Python Usage Examples#
Controlling the timeline#
This example demonstrates how to use various API functions to control the timeline’s state:
import omni.timeline
# Obtain the main timeline object
timeline = omni.timeline.get_timeline_interface()
# Start playing the timeline
# Check if the timeline is playing
# Output will be False as state changes are applied in the next frame
print(f'Is the timeline playing? {timeline.is_playing()}')
# Set the current time to t = 3 seconds
# Perform additional operations...
# Pause the timeline
# Advance the timeline by one frame
# Frame duration can be adjusted using timeline.set_time_codes_per_second
Registering callbacks for timeline state changes#
The following code example shows how to register a callback to respond to various timeline state changes:
import omni.timeline
# Obtain the main timeline object
timeline = omni.timeline.get_timeline_interface()
# Define a callback function to handle timeline events
def on_timeline_events(event):
if event.type == omni.timeline.TimelineEventType.CURRENT_TIME_TICKED.value:
# Difference between the last current time and the new one
# Clamped to zero if it would be negative
dt = event.payload['dt']
# Retrieve the new current time
current_time = event.payload['currentTime']
print(f'Current time changed, dt = {dt}s, end of frame = {current_time}s')
if event.type == omni.timeline.TimelineEventType.PLAY.value:
print(f'Timeline is now playing')
if event.type == omni.timeline.TimelineEventType.STOP.value:
print(f'Timeline is now stopped')
if event.type == omni.timeline.TimelineEventType.PAUSE.value:
print(f'Timeline is now paused')
if event.type == omni.timeline.TimelineEventType.START_TIME_CHANGED.value:
start_time = event.payload['startTime']
print(f'Timeline has a new start time: {start_time}s')
# For more events, please consult the TimelineEventType documentation
# Register a callback that listens to all timeline events
timeline_sub = timeline.get_timeline_event_stream().create_subscription_to_pop(
# Demonstrate the callback functionality by triggering various timeline events