File members: carb/container/IntrusiveList.h
// Copyright (c) 2020-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
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#pragma once
#include "../Defines.h"
#include <iterator>
namespace carb
namespace container
template <class T>
class IntrusiveListLink
using ValueType = T;
constexpr IntrusiveListLink() noexcept = default;
// Shouldn't be contained at destruction time
bool isContained() const noexcept
return m_next != nullptr;
template <class U, IntrusiveListLink<U> U::*V>
friend class IntrusiveList;
CARB_VIZ IntrusiveListLink* m_next{ nullptr };
IntrusiveListLink* m_prev{ nullptr };
constexpr IntrusiveListLink(IntrusiveListLink* init) noexcept : m_next(init), m_prev(init)
template <class T, IntrusiveListLink<T> T::*U>
class CARB_VIZ IntrusiveList
using ValueType = T;
using Link = IntrusiveListLink<T>;
// Iterator support
// clang-format off
class const_iterator
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = ValueType;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = const value_type*;
using reference = const value_type&;
const_iterator() noexcept = default;
reference operator * () const { assertNotEnd(); return IntrusiveList::_value(*m_where); }
pointer operator -> () const { assertNotEnd(); return std::addressof(operator*()); }
const_iterator& operator ++ () noexcept /* ++iter */ { assertNotEnd(); incr(); return *this; }
const_iterator operator ++ (int) noexcept /* iter++ */ { assertNotEnd(); const_iterator i{ *this }; incr(); return i; }
const_iterator& operator -- () noexcept /* --iter */ { decr(); return *this; }
const_iterator operator -- (int) noexcept /* iter-- */ { const_iterator i{ *this }; decr(); return i; }
bool operator == (const const_iterator& rhs) const noexcept { assertSameOwner(rhs); return m_where == rhs.m_where; }
bool operator != (const const_iterator& rhs) const noexcept { assertSameOwner(rhs); return m_where != rhs.m_where; }
friend class IntrusiveList;
Link* m_where{ nullptr };
const IntrusiveList* m_owner{ nullptr };
const_iterator(Link* where, const IntrusiveList* owner) : m_where(where), m_owner(owner) {}
void assertOwner(const IntrusiveList* list) const noexcept
CARB_ASSERT(m_owner == list, "IntrusiveList iterator for invalid container");
void assertSameOwner(const const_iterator& rhs) const noexcept
CARB_ASSERT(m_owner == rhs.m_owner, "IntrusiveList iterators are from different containers");
void assertNotEnd() const noexcept
CARB_ASSERT(m_where != m_owner->_end(), "Invalid operation on IntrusiveList::end() iterator");
const_iterator(Link* where, const IntrusiveList*) : m_where(where) {}
void assertOwner(const IntrusiveList* list) const noexcept
void assertSameOwner(const const_iterator& rhs) const noexcept
void assertNotEnd() const noexcept {}
void incr() { m_where = m_where->m_next; }
void decr() { m_where = m_where->m_prev; }
class iterator : public const_iterator
using Base = const_iterator;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = ValueType;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
iterator() noexcept = default;
reference operator * () const { this->assertNotEnd(); return IntrusiveList::_value(*this->m_where); }
pointer operator -> () const { this->assertNotEnd(); return std::addressof(operator*()); }
iterator& operator ++ () noexcept /* ++iter */ { this->assertNotEnd(); this->incr(); return *this; }
iterator operator ++ (int) noexcept /* iter++ */ { this->assertNotEnd(); iterator i{ *this }; this->incr(); return i; }
iterator& operator -- () noexcept /* --iter */ { this->decr(); return *this; }
iterator operator -- (int) noexcept /* iter-- */ { iterator i{ *this }; this->decr(); return i; }
friend class IntrusiveList;
iterator(Link* where, const IntrusiveList* owner) : Base(where, owner) {}
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
// clang-format on
constexpr IntrusiveList() : m_list(&m_list)
IntrusiveList(IntrusiveList&& other) noexcept : m_list(&m_list)
