RTX Post Processing Settings

Post Processing effects allow real-time manipulation of the rendered image in a variety of ways, including exposure adjustment, tone mapping, color grading, color correction, depth of field, motion blur, bloom and more.

RTX Post Settings

Tone Mapping

RTX Post Settings Tone Mapping



Tone Mapping Operator

Select Tone Mapping Method. All operators except Clamp apply the exposure adjustment
based on the parameters below or the results of the auto-exposure feature.
Clamp: leaves the radiance values unchanged, skipping any exposure adjustment
Linear: applies the exposure adjustment but leaves the color values otherwise unchanged
Reinhard: operator based on Erik Reinhard’s tone mapping work
Reinhard (modified): variation of the operator based on Erik Reinhard’s tone mapping work
HejiHableAlu: John Hable’s ALU approximation of Jim Heji’s operator
HableUC2: John Hable’s Uncharted 2 filmic tone map
ACES: operator based on the Academy Color Encoding System
Iray: Reinhard-based operator that matches the operator used by NVIDIA Iray by default

cm^2 Factor

Use this factor to adjust for scene units being different from centimeters

White Point

A color that will be mapped to white on the output

Film ISO

Simulates the effect on exposure of a camera’s ISO setting

Camera Shutter

Simulates the effect on exposure of a camera’s shutter open time

f-Number / f-Stop

Simulates the effect on exposure of a camera’s f-Stop or f-Number aperture

Enable sRGB To Gamma Conversion

Available with Linear/Reinhard/Reinhard(modified)/HejiHableAlu/HableUc2 Tone Mapping

Tonemapping Color Space

Wrap Value


Modified Reinhard Settings


Max White Luminance

Maximum HDR luminance value that will map to 1.0 post tonemap

HableUC2 Settings


White Scale Value

Maximum white value that will map to 1.0 post tonemap



Crush Blacks

When the upper part of the dynamic range becomes compressed it naturally loses some
of its former contrast, and one often desires to regain some “punch” in the image
by using the Crush Blacks parameter. When 0, the lower intensity range is linear,
but when raised towards 1, a strong “toe” region is added to the transfer curve so
that low intensities get pushed more towards black, but in a gentle fashion.

Burn Highlights

Burn Highlights can be considered the parameter defining how much “over exposure”
is allowed. As it is decreased from 1 towards 0, high intensities will be more and
more “compressed” to lower intensities. When it is 0, the compression curve is
asymptotic, i.e. an infinite input value maps to white output value,
i.e. over-exposure is no longer possible. A good default value is 0.5.

Burn Highlights per Component

Specifies how the Burn Highlights parameter is applied to the different color
components. By default it is applied separately to all channels, which can lead to
saturation loss though. Disabling the parameter applies the Burn Highlights to the
luminance, keeping the output color as close as possible to the input color.

Burn Highlights Max Component

When not using ‘Burn Highlights per Component’, if ‘Burn Highlights Max Component’
is enabled, the maximum value across the R, G and B channels is used in the Burn
Highlights computation. Otherwise the overall luminance is used.


Compressing bright color components inherently moves them towards a less saturated
color. Sometimes, very strong compressions can leave the image in an unappealingly
de-saturated state. The saturation parameter allows an artistic control over the
final image saturation. 1.0 is the standard “unmodified” saturation, higher
increases and lower decreases saturation.

Auto Exposure

RTX Post Settings Auto Exposure



Auto Exposure

Enable a histogram-based approach to automatic exposure compensation

Histogram Filter

Select a method to filter the histogram. Options are Median and Average

Adaptation Speed

How fast automatic exposure compensation adapts to changes in overall light intensity

White Point Scale

Controls how bright of an image the auto-exposure should aim for.
Lower values result in brighter images, higher values result in darker images. Default value is 10.

Use Exposure Clamping/Min EV/Max EV

Clamps the exposure to a range within a specified minimum and maximum Exposure Value

Color Correction

RTX Post Settings Color Correction



Color Correction

Enable color correction


Choose between ACES (Pre-Tonemap) or Standard (Post-Tonemap) Mode

Output Color Space

Defines the color space used as output of Color Correction
sRGB Linear: scene linear space
AcesCG: ACES CG color space


Higher values increase color saturation while lowering desaturates


Higher values increase the contrast of darks/lights and colors


Gamma value in inverse gamma curve applied before output


Gain / brightness: a factor applied to the color values


Color offset: an offset applied to the color values

Color Grading

RTX Post Settings Color Grading



Color Grading

Enables / Disables Color Grading effects


Choose between ACES (Pre-Tonemap) or Standard (Post-Tonemap) Mode

Output Color Space

Defines the color space used as output of Color Grading
sRGB Linear: scene linear space
AcesCG: ACES CG color space

Black Point

Defines the Black Point Value

White Point

Defines the White Point Value


Higher values increase the contrast of darks/lights and colors


Color is multiplied by (Lift - Gain) and later Lift is added back


Color is multiplied by (Lift - Gain) and later Lift is added back


A factor applied to the color values


Color offset: an offset applied to the color values


Gamma value in inverse gamma curve applied before output

XR Alpha and Video Compositing

RTX Post Settings XR Compositing



XR Compositing

Enables a pass for use with CloudXR streaming and SDI-video compositing (experimental)

Composite in Linear Space

Applies the XR Compositing pass prior to any other post processing.
Therefore doing any compositing work in Linear space, prior to exposure or tonemapping adjustments.

