File members: carb/audio/AudioUtils.h
// Copyright (c) 2018-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
#pragma once
#include "../Framework.h"
#include "../logging/Log.h"
#include "../math/Util.h"
#include "AudioTypes.h"
#include "IAudioData.h"
#include "IAudioPlayback.h"
#include "IAudioUtils.h"
#include "IAudioCapture.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
# define strdup _strdup
namespace carb
namespace audio
template <typename T>
constexpr float degreesToRadians(T degrees)
return degrees * (float(M_PI) / 180.f);
constexpr double degreesToRadians(double degrees)
return degrees * (M_PI / 180.0);
template <typename T>
constexpr float radiansToDegrees(T radians)
return (radians * (180.f / float(M_PI)));
constexpr double radiansToDegrees(double radians)
return (radians * (180.0 / M_PI));
template <typename T>
size_t getSetBitCount(T value_)
return math::popCount(value_);
constexpr size_t getSpeakerCountForMode(SpeakerMode mode)
switch (mode)
case kSpeakerModeDefault:
return 0;
case kSpeakerModeMono:
return 1;
case kSpeakerModeStereo:
return 2;
case kSpeakerModeQuad:
return 4;
case kSpeakerModeFourPointOne:
return 5;
case kSpeakerModeFivePointOne:
return 6;
case kSpeakerModeSixPointOne:
return 7;
case kSpeakerModeSevenPointOne:
return 8;
case kSpeakerModeNinePointOne:
return 10;
case kSpeakerModeSevenPointOnePointFour:
return 12;
case kSpeakerModeNinePointOnePointFour:
return 14;
case kSpeakerModeNinePointOnePointSix:
return 16;
return getSetBitCount(mode);
constexpr SpeakerMode getSpeakerModeForCount(size_t channels)
switch (channels)
case 1:
return kSpeakerModeMono;
case 2:
return kSpeakerModeStereo;
case 3:
return kSpeakerModeTwoPointOne;
case 4:
return kSpeakerModeQuad;
case 5:
return kSpeakerModeFourPointOne;
case 6:
return kSpeakerModeFivePointOne;
case 7:
return kSpeakerModeSixPointOne;
case 8:
return kSpeakerModeSevenPointOne;
case 10:
return kSpeakerModeNinePointOne;
case 12:
return kSpeakerModeSevenPointOnePointFour;
case 14:
return kSpeakerModeNinePointOnePointFour;
case 16:
return kSpeakerModeNinePointOnePointSix;
return kSpeakerModeDefault;
constexpr SpeakerMode getSpeakerFlagsForCount(size_t channels)
if (channels >= kMaxChannels)
return 0xffffffffffffffffull;
return (1ull << channels) - 1;
constexpr Speaker getSpeakerFromSpeakerFlag(SpeakerMode flag)
switch (flag)
case fSpeakerFlagFrontLeft:
return Speaker::eFrontLeft;
case fSpeakerFlagFrontRight:
return Speaker::eFrontRight;
case fSpeakerFlagFrontCenter:
return Speaker::eFrontCenter;
case fSpeakerFlagLowFrequencyEffect:
return Speaker::eLowFrequencyEffect;
case fSpeakerFlagSideLeft:
return Speaker::eSideLeft;
case fSpeakerFlagSideRight:
return Speaker::eSideRight;
case fSpeakerFlagBackLeft:
return Speaker::eBackLeft;
case fSpeakerFlagBackRight:
return Speaker::eBackRight;
case fSpeakerFlagBackCenter:
return Speaker::eBackCenter;
case fSpeakerFlagTopFrontLeft:
return Speaker::eTopFrontLeft;
case fSpeakerFlagTopFrontRight:
return Speaker::eTopFrontRight;
case fSpeakerFlagTopBackLeft:
return Speaker::eTopBackLeft;
case fSpeakerFlagTopBackRight:
return Speaker::eTopBackRight;
case fSpeakerFlagFrontLeftWide:
return Speaker::eFrontLeftWide;
case fSpeakerFlagFrontRightWide:
return Speaker::eFrontRightWide;
case fSpeakerFlagTopLeft:
return Speaker::eTopLeft;
case fSpeakerFlagTopRight:
return Speaker::eTopRight;
return Speaker::eCount;
constexpr size_t getSpeakerFromSpeakerMode(SpeakerMode channelMask, size_t index)
// no bits set in the channel mask -> nothing to do => fail.
