Enterprise FAQ and Tips ======================== Docker and Sudo --------------- If you are not running as :code:`root`, all your ``docker`` and ``docker-compose`` commands will require ``sudo`` in front of them. Examine permissions to ``/var/run/docker.sock``. They will usually look like this: ``srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 May 12 11:52 /var/run/docker.sock`` Notice that in this example, both ``root`` and group ``docker`` have access to read and write to this socket. Docker command line tools use this socket to talk to Docker daemon, and the user that launches them, requires ``rw`` to that path. Therefore, solution to not requiring ``sudo`` in this case would be to either add your user to ``docker`` group, or run a root shell and launch all your Docker commands from that root shell. Data Location ------------- If you're searching for Data Directory of a Docker stack, it's always configured via the ``DATA_ROOT`` variable of your ``.env`` file of the corresponding stack. By default, it's located in ``/var/lib/omni/``, with ```` depending on a particular stack (i.e., ``nucleus-data``, ``nucleus-cache-data``, etc.) Documentation on configuring .env Files --------------------------------------- Comprehensive documentation on features and parameters configured within the ``.env`` files are located **within** the ``.env`` files themselves.