# 2.7.7 * Support for X-Cache header, make cache warmer download only not cached files * [Windows] Added system SSL certs in addition to certifi certs * Use total data size in cache cleaner checks * update omni-config-py package to 2.1.3 version (fix for possibility of not initialized control port number) * Fixed caching when remote server doesn't return Content-Length header, fixed issue when content downloaded not completelly * Added least recently used cached data cleanup * Package SSL certificates together with the cache application by using certifi package * Removed whitespaces from proxy_server config option * Added CORS headers for /ping endpoint * Added fix for LookupError bug # 2.4.7 * Added "/ping" endpoint for checking if cache is alive by HEAD request * Disabled metrics calculation if OmniverseConfig.metrics_enabled == False # 2.4.6 * When using upstream proxy/cache with a port not specified, use the default one from the config (8891) # 2.4.5 * Fixed bug with undefined proxy_server # 2.4.4 * Made cache more secure by upgrading websockets * Removed unsecure npm packages from docker image # 2.4.3 * Added proxy_server_compression, client_compression and other_upstreams_compression config options * Added cache_speedtest endpoint and speed measurement to upstream proxy * Added speed measurement to other upstreams like LFT # 2.4.2 * Metrics have been changed to match Prometheus Metrics RFC * Added cache_type configuration option * Switched to approved ubuntu image * Added PACKAGE-LICENSES # 2.4.1 * Fixed caching of non-S3/non-API requests * Added cache_head_requests_enable option # 2.4.0 * Added redirects support for HEAD requests * Added cache_without_etag_enable option to config (for caching requests without etag header) # 2.3.0 * Supporting https caching # 2.2.0 * Added 'stale' API cache status in the access log to indicate that the cached response was returned, but it was stale and was scheduled to be updated # 2.1.0 * Added SSL support. # 2.0.4 * Fixed API caching when accessing S3 bucket list # 2.0.3 * Updated service to use Python 3.8.7. * Updated omni-config-py with bugfixes for paths on Windows. * Updated omniverse.discovery.client.py with detailed error logs. # 2.0.2 * Fixing Linux packaging # 2.0.1 * API cache: do not cache error-responses (with HTTP status >= 400) # 2.0.0 * Removed the legacy IDL transport and service implementations. * Updated the service to generate client libraries and service stubs using idl.py@0.5. * Allow configuring used ports via System Monitor. * Register the service in Nucleus Discovery. * Changed the default paths for the cache and logs root using omni-config library. * Disable metrics on non-Docker setups. # 1.5.6 * Fixing a bug where some responses don't have 'Transfer-Encoding' header and that was causing an exception # 1.5.5 * Disabling aiohttp.ClientSession cache (it leads to a rare bug) * Fixing packaging to include platform name # 1.5.4 * Do not consume 100% of the core when removing a folder fails, improve logging when it fails # 1.5.3 * Licensing fixes * OM-18418: initializing metrics to 0 on startup # 1.4.0 * Properly suppport compression * Server on localhost only by default * IDL interface fixes # 1.3.1 * Installer updates # 1.3 * Support for helm charts. * Teamcity build tools. # 1.2 * Fix: windows path length issues. * Fix: long running coroutines crashing. * Fix: access logging from the dashboard in the main log * Feat: cache HEAD requests for S3 resources. * Feat: supervise consumer and producer coroutines in http resolver * Feat: enable caching Nucleus server S3 API requests # 1.1 * Many bugfixes * Prometheus metrics # 1.0 * Initial Cache Server Release