if (channelMask == 0)
return kInvalidSpeakerName;
SpeakerMode bit = 1;
size_t i = 0;
// walk through the channel mask searching for set bits.
for (; bit != 0; bit <<= 1, i++)
// no speaker set for this bit => skip it.
if ((channelMask & bit) == 0)
if (index == 0)
return i;
return kInvalidSpeakerName;
constexpr size_t sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(SampleFormat fmt)
switch (fmt)
case SampleFormat::ePcm8:
return 8;
case SampleFormat::ePcm16:
return 16;
case SampleFormat::ePcm24:
return 24;
case SampleFormat::ePcm32:
return 32;
case SampleFormat::ePcmFloat:
return 32;
return 0;
constexpr SampleFormat bitsPerSampleToIntegerPcmSampleFormat(size_t bps)
switch (bps)
case 8:
return SampleFormat::ePcm8;
case 16:
return SampleFormat::ePcm16;
case 24:
return SampleFormat::ePcm24;
case 32:
return SampleFormat::ePcm32;
return SampleFormat::eCount;
constexpr size_t millisecondsToFrames(size_t timeInMilliseconds, size_t frameRate)
return (frameRate * timeInMilliseconds) / 1000;
constexpr size_t microsecondsToFrames(size_t timeInMicroseconds, size_t frameRate)
return (frameRate * timeInMicroseconds) / 1000000;
inline size_t millisecondsToFrames(size_t timeInMilliseconds, const SoundFormat* format)
return millisecondsToFrames(timeInMilliseconds, format->frameRate);
inline size_t microsecondsToFrames(size_t timeInMicroseconds, const SoundFormat* format)
return microsecondsToFrames(timeInMicroseconds, format->frameRate);
constexpr size_t millisecondsToBytes(size_t timeInMilliseconds, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, size_t bps)
return (timeInMilliseconds * frameRate * channels * bps) / (1000 * CHAR_BIT);
constexpr size_t microsecondsToBytes(size_t timeInMicroseconds, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, size_t bps)
return (timeInMicroseconds * frameRate * channels * bps) / (1000000 * CHAR_BIT);
constexpr size_t millisecondsToBytes(size_t timeInMilliseconds, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
return millisecondsToBytes(timeInMilliseconds, frameRate, channels, sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format));
constexpr size_t microsecondsToBytes(size_t timeInMicroseconds, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
return microsecondsToBytes(timeInMicroseconds, frameRate, channels, sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format));
inline size_t millisecondsToBytes(size_t timeInMilliseconds, const SoundFormat* format)
return millisecondsToBytes(timeInMilliseconds, format->frameRate, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
inline size_t microsecondsToBytes(size_t timeInMicroseconds, const SoundFormat* format)
return microsecondsToBytes(timeInMicroseconds, format->frameRate, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
constexpr size_t framesToMilliseconds(size_t frames, size_t frameRate)
return (frames * 1000) / frameRate;
constexpr size_t framesToMicroseconds(size_t frames, size_t frameRate)
return (frames * 1000000) / frameRate;
inline size_t framesToMilliseconds(size_t frames, const SoundFormat* format)
return framesToMilliseconds(frames, format->frameRate);
inline size_t framesToMicroseconds(size_t frames, const SoundFormat* format)
return framesToMicroseconds(frames, format->frameRate);
constexpr size_t framesToBytes(size_t frames, size_t channels, size_t bps)
return (frames * channels * bps) / CHAR_BIT;
constexpr size_t framesToBytes(size_t frames, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
return framesToBytes(frames, channels, sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format));
inline size_t framesToBytes(size_t frames, const SoundFormat* format)
return framesToBytes(frames, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
constexpr size_t bytesToFrames(size_t bytes, size_t channels, size_t bps)
return (bytes * CHAR_BIT) / (channels * bps);
constexpr size_t bytesToFrames(size_t bytes, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
size_t bps = sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format);
