RTX Real-Time Settings

Eco Mode



Stop Rendering After This Many Frames Without Changes

If nothing is updated in the scene, rendering will be paused after this amount of frames, and will resume when a new update is triggered. This mode is useful to save power on laptops.


Algorithm: Off



No Anti-Aliasing

Algorithm: TAA



Temporal Anti-Aliasing

Static Scaling

A scaling factor less than or equal to 1.0. If less than 1, upscaling is used.

TAA Samples

Higher sample count increases anti-aliasing quality.

TAA history scale

Values less than 1 produce smoother result, but may increase ghosting. Values greater than 1 can help reduce ghosting. The recommended range is 0 to 3.

Algorithm: FXAA



NVIDIA Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (this is a spatial-only AA algorithm).

Subpixel Quality

The amount of aliasing removal at the subpixel level. Higher values make the image softer.

Edge Threshold

The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply FXAA algorithm.

Edge Threshold Min

Pixels darker than this are not processed in order to increase performance.

Algorithm: DLSS



NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling. Recommended.

Execution mode

Select between Performance, Balanced or Quality modes.


Higher values produce sharper results.

Exposure mode

Choose between Force self evaluated, PostProcess AutoExposure, Fixed.

Auto Exposure Multiplier

Factor with which to multiply the selected exposure mode.

Algorithm: RTXAA



NVIDIA RTX Anti-Aliasing.


Higher values produce sharper results.

Exposure mode

Choose between Force self evaluated, PostProcess AutoExposure, Fixed.

Auto Exposure Multiplier

Factor with which to multiply the selected exposure mode.

Direct Lighting



Direct Lighting

Enable direct light contributions from light primitives.

Enable Shadows

Enable shadows from light primitives (global setting).

Enable Sampled Direct Lighting

Enable a direct lighting mode that scales better to handle many lights. This mode is recommended to deal with scenes with more than about 10 lights.

Auto-enable Sampled Lighting Above Light Count Threshold

If enabled, Sampled Direct Lighting will be automatically enabled when a scene has more lights than the Light Count Threshold.

Auto-enable Sampled Lighting: Light Count Threshold

The threshold number of lights used by the Auto-enable Sampled Direct Lighting.

Non-Sampled Direct Lighting


Shadow Samples per Pixel

Higher values increase the quality of Direct Light Shadows at the cost of some performance.

Lower Resolution Shadows Denoiser

Enable for better performance by reducing the resolution of the per-light shadows denoiser.

Dome Lighting

Enable dome light contributions to diffuse BSDFs.

Dome Light Samples per Pixel

Higher values result in more accurate dome light sampling.

Dome Lighting in Reflections

Enable dome light contributions to diffuse BSDFs in reflections.

Sampled Direct Lighting


Samples per Pixel

Higher values increase the quality of Direct Light Shadows at the cost of some performance.

Clamp Sample Count to Light Count

When enabled, take one sample per pixel per light.

Reflections: Light Samples per Pixel

Number of times a light source in reflections is sampled (per pixel).

Reflections: Clamp Sample Count to Light Count

When enabled, take one sample per pixel per light seen in reflections.

Max Ray Intensity

Clamps the maximum brightness of a light sample.

Reflections: Max Ray Intensity

Clamps the maximum brightness of a light sample in reflections.

Firefly Filter

Choose the type of filter (None, Median, RCRS). Clamps overly bright pixels to a maximum value.

History Clamping

When enabled, reduces temporal lag.

Denoiser Iterations

Number of times the frame is denoised.

Enable Extended Diffuse Backscattering

Allow light to pass through thin semi-translucent geometry such as tree leaves.

Shadow Ray Offset

Shifts the starting point of shadow rays with diffuse backscattering.


Higher values means less light passing through surfaces with diffuse backscattering.





Enable reflections.

Roughness Cache Cutoff

Roughness threshold above which reflections are approximated and not sampled directly. Higher values result in better quality, but worse performance.

Max Reflections Bounces

Number of reflection bounces.