m_list.m_next = m_list.m_prev = nullptr; // prevent the assert
IntrusiveList& operator=(IntrusiveList&& other) noexcept
return *this;
bool empty() const noexcept
return !m_size;
size_t size() const noexcept
return m_size;
size_t max_size() const noexcept
return size_t(-1);
// Forward iterator support
iterator begin() noexcept
return iterator(_head(), this);
iterator end() noexcept
return iterator(_end(), this);
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
return const_iterator(_head(), this);
const_iterator cend() const noexcept
return const_iterator(_end(), this);
const_iterator begin() const noexcept
return cbegin();
const_iterator end() const noexcept
return cend();
// Reverse iterator support
reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept
return reverse_iterator(end());
reverse_iterator rend() noexcept
return reverse_iterator(begin());
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept
return const_reverse_iterator(cend());
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept
return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept
return crbegin();
const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
return crend();
iterator locate(T& value) noexcept
Link* l = _link(value);
if (!l->isContained())
return end();
Link* b = m_list.m_next;
while (b != _end())
if (b == l)
return iterator(l, this);
b = b->m_next;
return end();
const_iterator locate(T& value) const noexcept
Link* l = _link(value);
if (!l->isContained())
return end();
Link* b = m_list.m_next;
while (b != _end())
if (b == l)
return const_iterator(l, this);
b = b->m_next;
return end();
CARB_DEPRECATED("Use locate()") iterator find(T& value) noexcept
return locate(value);
CARB_DEPRECATED("Use locate()") const_iterator find(T& value) const noexcept
return locate(value);
iterator iter_from_value(T& value)
Link* l = _link(value);
CARB_ASSERT(!l->isContained() || locate(value) != end());
return iterator(l->isContained() ? l : _end(), this);
const_iterator iter_from_value(T& value) const
Link* l = _link(value);
CARB_ASSERT(!l->isContained() || locate(value) != end());
return const_iterator(l->isContained() ? l : _end(), this);
T& front()
return _value(*_head());
const T& front() const
return _value(*_head());
T& back()
return _value(*_tail());
const T& back() const
return _value(*_tail());
T& push_front(T& value)
Link* l = _link(value);
Link* const prev = _head();
l->m_next = prev;
l->m_prev = _end();
m_list.m_next = l;
prev->m_prev = l;
return value;
T& pop_front()
Link* const head = _head();
Link* const next = head->m_next;
m_list.m_next = next;
next->m_prev = _end();
head->m_next = head->m_prev = nullptr;
return _value(*head);
T& push_back(T& value)
Link* l = _link(value);
Link* const prev = _tail();
l->m_next = _end();
l->m_prev = prev;
prev->m_next = l;
m_list.m_prev = l;
return value;
T& pop_back()
Link* const tail = _tail();
Link* const prev = tail->m_prev;
m_list.m_prev = prev;
prev->m_next = _end();
tail->m_next = tail->m_prev = nullptr;
return _value(*tail);
void clear()
if (_head() != _end())
Link* p = _head();
m_list.m_next = p->m_next;
p->m_next = p->m_prev = nullptr;
} while (_head() != _end());
m_list.m_prev = _end();
m_size = 0;
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, T& value)
Link* l = _link(value);
l->m_prev = pos.m_where->m_prev;
l->m_next = pos.m_where;
l->m_prev->m_next = l;
l->m_next->m_prev = l;
return iterator(l, this);
iterator remove(const_iterator pos)
Link* next = pos.m_where->m_next;
pos.m_where->m_prev->m_next = pos.m_where->m_next;
pos.m_where->m_next->m_prev = pos.m_where->m_prev;
pos.m_where->m_next = pos.m_where->m_prev = nullptr;
return iterator(next, this);
T& remove(T& value)
Link* l = _link(value);
if (l->isContained())
CARB_ASSERT(locate(value) != end());
l->m_prev->m_next = l->m_next;
l->m_next->m_prev = l->m_prev;
l->m_next = l->m_prev = nullptr;
return value;
void swap(IntrusiveList& other) noexcept
if (this != std::addressof(other))
// Fix up the end iterators first.
