================================== Launcher Release Notes ================================== Known Issues -------------------- Cent OS ############# There is a known issue regarding CentOS using the Omniverse Launcher. **QUICK FIX:** Include the ``--no-sandbox`` flag when launching from terminal. Launcher (General) ####################### - Incompatibility with the latest nvidia display driver - If Legacy MS Edge (non-chromium) is your default browser, logging in will not always work properly - An internet connection is required to use launcher - Occasional graphical artifacts and errors in Launcher UI for certain driver OS combinations - Some Connectors may be installed without the associated Application on Linux systems - Launcher shows error after downloading content on Linux systems Release Notes ------------------- .. note:: For Release Notes related to features in the Nucleus tab, please review the Omniverse Nucleus Navigator Release Notes. Launcher 1.8.2 (2022-12-15) ################################# Added ^^^^^^^^^^ - Added new UI elements on Exchange cards to filter releases by release channel. A release is classified as Alpha, Beta, Release, or Enterprise, depending on its maturity and stability. If an Alpha or Beta release is selected, a banner appears on the main image to emphasize the relative risk of that release. Alpha or Beta releases may not be feature complete or fully stable. Versions classified as Release (also known as GA or General Availability) are feature complete and stable. Release versions that are supported for Enterprise customers appear in the Enterprise list. - Added release classification labels and Beta banner (when applicable) to the Library tab. Launcher 1.7.1 (2022-12-05) ################################# Added ^^^^^^^^^^ - Renamed Enterprise Launcher to IT Managed Launcher. - Added new UI elements on Exchange cards to filter releases by release channel. A release is classified as Alpha, Beta, Release, or Enterprise, depending on its maturity and stability. If an Alpha or Beta release is selected, a banner appears on the main image to emphasize the relative risk of that release. Alpha or Beta releases may not be feature complete or fully stable. Versions classified as Release (also known as GA or General Availability) are feature complete and stable. Release versions that are supported for Enterprise customers appear in the Enterprise list. - Added /settings HTTP API for GET requests for the Launcher settings. Launcher 1.6.10 (2022-09-26) ################################# Added ^^^^^^^^^^ - Integrated Navigator filesystem directly into the Nucleus tab. - Added "Show in folder" option for downloaded files in Navigator. - Extension installation. - /open command for opening files with installed applications. - Added links for Nucleus Cache in the library. - Display an icon for external packages on the Exchange tab. - Added new UI for Omniverse Drive 2. - Added Ukrainian language translations to locale. Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Updated dependencies to address minor potential security vulnerabilities. - Improved error reporting when files are used by other processes. - Fixed an issue where pressing Enter closed modal dialogs. - Fixed selecting all notifications when users click on the notification bell. - Fixed "Invalid time value" error displayed for some OS locales on startup. - Fixed an issue where Launcher displayed dates in different formats on the Library tab. - Fixed scrolling the language selection in the settings displayed during the first installation. - Fixed triggering Google Translate dialog on the login result page. - Fixed displaying user settings and notifications behind Nucleus installation dialog. - Fixed an issue where Launcher couldn't download new updates after the first downloaded patch. - Fixed translations. Launcher 1.5.7 (2022-07-07) ################################# Added ^^^^^^^^^^ - Added new controls for changing the current language on the login screen. - Added the Extensions content type in the Exchange. Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue where the close icon closed Launcher instead of hiding it to the system tray. - Removed the crash reporter logging when using custom protocol commands. - Fixed an issue that caused a crash when Launcher failed to collect hardware info. - Fixed an issue where connectors were sometimes duplicated after the installation. - Fixed an issue where "Add connector" button on the Library tab opened a blank page. Launcher 1.5.5 (2022-06-07) ################################# Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue related to refreshing the session when installing new apps after desktop comes out of sleep mode. - Fixed an issue where connectors displayed in the library were enlarged. - Fixed an issue related to a blank error when Launcher is started without internet connection. - Fixed an issue where "Data collection and use" did not reset the language on dialog cancel. - Fixed an issue where trailing slashes were omitted when Launcher opened omniverse:// links. Launcher 1.5.4 (2022-04-18) ################################# .. image:: /content/images/launcher_news_main.png Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue where users couldn't change configured paths in Launcher. - Fixed Italian translations. - Fixed an issue where Launcher couldn't be started if System Monitor is installed but missing on disk. - Fixed an issue where connector updates were started immediately instead of being queued on the library tab. - Fixed an issue where components couldn't be found by full names and tags on the Exchange tab. Launcher 1.5.3 (2022-03-31) ################################# Added ^^^^^^^^^^ - Added a `check` argument for `omniverse-launcher://install` command that manages throwing an error in case the same component is already installed. - Support external links for third-party content. Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue where downloaded zip archives were not removed when the installer is cancelled. - Improved Italian localization. - Fixed an issue where licenses were required for third-party content. - Fixed an issue where problematic components could crash the application. Launcher 1.5.1 (2022-01-18) ################################# Added ^^^^^^^^^^ - Launcher can now pull notifications from the server. This can be used to send important messages to users instead of displaying them in the toolbar. Changed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Changed colors for messages displayed in the bottom toolbar (white for regular text and blue for links instead of yellow). Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Escape desktop entry path on Linux for opening custom protocol links. - Fixed an issue where News and Learn tabs were refreshed when Launcher lost or regained focus. - Increased the default window size to fit the cache path in the Launcher settings. - Raise an error when users try to install components that are already installed. - Raise an error when users try to launch components that are not installed. - Fixed an issue where some packages couldn't be moved to the right location by offline installer. Launcher 1.4.0 (2021-11-22) ################################# Changed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Added retries for downloading EULA and GDPR agreements. Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue with scrolling the left menu on the exchange tab. - Fixed an issue where Launcher dialogs were displayed behind the exchange view after navigation. - Fixed an issue where thin packages could not install correctly if the file system had dangling symlinks. - Remove all unused packages on the startup. - Fixed an issue where failed updates changed the latest registered app version in the library. - Fixed an issue where scheduling two installers could not finish the download if authentication needs to be refreshed. - Fixed an issue with collecting hardware info on Windows 11. - Fixed sending multiple simultaneous session events. Launcher 1.3.3 (2021-10-21) ################################# Added ^^^^^^^^^^ - Added the OS version to com.nvidia.omniverse.launcher.session telemetry event. - Added the locale to com.nvidia.omniverse.launcher.session telemetry event. - Added "Developer" and "Publisher" fields to component details. - Show "Welcome to Omniverse" page on the first launch. - Support installing the Enterprise Launcher to a shared location on Linux. Fixed ^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue where "Add Connector" button was pointing to the wrong location on the Exchange tab. - Fixed an issue where the default Omniverse app was not reset after its last version is uninstalled. - Fixed an issue where the startup component didn't react on the background authentication. - Fixed an issue where installers that were initiated from the library tab ignored the current queue and started a download immediately. - Fixed Japanese translations. - Fixed an issue that caused a delay for queuing new installers. - Fixed an issue where components were added to the library before they were registered by scripts. - Fixed an issue where component platforms were determined incorrectly if thin packaging is used. - Fixed an issue where installers used incorrect path with the latest component version instead of the specified version. Launcher 1.3.4 (2021-10-29) ############################### Added ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Show the installation date for apps displayed on the library tab. - Added "Collect debug info" button to the settings dialog to prepare a tarball with logs and configuration files. - Show "External link" button for third-party components on the detailed page. Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue where links on the "Learn" tab didn't work after watching a video. - Fixed showing the latest component version instead of the currently installed version on the library tab. - Fixed an issue with dangling installers in the queue. Launcher 1.2.8 ####################### Spotlight Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Previous Versions** Users can now install previous version of Omniverse via a new and improved interface. .. image:: /content/images/launcher_dialogue_install-previous-version_1.png .. image:: /content/images/launcher_dialogue_install-previous-version_2.png **Easy Links** When opening files for the first time from a linked location, launcher now confirms the app to load with. .. image:: /content/images/launcher_dialogue_open-link.png Users can also set the default app manually in settings. .. image:: /content/images/launcher_dialogue_set-default-app-for-links.png Added ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Allow to customize system requirements for installable components. - Display a notification when applications are successfully uninstalled. - Added a smooth transition animation for the library tab. - Added thin packaging support - allows splitting large components into smaller packages that can be reused. - Added "Exit" button to the user menu. - Support installing previous versions of applications and connectors. - Added new dialog to select the default application used to open Omniverse links. - Support markdown for component description. - Show an error message on startup if Launcher can't read the library database file. Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Scale side menu on the exchange tab based on the screen size. - Updated Starfleet integration to use `name` instead of `preferred_username`. - Renamed Download Launcher button to Download Enterprise Launcher - Display "News" tab inside of Launcher. - Use thumbnail images on the exchange tab to optimize page load time. - Disable Launch button for three seconds after click to prevent launching apps multiple times. - Display an error when iframes can't load the external web page. - Update privacy settings on a new login. - Renamed "Collaboration" tab to "Nucleus". - Updated "News" and "Learn" links to hide the website header. - Support tables and headers for component description via Markdown and HTML. - Changed the inactive tab color on the library tab. - Made Launcher errors more readable. - "News" and "Learn" tabs open a web browser now instead of showing these pages in iframes. Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issues where users could install or update the same app more than once. - Fixed resizing of the main window at the top. - Fixed issues with scrolling the exchange tab when the featured section is available. - Fixed showing the main window on system startup (Launcher will be hidden in the system tray). - Ignore system errors when Launcher removes installed components. - Fixed an issue when users could not change their current account without a reboot. - Fixed race condition when users rapidly click on the installer pause button multiple times. - Fixed an issue with installers not queueing up in the correct order. - Fixed missing vendor prefix for desktop files on Linux to register a custom protocol handler. - Fixed issues with floating carousel images for featured components. - Preserve unknown fields in privacy.toml file. - Invalidate cached HTTP responses on a startup. - Fixed issues with cached URLs for loading applications and their versions. - Fixed installing previous versions of applications that don't support side-by-side installations. - Fixed thin package installer did not create intermediate folders for installed packages. - Refresh auth tokens when external apps query /auth endpoint. - Fixed displaying loading state on the Nucleus tab if Nucleus installer fails. - Fixed issue with components not been marked as installed. - Fixed sorting of exchange components in the left menu. - Fixed displaying hidden components on the library tab after installation. - Allow Launcher to start without downloading the GDPR agreement if it's accepted already. - Fixed running applications that require the `finalize` script after install. - Fixed running applications that require the `finalize` script after install. Removed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Launcher Cleanup tool disabled from running during uninstall/reinstall in Windows. - Removed OS and Video Driver from system requirements. 1.1.2 (2021-03-26) ######################## Spotlight Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New "Learn Tab" available in launcher lets you get quick and immediate "in-launcher" access to our video learning portal. From Introductory content for the beginner to highly focused deep dives for the experienced, Omniverse Learning Videos are now just a click away. .. image:: /content/images/launcher_release-notes_learn-tab.gif New Capabilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Show available updates for components on the exchange tab. - Show component versions in the list view on the exchange tab. - Added ``omniverse-launcher://exit`` command to close the launcher. - Register a custom protocol handler on Linux automatically. - HTTP API to get the current authentication info. - HTTP API to get a list of installed components and their settings. - Added Learn tab. - Added new options to group and sort content on the exchange tab. - Added the list view for components on the exchange tab. - Use ``omniverse-launcher://`` custom protocol to accept commands from other apps. - Added the telemetry service for events from external applications. Fixed/Altered ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Changed the aspect ratio of images used in component cards to be 16:9. - Fixed focusing the search bar automatically when nothing was typed in the input. - Fixed reinstalling components that were marked as installed after a restart. - Changed the gap between cards on the Exchange tab using the grid view. - Fixed refreshing News and Learn pages when users click on the header tabs. - Fixed News and Learn links to load webpages without headers and footers. - Fixed the scrollbar on the Exchange tab not working correctly when dragged with a mouse. - Fixed clicking area for the notification bell. - Fixed Nucleus showing up in the library. - Fixed "Uninstall" button position in component settings dialog. - Fixed the search input losing focus after typing. - Fixed losing the search filters after selecting a card on the exchange tab. - Changed how content is structured and searched on the exchange tab -- moved Apps and Connectors categories to the left menu. - Improved the load speed and performance on the exchange tab. - Show placeholder in the installation queue if no downloads are queued. - Load messages displayed in the footer from the server. - Match the font size used for links in the settings dialog. - Updated links on Collaboration tab. - Fixed extracting files from zip archives with a read-only flag on Windows. - Fixed error that crashed browser page and didn't let users log in. - Fixed showing invalid error messages in the exchange tab when Starfleet returns unexpected response body. - Fixed expiration of the authentication token. 1.0.50 (2021-03-09) ########################### Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Catch unexpected Starfleet responses and return the error that tells users to log in. - Fixed licenses link not working on Linux. Removed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Remove debug noise in logs from the auto-updater. 1.00.48 ############### New Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - News tab -- shows the latest information about Omniverse - Show Nucleus Web on the collaboration tab - Improved keyboard navigation and accessibility - Update info for installed apps and connectors automatically when the library tab is opened - Improved the drag area for the main window - Remove failed installers from the installation queue automatically - Added a button to clear the search input - Added a button to open logs location - Allow users to copy notification text - Hide Launcher when started with the system - Change the bell color to red if notifications contain errors - Added a header for error notifications - Added a link to show open-source licenses used in the launcher - Create a user session in System Monitor after Nucleus is installed - Show loading indicators and errors on the startup window Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed installation controls were not clickable - Ignore OS errors during the installation cancel - Fixed problems with loading internal launcher settings - Fixed problems with initialization during the authentication - Fixed a bug where users went back in collaboration tab and saw 'null' instead of a data path - Fixed a bug where users got redirected to a broken Nucleus page when clicked on a notification - Fixed left spacing in component details on the exchange tab - Fixed issues with invalid usernames specified during the installation of the collaboration service - Fixed users were not prompted to select data paths or install Cache - Fixed previous Cache versions were not deleted automatically after updates - Fixed the launch button on the library tab displaying "Up to date" when update is available - Fixed "Cancel" button was visible when installing components - Fixed text overflow in the installation progress 1.0.42 ############### - Added News section to display content from `Omniverse News `__ in the launcher - Fixed collecting hardware info on Linux when lshw returns an array - Add a login session in System Monitor when Nucleus is installed - Moved all licenses to PACKAGE-LICENSES folder, added a LICENSES link to the about dialog - Fixed user was not prompted to select data paths or install Cache 2020.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Launcher Introduced