Enables translucency for specular transmissive surfaces such as glass.

Max Refraction Bounces

Maximum number of refraction bounces.

Secondary Bounce Roughness Cutoff

Control when we trace reflection rays from refraction bounces based on how much the reflection contribution will be noticed.

Enable Fractional Cutout Opacity

Enable fractional values of cutout opacity (between 0 and 1) to be used to denote ‘presence’ or ‘coverage’ of a surface, resulting in a translucency-like effect similar to alpha-blending.

Enable Depth Correction for DOF

When enabled, depth of field takes translucent objects into account.

World Epsilon Threshold

Treshold below which image-based reprojection is used to compute refractions. Lower values result in higher quality, but worse performance.

Subsurface Scattering (Experimental)



Max Sample Per Frame

Max samples per frame.

Enable Denoiser

Enables denoising for the subsurface scattering.

Enable Transmission

Enables transmission of light through the medium, but requires additional samples and denoising.

Transmission BSDF Sample Count

Transmission sample count per frame.

Transmission Samples Per BSDF Sample

Transmission samples count per BSDF Sample. Samples per pixel per frame = BSDF Sample Count * Samples Per BSDF Sample.

Transmission Screen Space Fallback Threshold

Transmission threshold for screen-space fallback.

Enable Transmission Rendered in Half-Resolution

Enables rendering transmission in half-resolution to improve performance at the expense of quality.

Enable Transmission Sample Guiding

Enables transmission sample guiding, which may help with complex lighting scenarios.

Enable Transmission Denoiser

Enables transmission denoising.





Enable simulation of caustics generated by light emitted from area light primitives for which the ‘Enable Caustics’ flag is set. Note only Sphere, Rect and Disk lights support this.

Photon Count Multiplier

Factor that will be multiplied by 1024 to compute the total number of photons to generate from each light.

Photon Max Bounces

Maximum number of bounces to compute for each light/photon path.

Position Phi

Normal Phi

Filter Iterations

Number of iterations for the denoiser applied to the results of the caustics tracing pass.

Indirect Diffuse Lighting



Ambient Light Color

Color of the global environment lighting.

Ambient Light Intensity

Brightness of the global environment lighting.

Enable Ambient Occlusion (AO)

Enables the use of Ambient Occlusion, which approximates the occlusion.

AO Ray Length

The length of the AO rays traced. Geometry beyond this distance will not result in AO-based darkening.

AO Minimum Samples per Pixel

The lowest number of AO samples (rays) to trace per frame.

AO Maximum Samples per Pixel

The highest number of AO samples (rays) to trace per frame.

AO: Denoiser

Allows for increased AO denoising at the cost of more blurring.

Enable Indirect Diffuse GI

Enables Diffused Global Illumination.

Samples per Pixel

Higher values result in smoother looking GI.

Max Bounces

More bounces allow more potential GI contribution in occluded areas.


Controls the intensity of the GI contribution evenly across the occluded area.

Denoising Technique

Denoising algorithm selection.

Denoising Technique: NVRTD


Kernel Radius

Controls the spread of local denoising area. Higher values results in smoother GI.

Iteration Count

The number of denoising passes. Higher values results in smoother looking GI.

Max History Length

Controls latency in GI updates. Higher values results in smoother looking GI.





Enables use of multiple GPUs in real-time mode (when these are available and enabled at startup) Multi-GPU must be enabled at startup by passing adding –/renderer/multiGpu/enabled=true to the command line. The current multi-GPU algorithm in real-time mode splits the rendering of the image into a large tile per GPU with a small overlap region between these tiles.

Tile Count

Number of tiles to split the image into. Usually this should match the number of GPUs, but it can be less.

GPU 0 Post Process only

If set, the first GPU is dedicated to post processing only, and no scene rendering is done on it.

Tile Overlap (Pixels)

Width, in pixels, of the overlap region between any two neighboring tiles.

Fraction of Overlap Pixels to Blend

Fraction of the Tile Overlap region width for which pixels will be blended between tiles.