======================= Asset Converter Service ======================= The Asset Converter Service uses the :doc:`Asset Converter Extension` (``omni.kit.asset_converter``) to process a file or a batch of files to and from :term:`USD`. Enable the Service ------------------ From the :doc:`Extension Manager`, enable the Asset Converter Service (``omni.services.convert.asset``) |extension_short|. Read the API Specification -------------------------- With the |extension_short| loaded into your |application_short|, browse to ``http://localhost:8011/docs`` to find the API specification. Use the Service --------------- With the |extension_short| loaded into your |application_short|, you can use the Asset Converter Service from any process inside or outside of |kit| with the API. You can use the service to write the converted file to your local disk or |nuc|. You can also process a batch of files. For batch processing, this service is integrated into :doc:`Omniverse Farm` as a Farm job.