Link *&lhead = _head()->m_prev, *<ail = _tail()->m_next;
Link *&rhead = other._head()->m_prev, *&rtail = other._tail()->m_next;
lhead = ltail = other._end();
rhead = rtail = _end();
// Now swap pointers
std::swap(_end()->m_next, other._end()->m_next);
std::swap(_end()->m_prev, other._end()->m_prev);
std::swap(m_size, other.m_size);
template <class Compare>
void merge(IntrusiveList& other, Compare comp)
if (this == std::addressof(other))
if (!other.m_size)
// Nothing to do
// splice all of other's nodes onto the end of *this
Link* const head = _end();
Link* const otherHead = other._end();
Link* const mid = otherHead->m_next;
_splice(head, other, mid, otherHead, other.m_size);
if (head->m_next != mid)
_mergeSame(head->m_next, mid, head, comp);
template <class Compare>
void merge(IntrusiveList&& other, Compare comp)
merge(other, comp);
void merge(IntrusiveList& other)
merge(other, std::less<ValueType>());
void merge(IntrusiveList&& other)
void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList& other)
if (this == std::addressof(other) || other.empty())
_splice(pos.m_where, other, other.m_list.m_next, other._end(), other.m_size);
void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList&& other)
splice(pos, other);
void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList& other, iterator it)
Link* const last = it.m_where->m_next;
if (this != std::addressof(other) || (pos.m_where != it.m_where && pos.m_where != last))
_splice(pos.m_where, other, it.m_where, last, 1);
void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList&& other, iterator it)
splice(pos, other, it);
void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList& other, const_iterator first, const_iterator end)
if (first == end)
if (pos.m_owner == first.m_owner)
// The behavior is undefined if pos is an iterator in the range [first, end); though we don't have an
// efficient way of testing for that, so loop through and check
for (const_iterator it = first; it != end; ++it)
CARB_ASSERT(it != pos);
if (this != std::addressof(other))
size_t range = std::distance(first, end);
CARB_ASSERT(other.m_size >= range);
other.m_size -= range;
m_size += range;
_splice(pos.m_where, first.m_where, end.m_where);
void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList&& other, const_iterator first, const_iterator end)
splice(pos, other, first, end);
void reverse() noexcept
Link* end = _end();
Link* n = end;
for (;;)
Link* next = n->m_next;
n->m_next = n->m_prev;
n->m_prev = next;
if (next == end)
n = next;
template <class Compare>
void sort(Compare comp)
_sort(_end()->m_next, m_size, comp);
void sort()
CARB_VIZ Link m_list;
CARB_VIZ size_t m_size{ 0 };
template <class Compare>
static Link* _sort(Link*& first, size_t size, Compare comp)
switch (size)
case 0:
return first;
case 1:
return first->m_next;
auto mid = _sort(first, size >> 1, comp);
const auto last = _sort(mid, size - (size >> 1), comp);
first = _mergeSame(first, mid, last, comp);
return last;
template <class Compare>
static Link* _mergeSame(Link* first, Link* mid, const Link* last, Compare comp)
// Merge the sorted ranges [first, mid) and [mid, last)
// Returns the new beginning of the range (which won't be `first` if it was spliced elsewhere)
Link* newfirst;
if (comp(_value(*mid), _value(*first)))
// mid will be spliced to the front of the range
newfirst = mid;
// Establish comp(mid, first) by skipping over elements from the first range already in position
newfirst = first;
first = first->m_next;
if (first == mid)
return newfirst;
} while (!comp(_value(*mid), _value(*first)));
// process one run splice
for (;;)
auto runStart = mid;
// find the end of the run of elements we need to splice from the second range into the first
mid = mid->m_next;
} while (mid != last && comp(_value(*mid), _value(*first)));
// [runStart, mid) goes before first
_splice(first, runStart, mid);
if (mid == last)
return newfirst;
// Re-establish comp(mid, first) by skipping over elements from the first range already in position.
first = first->m_next;
if (first == mid)
return newfirst;
} while (!comp(_value(*mid), _value(*first)));
Link* _splice(Link* const where, IntrusiveList& other, Link* const first, Link* const last, size_t count)
if (this != std::addressof(other))
// Different list, need to fix up size
m_size += count;
other.m_size -= count;
return _splice(where, first, last);
static Link* _splice(Link* const before, Link* const first, Link* const last) noexcept
CARB_ASSERT(before != first && before != last && first != last);
Link* const firstPrev = first->m_prev;
firstPrev->m_next = last;
Link* const lastPrev = last->m_prev;
lastPrev->m_next = before;
Link* const beforePrev = before->m_prev;
beforePrev->m_next = first;
before->m_prev = lastPrev;
last->m_prev = firstPrev;
first->m_prev = beforePrev;
return last;
static Link* _link(T& value) noexcept
return std::addressof(value.*U);
static T& _value(Link& l) noexcept
// Need to calculate the offset of our link member which will allow adjusting the pointer to where T is.
// This will not work if T uses virtual inheritance. Also, offsetof() cannot be used because we have a pointer
// to the member
size_t offset = size_t(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&(((T*)0)->*U)));
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(std::addressof(l)) - offset);
static const T& _value(const Link& l) noexcept
// Need to calculate the offset of our link member which will allow adjusting the pointer to where T is.
// This will not work if T uses virtual inheritance. Also, offsetof() cannot be used because we have a pointer
// to the member
size_t offset = size_t(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&(((T*)0)->*U)));
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(std::addressof(l)) - offset);
constexpr Link* _head() const noexcept
return const_cast<Link*>(m_list.m_next);
constexpr Link* _tail() const noexcept
return const_cast<Link*>(m_list.m_prev);
constexpr Link* _end() const noexcept
return const_cast<Link*>(&m_list);
} // namespace container
} // namespace carb