if (bps == 0)
CARB_LOG_ERROR("attempting to convert bytes to frames in a variable bitrate format (%d), return 0", int(format));
return 0;
return bytesToFrames(bytes, channels, bps);
inline size_t bytesToFrames(size_t bytes, const SoundFormat* format)
if (format->bitsPerSample == 0)
"attempting to convert bytes to frames in a variable bitrate format (%d), return 0", int(format->format));
return 0;
return bytesToFrames(bytes, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
constexpr size_t bytesToMilliseconds(size_t bytes, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, size_t bps)
return (bytesToFrames(bytes * 1000, channels, bps)) / frameRate;
constexpr size_t bytesToMicroseconds(size_t bytes, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, size_t bps)
return bytesToFrames(bytes * 1000000, channels, bps) / frameRate;
constexpr size_t bytesToMilliseconds(size_t bytes, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
return bytesToMilliseconds(bytes, frameRate, channels, sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format));
constexpr size_t bytesToMicroseconds(size_t bytes, size_t frameRate, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
return bytesToMicroseconds(bytes, frameRate, channels, sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format));
inline size_t bytesToMilliseconds(size_t bytes, const SoundFormat* format)
return bytesToMilliseconds(bytes, format->frameRate, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
inline size_t bytesToMicroseconds(size_t bytes, const SoundFormat* format)
return bytesToMicroseconds(bytes, format->frameRate, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
inline size_t convertUnits(size_t input, UnitType inputUnits, UnitType outputUnits, const SoundFormat* format)
CARB_ASSERT(format != nullptr);
switch (inputUnits)
case UnitType::eBytes:
switch (outputUnits)
case UnitType::eBytes:
return input;
case UnitType::eFrames:
return bytesToFrames(input, format);
case UnitType::eMilliseconds:
return bytesToMilliseconds(input, format);
case UnitType::eMicroseconds:
return bytesToMicroseconds(input, format);
case UnitType::eFrames:
switch (outputUnits)
case UnitType::eBytes:
return framesToBytes(input, format);
case UnitType::eFrames:
return input;
case UnitType::eMilliseconds:
return framesToMilliseconds(input, format);
case UnitType::eMicroseconds:
return framesToMicroseconds(input, format);
case UnitType::eMilliseconds:
switch (outputUnits)
case UnitType::eBytes:
return millisecondsToBytes(input, format);
case UnitType::eFrames:
return millisecondsToFrames(input, format);
case UnitType::eMilliseconds:
return input;
case UnitType::eMicroseconds:
return input * 1000;
case UnitType::eMicroseconds:
switch (outputUnits)
case UnitType::eBytes:
return microsecondsToBytes(input, format);
case UnitType::eFrames:
return microsecondsToFrames(input, format);
case UnitType::eMilliseconds:
return input / 1000;
case UnitType::eMicroseconds:
return input;
return 0;
constexpr size_t alignBytesToFrameCeil(size_t bytes, size_t channels, size_t bps)
size_t blockSize = (channels * bps) / CHAR_BIT;
size_t count = bytes + (blockSize - 1);
return count - (count % blockSize);
inline size_t alignBytesToFrameCeil(size_t bytes, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
return alignBytesToFrameCeil(bytes, channels, sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format));
inline size_t alignBytesToFrameCeil(size_t bytes, const SoundFormat* format)
return alignBytesToFrameCeil(bytes, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
constexpr size_t alignBytesToFrameFloor(size_t bytes, size_t channels, size_t bps)
size_t blockSize = (channels * bps) / CHAR_BIT;
return bytes - (bytes % blockSize);
constexpr size_t alignBytesToFrameFloor(size_t bytes, size_t channels, SampleFormat format)
return alignBytesToFrameFloor(bytes, channels, sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(format));
inline size_t alignBytesToFrameFloor(size_t bytes, const SoundFormat* format)
