Scripting ############################ Overview ****************** Kit Core comes with a python interpreter and a scripting system. It is mainly used to write extensions in python, but it can also be used to make simple python scripts. Each extension can register a set of script search folders. Scripts can be run via command line or API. How to add a script folder *************************** Multiple ways: 1. ``/app/python/scriptFolders`` setting. As with any setting it can be changed in the core config, in the app config, via the command line or at runtime using settings API. 2. Use ``IAppScripting`` API, e.g. ``carb::getCachedInterface()->getPythonScripting()->addSearchScriptFolder("myfolder")``. 3. Specify in extension.toml in ``[[python.scriptFolder]]`` section: .. code:: toml [[python.scriptFolder]] path = "scripts" How to run a script *************************** 1. Command line: Example: ``> kit.exe --exec " arg1 arg2" --exec "open_stage"`` 2. Settings: Example: ``> kit.exe --app/exec/0=" arg1"`` 3. API: C++ Example: ``carb::getCachedInterface()->getPythonScripting()->executeFile("")`` Python Example: ``"")`` see (:py:func:``) for more details .. note:: The script extension (.py) can be omitted.