
Defined in carb/container/BufferedObject.h

template<typename T>
class BufferedObject

Lock-Free Asynchronous Buffer Supports only 1 producer, 1 consumer.

BufferedObject is used when you have 1 producer and 1 consumer and both the producer and consumer are operating at different frequencies. The consumer only ever cares to see the latest data available.


BufferedObject<int> b; assert(b.front() == 0); b.emplace_back(42); assert(b.front() == 0); b.pop_front(); assert(b.front() == 42);

BufferedObject<uint32_t> b{ in_place, 1U, 2U, 3U }; assert(b.front() == 3U); b.pop_front(); // do nothing, as nothing was pushed assert(b.front() == 3U); b.push_back(42U); assert(b.front() == 3U); b.pop_front(); assert(b.front() == 42U);

Public Functions

inline BufferedObject()

Create an async buffer from an array of 3 items using default ctors.

template<typename ...TArgs>
inline explicit constexpr BufferedObject(carb::cpp17::in_place_t, TArgs&&... args)

Create an async buffer from an array of 3 items.


args – arguments to forward to construct the elements of the buffer

inline ~BufferedObject()

Destroy async buffer.

template<typename ...TArgs>
inline void emplace_back(TArgs&&... args)

Insert a new item into the container constructed in-place with the given args.


args – arguments to forward to construct newly produced value and move it onto the buffer

inline void push_back(T &&item)

Insert a new item into the container by moving item.


item – item to insert/move

inline void push_back(T const &item)

Insert a new item into the container by copying item.


item – item to copy

inline T &front()

Get reference to the latest item.


reference to latest item

inline void pop_front()

Attempt to replace the front element of the container with a newly produced value.

If no new value was pushed/emplaced, this function does nothing.