return alignBytesToFrameFloor(bytes, format->channels, format->bitsPerSample);
inline void generateSoundFormat(
SoundFormat* out, SampleFormat format, size_t channels, size_t frameRate, SpeakerMode mask = kSpeakerModeDefault)
out->channels = channels;
out->format = format;
out->frameRate = frameRate;
out->bitsPerSample = sampleFormatToBitsPerSample(out->format);
out->frameSize = out->bitsPerSample / CHAR_BIT * out->channels;
out->blockSize = out->frameSize; // PCM is 1 frame per block
out->framesPerBlock = 1;
out->channelMask = mask;
out->validBitsPerSample = out->bitsPerSample;
inline void getSoundDataLoadDescDefaults(SoundDataLoadDesc* desc)
*desc = {};
inline void getPlaySoundDescDefaults(PlaySoundDesc* desc)
*desc = {};
inline void getConeDefaults(EntityCone* cone)
cone->insideAngle = kConeAngleOmnidirectional;
cone->outsideAngle = kConeAngleOmnidirectional;
cone->volume = { 1.0f, 0.0f };
cone->lowPassFilter = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
cone->reverb = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
cone->ext = nullptr;
inline void getRolloffDefaults(RolloffDesc* desc)
desc->type = RolloffType::eInverse;
desc->nearDistance = 0.0f;
desc->farDistance = 10000.0f;
desc->volume = nullptr;
desc->lowFrequency = nullptr;
desc->lowPassDirect = nullptr;
desc->lowPassReverb = nullptr;
desc->reverb = nullptr;
desc->ext = nullptr;
inline SoundData* createEmptySound(const IAudioData* iface,
SampleFormat fmt,
size_t frameRate,
size_t channels,
size_t bufferLength,
UnitType unitType = UnitType::eFrames,
const char* name = nullptr)
SoundDataLoadDesc desc = {};
desc.flags |= fDataFlagEmpty;
if (name == nullptr)
desc.flags |= fDataFlagNoName; = name;
desc.pcmFormat = fmt;
desc.frameRate = frameRate;
desc.channels = channels;
desc.bufferLength = bufferLength;
desc.bufferLengthType = unitType;
return iface->createData(&desc);
inline SoundData* convertSoundFormat(const IAudioUtils* iface, SoundData* snd, SampleFormat newFmt)
ConversionDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = fConvertFlagCopy;
desc.soundData = snd;
desc.newFormat = newFmt;
return iface->convert(&desc);
inline SoundData* convertToVorbis(const IAudioUtils* iface,
SoundData* snd,
float quality = 0.9f,
bool nativeChannelOrder = false)
VorbisEncoderSettings vorbis = {};
ConversionDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = fConvertFlagCopy;
desc.soundData = snd;
desc.newFormat = SampleFormat::eVorbis;
desc.encoderSettings = &vorbis;
vorbis.quality = quality;
vorbis.nativeChannelOrder = nativeChannelOrder;
return iface->convert(&desc);
inline SoundData* convertToFlac(const IAudioUtils* iface,
SoundData* snd,
uint32_t compressionLevel = 5,
uint32_t bitsPerSample = 0,
FlacFileType fileType = FlacFileType::eFlac,
bool streamableSubset = true,
uint32_t blockSize = 0,
bool verifyOutput = false)
FlacEncoderSettings flac = {};
ConversionDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = fConvertFlagCopy;
desc.soundData = snd;
desc.newFormat = SampleFormat::eFlac;
desc.encoderSettings = &flac;
flac.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
flac.bitsPerSample = bitsPerSample;
flac.fileType = fileType;
flac.streamableSubset = streamableSubset;
flac.blockSize = blockSize;
flac.verifyOutput = verifyOutput;
return iface->convert(&desc);
inline bool saveSoundToDisk(const IAudioUtils* iface,
SoundData* snd,
const char* fileName,
SampleFormat fmt = SampleFormat::eDefault,
SaveFlags flags = 0)
SoundDataSaveDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = flags;
desc.format = fmt;
desc.soundData = snd;
desc.filename = fileName;
return iface->saveToFile(&desc);
inline bool saveToDiskAsVorbis(const IAudioUtils* iface,
SoundData* snd,
const char* fileName,
float quality = 0.9f,
bool nativeChannelOrder = false,
SaveFlags flags = 0)
VorbisEncoderSettings vorbis = {};
SoundDataSaveDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = flags;
desc.format = SampleFormat::eVorbis;
desc.soundData = snd;
