
                // We reached the end without finding a valid spot. Rebuild to remove all deleted entries and call
                // recursively.
                return internal_insert2(h, key);

            index = (index + 1) & kMask;

        // At this point, we guarantee that we need to insert and we had to evict an existing item. The slot that will
        // contain our new entry is pointed at by `orig`. Our caller will be responsible for initializing the value_type

        ncvalue_type* const orig = m_data.m_table + (e - m_data.m_hashes);
        std::swap(*e, h);
        ncvalue_type value(std::move(*orig));
        orig->~value_type(); // caller will need to reconstruct.

        // We are now taking the perspective of the evicted item. `h` is already the hash value for the evicted item, so
        // recompute `last`. `dist` is already the distance from desired for the evicted item as well.
        last = (h - 1) & kMask;

        // Start with the following index as it is the first candidate for the evicted item.
        index = (index + 1) & kMask;

        for (;;)
            e = m_data.m_hashes + index;

            if (isEmpty(*e))
                // Found an empty slot that the evicted item can move into.
                *e = h;
                new (m_data.m_table + index) value_type(std::move(value));
                return std::make_pair(orig, true);

            size_t existingDist = (index - *e) & kMask;
            if (isDeleted(*e))
                // The evicted item can only go into a deleted slot only if it's "fair": our distance-from-desired must
                // be same or worse than the existing deleted item.
                if (dist >= existingDist)
                    *e = h;
                    new (m_data.m_table + index) value_type(std::move(value));
                    return std::make_pair(orig, true);
            else if (dist > existingDist)
                // For an existing item, we can swap it out with the previously evicted item if it is worse off than the
                // item at this location. It becomes the new evicted item and we continue traversal until we find a
                // suitable location for it.
                std::swap(*e, h);
                swapValue(value, m_data.m_table[e - m_data.m_hashes]);
                dist = existingDist;
                last = (h - 1) & kMask;

            if (index == last)
                // We're in a bad state. There are too many deleted items and we've walked the entire list trying to
                // find a location. Do a rebuild to remove all the deleted entries and re-hash everything then call
                // recursively.
                std::swap(m_data.m_hashes[orig - m_data.m_table], h);
                // Reconstruct the item at orig since it was previously deleted.
                new (orig) value_type(std::move(value));
                CARB_ASSERT(h == hash(key));
                return internal_insert2(h, key);

            index = (index + 1) & kMask;

    size_t internal_count_multi(const key_type& key) const
        size_t count = 0;
        for (auto vt = internal_find(key); vt; vt = _findnext(vt))
        return count;

    void internal_erase(value_type* value)
        size_t index = value - m_data.m_table;
        size_t* h = m_data.m_hashes + index;
        // Set the deleted bit, but we retain most bits in the hash so that distance checks work properly.
        *h |= kDeletedBit;

        // If our next entry is kEmpty, then we can walk backwards and set everything to kEmpty. This will keep the
        // table a bit cleaner of deleted entries.
        size_t const kMask = m_data.m_tableSize - 1;
        if (isEmpty(m_data.m_hashes[(index + 1) & kMask]))
                *h = kEmpty;
                index = (index - 1) & kMask;
                h = m_data.m_hashes + index;
            } while (isDeleted(*h));

    value_type* internal_find(const key_type& key) const
        if (CARB_UNLIKELY(empty()))
            return nullptr;

        size_t const h = hash(key);
        size_t const kMask = size_t(m_data.m_tableSize - 1);
        size_t index = h & kMask;
        size_t dist = 0;

        for (;;)
            size_t* e = m_data.m_hashes + index;

            if (isEmpty(*e))
                return nullptr;

            if (*e == h && equals(KeyFromValue{}(m_data.m_table[index]), key))
                return m_data.m_table + index;

            size_t entryDist = (index - *e) & kMask;
            if (dist > entryDist)
                return nullptr;

            // We do not need to check against the last entry here because distance keeps increasing. Eventually it will
            // be larger than the number of items in the map.

            index = (index + 1) & kMask;

    static void swapValue(ncvalue_type& v1, ncvalue_type& v2) noexcept
        // Cannot use std::swap because key is const, so work around it with move-construct/destruction
        ncvalue_type temp{ std::move(v1) };
        new (&v1) ncvalue_type(std::move(v2));
        new (&v2) ncvalue_type(std::move(temp));

    // Similar to rehash except that it keeps the same table size
    void rebuild()
        ncvalue_type* const oldtable = m_data.m_table;
        size_t* const oldhashes = m_data.m_hashes;
        size_t* const oldend = oldhashes + m_data.m_tableSize;

        m_data.m_table =
            static_cast<ncvalue_type*>(std::malloc(m_data.m_tableSize * (sizeof(ncvalue_type) + sizeof(size_t))));
        m_data.m_hashes = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(m_data.m_table + m_data.m_tableSize);
        size_t* const end = m_data.m_hashes + m_data.m_tableSize;

        for (size_t* e = m_data.m_hashes; e != end; ++e)
            *e = kEmpty;

        if (CARB_LIKELY(m_data.m_size != 0))
            for (size_t* e = oldhashes; e != oldend; ++e)
                if (isHashValid(*e))
                    auto result = internal_insert_multi2(*e, KeyFromValue{}(oldtable[e - oldhashes]));
                    new (result) ncvalue_type(std::move(oldtable[e - oldhashes]));
                    oldtable[e - oldhashes].~value_type();


    CARB_VIZ Data m_data;

template <size_t LoadFactorMax100, class Key, class ValueType, class KeyFromValue, class Hasher, class Equals>
void swap(RobinHood<LoadFactorMax100, Key, ValueType, KeyFromValue, Hasher, Equals>& lhs,
          RobinHood<LoadFactorMax100, Key, ValueType, KeyFromValue, Hasher, Equals>& rhs)

template <size_t LoadFactorMax100_1, size_t LoadFactorMax100_2, class Key, class ValueType, class KeyFromValue, class Hasher1, class Hasher2, class Equals>
bool operator==(const RobinHood<LoadFactorMax100_1, Key, ValueType, KeyFromValue, Hasher1, Equals>& lhs,
                const RobinHood<LoadFactorMax100_2, Key, ValueType, KeyFromValue, Hasher2, Equals>& rhs)
    Equals equals{};
    return std::is_permutation(
        lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), [&equals](const ValueType& l, const ValueType& r) {
            KeyFromValue kfv{};
            return equals(kfv(l), kfv(r));

template <size_t LoadFactorMax100_1, size_t LoadFactorMax100_2, class Key, class ValueType, class KeyFromValue, class Hasher1, class Hasher2, class Equals>
bool operator!=(const RobinHood<LoadFactorMax100_1, Key, ValueType, KeyFromValue, Hasher1, Equals>& lhs,
                const RobinHood<LoadFactorMax100_2, Key, ValueType, KeyFromValue, Hasher2, Equals>& rhs)
    return !(lhs == rhs);

} // namespace detail
} // namespace container
} // namespace carb