Composite in Editor

Enables alpha compositing with a backplate texture or SDI video input, as opposed to
to outputting the rendered image with an alpha channel for compositing outside,
either by saving to EXR images or outputting the rendered image to a Cloud XR stream

Default Backplate Texture

The path to a texture to use as a backplate

Default Backplate Color

A constant color to use instead of a backplate texture, if a backplate texture is not set

Enable Lens Distortion

Enables distortion of the rendered image using a set of lens distortion and undistortion
maps provided in the next two settings. Each of these settings is expected to point to
a <UDIM> EXR texture set, containing one image per each of the discrete focal length values
specified in the array of float settings under /rtx/post/lensDistortion/lensFocalLengthArray
(to be exposed here in the future)

Lens Distortion Map

The path to a <UDIM> EXR texture storing the distortion maps for specified focal lengths

Lens Undistortion Map

The path to a <UDIM> EXR texture storing the un-distortion maps for specified focal lengths

Chromatic Aberration

RTX Post Settings Chromatic Aberration



Chromatic Aberration

Enable chromatic aberration

Strength Red

The strength of the distortion applied on the Red channel

Strength Green

The strength of the distortion applied on the Green channel

Strength Blue

The strength of the distortion applied on the Blue channel

Algorithm Red

Selects between Radial and Barrel distortion for the Red channel

Algorithm Green

Selects between Radial and Barrel distortion for the Green channel

Algorithm Blue

Selects between Radial and Barrel distortion for the Blue channel

Use Lanczos Sampler

Use a Lanczos sampler when sampling the input image being distorted

Depth of Field

RTX Post Settings DOF



Depth of Field Camera Overrides

Overrides settings on the camera and uses Dept-of-Field settings below for ALL cameras

Enable DOF

Enables Depth of Field calculations. If disabled, the camera parameters affecting Depth
of Field are ignored and a pinhole camera model is used instead.

Subject Distance

Objects at this distance from the camera will be in focus

Focal Length (mm)

The focal length of the lens (in mm). The focal length divided by the f-number is the aperture diameter.

f-Number / f-Stop

f-Number or f-Stop (aperture) of the lens. Lower f-stop numbers decrease the distance range from the Subject Distance where objects remain in focus


Anisotropy of the lens. A value of -0.5 simulates the depth of field of an anamorphic lens

Motion Blur

RTX Post Settings Motion Blur



Motion Blur

Enable post-processing motion blur effect

Blur Diameter Fraction

The fraction of the largest screen dimension to use as the maximum motion blur diameter

Number of Samples

Number of samples to use in the filter

Exposure Fraction

Fraction of exposure (shutter open) time to sample

FFT Bloom

RTX Post Settings Bloom



FFT Bloom

Enables FFT bloom effect


Overall intensity of the bloom effect

Cutoff Point

Controls a Cutoff Color that allows fine tuning the radiance range for which Bloom Calculations will have any effect.
Values below the Cutoff Point will not contribute to Bloom calculations

Cutoff Fuzziness

If greater than 0, defines the ‘width’ of a ‘fuzzy cutoff’ region around the cutoff values in each channel.
Instead of a sharp cutoff at the cutoff point, a smooth transition between 0 and the full original values is used

Energy Constrained

Constrains the total light energy generated by bloom.

Physical Settings

Enables a more physically accurate bloom effect using a more physical model

Physical Settings



The number of physical blades of a simulated camera diaphragm causing the bloom effect

Aperture Rotation

Rotation of the camera diaphragm

Sensor Diagonal

Diagonal of the simulated sensor

Sensor Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio of the simulated sensor, results in the bloom effect stretching in one direction

f-Number / f-Stop

Increase/Decrease sharpness of the bloom effect

Focal Length (mm)

Focal length of the lens modeled to simulate the bloom effect

Non-Physical Settings


Halo Radius

Controls the size of each RGB component of the halo flare effect

Halo Flare Falloff

Controls the falloff of each RGB component of the halo flare effect

Halo Flare Weight

Controls the intensity of the halo flare effect

Aniso Falloff Y/X

Controls the falloff of each RGB component of the halo flare effect in X/Y direction

Aniso Flare Weight

Control the intensity of the anisotropic flare effect

Isotropic Flare Falloff

Isotropic Flare Weight

TV Noise

RTX Post Settings Image FX



TV Noise & Film Grain

Enables a TV Noise and Film Grain effects

Enable Scanlines

Emulate a Scanline Distortion typical on old televisions

Scanline Spreading

How wide the Scanline distortion will be

Enable Scroll Bug

Emulates scanline sliding typical on old televisions

Enable Vignetting

Blurred darkening around the screen edges.

Vignetting Size

Controls the size of vignette region

Vignetting Strength

How heavy/strongly the darkening of the vignette will be

Enable Vignette Flickering

Enable a slight movement/flicker effect on the Vignette

Enable Ghost Flickering

Introduces a blurred flicker to help emulate an old television

Enable Wavy Distortion

Introduces a Random Wave Flicker to emulate an old television

Enable Vertical Lines

Introduces random vertical lines to emulate an old television

Enable Random Splotches

Introduces random splotches typical of old dirty television

Film Grain


Enable Film Grain

Enables a film grain effect to emulate the graininess in high speed (ISO) film

Grain Amount

The intensity of the film grain effect

Color Amount

The amount of color offset each grain will be allowed to use

Luminance Amount

The amount of offset in luminance each grain will be allowed to use

Grain Size

The size of the film grains


RTX Post Settings Reshade

When enabled Reshade Post effects freely available online are enabled as part of the post processing For more information about Reshade visit https://reshade.me/ A collection of Reshade shaders can be downloaded from https://github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders/tree/master



Preset path

The full path to a preset.init file containing the Reshade preset to use

Effect Search Dir Path

The path to a directory containing the Reshade shader / effect files that the preset can reference

Texture Search Dir Path

The path to a directory containing the Reshade texture files that the preset can reference