desc.filename = fileName;
desc.encoderSettings = &vorbis;
vorbis.quality = quality;
vorbis.nativeChannelOrder = nativeChannelOrder;
return iface->saveToFile(&desc);
inline bool saveToDiskAsFlac(const IAudioUtils* iface,
SoundData* snd,
const char* fileName,
uint32_t compressionLevel = 5,
uint32_t bitsPerSample = 0,
FlacFileType fileType = FlacFileType::eFlac,
bool streamableSubset = true,
uint32_t blockSize = 0,
bool verifyOutput = false,
SaveFlags flags = 0)
FlacEncoderSettings flac = {};
carb::audio::SoundDataSaveDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = flags;
desc.format = SampleFormat::eFlac;
desc.soundData = snd;
desc.filename = fileName;
desc.encoderSettings = &flac;
flac.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
flac.bitsPerSample = bitsPerSample;
flac.fileType = fileType;
flac.streamableSubset = streamableSubset;
flac.blockSize = blockSize;
flac.verifyOutput = verifyOutput;
return iface->saveToFile(&desc);
inline bool saveToDiskAsOpus(const IAudioUtils* iface,
SoundData* snd,
const char* fileName,
uint32_t bitrate = 0,
OpusCodecUsage usage = OpusCodecUsage::eGeneral,
int8_t complexity = -1,
uint8_t blockSize = 48,
uint8_t packetLoss = 0,
uint8_t bandwidth = 20,
uint8_t bitDepth = 0,
int16_t outputGain = 0,
OpusEncoderFlags flags = 0,
SaveFlags saveFlags = 0)
OpusEncoderSettings opus = {};
carb::audio::SoundDataSaveDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = saveFlags;
desc.format = SampleFormat::eOpus;
desc.soundData = snd;
desc.filename = fileName;
desc.encoderSettings = &opus;
opus.flags = flags;
opus.bitrate = bitrate;
opus.usage = usage;
opus.complexity = complexity;
opus.blockSize = blockSize;
opus.packetLoss = packetLoss;
opus.bandwidth = bandwidth;
opus.bitDepth = bitDepth;
opus.outputGain = outputGain;
return iface->saveToFile(&desc);
inline SoundData* createSoundFromFile(const IAudioData* iface,
const char* filename,
bool streaming = false,
size_t autoStream = 0,
SampleFormat fmt = SampleFormat::eDefault,
DataFlags flags = 0)
constexpr DataFlags kValidFlags = fDataFlagSkipMetaData | fDataFlagSkipEventPoints | fDataFlagCalcPeaks;
SoundDataLoadDesc desc = {};
if ((flags & ~kValidFlags) != 0)
CARB_LOG_ERROR("invalid flags 0x%08" PRIx32, flags);
return nullptr;
desc.flags = flags; = filename;
desc.pcmFormat = fmt;
desc.autoStreamThreshold = autoStream;
if (streaming)
desc.flags |= fDataFlagStream;
desc.flags |= fDataFlagDecode;
return iface->createData(&desc);
inline SoundData* createSoundFromBlob(const IAudioData* iface,
const void* dataBlob,
size_t dataLength,
bool streaming = false,
size_t autoStream = 0,
SampleFormat fmt = SampleFormat::eDefault,
DataFlags flags = 0)
constexpr DataFlags kValidFlags =
fDataFlagSkipMetaData | fDataFlagSkipEventPoints | fDataFlagCalcPeaks | fDataFlagUserMemory;
SoundDataLoadDesc desc = {};
if ((flags & ~kValidFlags) != 0)
CARB_LOG_ERROR("invalid flags 0x%08" PRIx32, flags);
return nullptr;
desc.flags = fDataFlagInMemory | flags;
desc.dataBlob = dataBlob;
desc.dataBlobLengthInBytes = dataLength;
desc.pcmFormat = fmt;
desc.autoStreamThreshold = autoStream;
if (streaming)
desc.flags |= fDataFlagStream;
desc.flags |= fDataFlagDecode;
return iface->createData(&desc);
inline SoundData* createSoundFromRawPcmBlob(
const IAudioData* iface, const void* dataBlob, size_t dataLength, size_t frames, const SoundFormat* format)
SoundDataLoadDesc desc = {};
desc.flags = carb::audio::fDataFlagFormatRaw | carb::audio::fDataFlagInMemory;
desc.dataBlob = dataBlob;
desc.dataBlobLengthInBytes = dataLength;
desc.channels = format->channels;
desc.frameRate = format->frameRate;
desc.encodedFormat = format->format;
desc.pcmFormat = format->format;
desc.bufferLength = frames;
desc.bufferLengthType = carb::audio::UnitType::eFrames;
return iface->createData(&desc);
inline Voice* playOneShotSound(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Context* ctx, SoundData* snd, bool spatial = false)
PlaySoundDesc desc = {};
VoiceParams params = {};
