Usage Examples#
The following two sessions serve as one complete example of a simple graph, which uses the GraphNodeDelegate, GraphModel and GraphView. It allows users to move nodes and create/remove connections.
Graph Model#
In this example, we create a graph Model which inherits GraphModel. It has nodes, name, ports, inputs, outputs and position which are essential to support graph node connections and transformations.
from omni.kit.widget.graph.graph_model import GraphModel
inputs = ["First.color1", "First.color2", "Third.size"]
outputs = ["First.result", "Second.out", "Third.outcome"]
connections = {"First.color1": ["Second.out"], "First.color2": ["Third.outcome"]}
class Model(GraphModel):
def __init__(self):
self.__positions = {}
def nodes(self, item=None):
if item:
return sorted(set([n.split(".")[0] for n in inputs + outputs]))
def name(self, item=None):
return item.split(".")[-1]
def ports(self, item=None):
if item in inputs:
if item in outputs:
return [n for n in inputs + outputs if n.startswith(item)]
def inputs(self, item):
if item in inputs:
return connections.get(item, [])
def inputs(self, value, item=None):
if item is None:
for v in value:
if item:
if item not in connections:
connections[item] = []
if v not in connections:
if item in inputs and v in inputs: # same side connection
connections[v]= [item]
if not value:
def outputs(self, item):
if item in outputs:
return []
def position(self, item=None):
"""Returns the position of the node"""
return self.__positions.get(item, None)
def position(self, value, item=None):
"""The node position setter"""
self.__positions[item] = value
Graph View#
GraphView is the visualisation layer which behaves like a regular widget and displays nodes and their connections with delegate.
import omni.ui as ui
from omni.kit.widget.graph.graph_node_delegate import GraphNodeDelegate
from omni.kit.widget.graph.graph_view import GraphView
# define the style
style = GraphNodeDelegate.get_style()
# Don't use the image because the image scaling looks different in editor and kit-mini
style["Graph.Node.Footer.Image"]["image_url"] = ""
style["Graph.Node.Header.Collapse"]["image_url"] = ""
style["Graph.Node.Header.Collapse::Minimized"]["image_url"] = ""
style["Graph.Node.Header.Collapse::Closed"]["image_url"] = ""
window = ui.Window("Graph", width=768, height=512)
with window.frame:
delegate = GraphNodeDelegate()
# Note the Model can use the Model() defined in the previous example, or a new customized model.
model = Model()
graph_view = GraphView(model=model, delegate=delegate, style=style, pan_x=600, pan_y=170)