Create a Payload

A Payload is a composition arc that functions similar to a Reference to enable users to aggregate layers or assets onto a Stage. The difference is that a users can choose to not load a Payload. This can help users see the full hierarchy of a Stage, but only load the heavy parts ( i.e. Payloads) that they need. A Payload targets a prim from a layer and loads it and all of its descendants into a new namespace within the referencing layer. This snippet shows how to add a Payload to a prim. A single prim can have multiple Payloads.

The CreatePayload command is a convenient wrapper that creates an Xform prim and adds a Payload to it all at once. If you don’t need the two steps batched together, you may want to add a Payload to an existing prim via Kit Commands or USD Python API.

import omni.kit.commands
import omni.usd
from pxr import Usd, Sdf

def create_payload(usd_context: omni.usd.UsdContext, path_to: Sdf.Path, asset_path: str, prim_path: Sdf.Path) -> Usd.Prim:
        path_to=path_to, # Prim path for where to create the prim with the payload
        asset_path=asset_path, # The file path to the payload USD. Relative paths are accepted too.
        prim_path=prim_path # OPTIONAL: Prim path to a prim in the payloaded USD, if not provided the default prim is used
    return usd_context.get_stage().GetPrimAtPath(path_to)

# Full Usage

# Get the USD context from kit
context: omni.usd.UsdContext = omni.usd.get_context()

# Create and add external payload to specific prim
payload_prim: Usd.Prim = create_payload(context, Sdf.Path("/World/payload_prim"), "C:/path/to/file.usd", Sdf.Path("/World/some/target"))

# Get the existing USD stage from kit
stage: Usd.Stage = context.get_stage()
usda = stage.GetRootLayer().ExportToString()

# Check that the payload prims were created
assert payload_prim.IsValid()

assert payload_prim.GetPrimStack()[0].payloadList.prependedItems[0] == Sdf.Payload(assetPath="file:/C:/path/to/file.usd", primPath=Sdf.Path("/World/some/target"))

This is an example USDA result from creating a reference with the CreateReference command.

#usda 1.0
    endTimeCode = 100
    metersPerUnit = 0.01
    startTimeCode = 0
    timeCodesPerSecond = 60
    upAxis = "Y"

def "World"
    def "payload_prim" (
        prepend payload = @file:/C:/path/to/file.usd@</World/some/target>