// desc to play the sound once fully in a non-spatial manner
desc.sound = snd;
if (spatial)
desc.validParams = fVoiceParamPlaybackMode;
desc.params = ¶ms;
params.playbackMode = fPlaybackModeSpatial;
return iface->playSound(ctx, &desc);
inline Voice* playLoopingSound(const IAudioPlayback* iface,
Context* ctx,
SoundData* snd,
size_t loopCount = kEventPointLoopInfinite,
bool spatial = false)
EventPoint loopPoint = {};
PlaySoundDesc desc = {};
VoiceParams params = {};
// desc to play the sound once fully in a non-spatial manner
desc.sound = snd;
desc.loopPoint.loopPoint = &loopPoint;
loopPoint.loopCount = loopCount;
if (spatial)
desc.validParams = fVoiceParamPlaybackMode;
desc.params = ¶ms;
params.playbackMode = fPlaybackModeSpatial;
return iface->playSound(ctx, &desc);
inline void setVoiceVolume(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Voice* voice, float volume)
carb::audio::VoiceParams params = {};
params.volume = volume;
iface->setVoiceParameters(voice, fVoiceParamVolume, ¶ms);
inline void setVoiceFrequencyRatio(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Voice* voice, float frequencyRatio)
carb::audio::VoiceParams params = {};
params.frequencyRatio = frequencyRatio;
iface->setVoiceParameters(voice, fVoiceParamFrequencyRatio, ¶ms);
inline void pauseVoice(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Voice* voice)
carb::audio::VoiceParams params = {};
params.playbackMode = fPlaybackModePaused;
iface->setVoiceParameters(voice, fVoiceParamPause, ¶ms);
inline void unpauseVoice(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Voice* voice)
carb::audio::VoiceParams params = {};
iface->setVoiceParameters(voice, fVoiceParamPause, ¶ms);
inline void muteVoice(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Voice* voice)
carb::audio::VoiceParams params = {};
params.playbackMode = fPlaybackModeMuted;
iface->setVoiceParameters(voice, fVoiceParamMute, ¶ms);
inline void unmuteVoice(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Voice* voice)
carb::audio::VoiceParams params = {};
iface->setVoiceParameters(voice, fVoiceParamMute, ¶ms);
inline void setVoiceMatrix(const IAudioPlayback* iface, Voice* voice, const float* matrix)
carb::audio::VoiceParams params = {};
params.matrix = matrix;
iface->setVoiceParameters(voice, fVoiceParamMatrix, ¶ms);
inline int16_t calculateOpusGain(float gain)
// multiply by 256 to convert this into a s7.8 fixed point value.
// IEEE754 float has 23 bits in the mantissa, so we can represent the 16
// bit range losslessly with a float
gain *= 256.f;
// clamp the result in case the gain was too large, then truncate the
// fractional part
return int16_t(CARB_CLAMP(gain, float(INT16_MIN), float(INT16_MAX)));
inline float calculateGainFromLinearScale(float linear)
// gain is calculated as 20 * log10(linear)
return 20.f * log10f(linear);
inline float calculateLinearScaleFromGain(float gain)
return powf(10, gain * (1.f / 20.f));
inline size_t incrementWithWrap(size_t counter, size_t modulo)
CARB_ASSERT(modulo > 0);
CARB_ASSERT(counter < modulo);
return (counter + 1 == modulo) ? 0 : counter + 1;
inline size_t decrementWithWrap(size_t counter, size_t modulo)
CARB_ASSERT(modulo > 0);
CARB_ASSERT(counter <= modulo);
return (counter == 0) ? modulo - 1 : counter - 1;
inline int64_t estimateVideoLatency(double fps, double framesInFlight, int64_t perceptibleDelay = kImperceptibleDelay)
constexpr int64_t kMinLatency = 20'000;
double usPerFrame;
if (fps == 0.0)
return 0;
usPerFrame = 1'000'000.0 / fps;
// the current delay is less than the requested perceptible latency time => clamp the
// estimated delay down to zero.
if (usPerFrame * framesInFlight <= perceptibleDelay)
return 0;
// calculate the estimated delay in microseconds. Note that this will fudge the calculated
// total latency by a small amount because there is an expected minimum small latency in
// queuing a new voice already.
return (int64_t)((usPerFrame * framesInFlight) - CARB_MIN(perceptibleDelay / 2, kMinLatency));
} // namespace audio
} // namespace carb