- constexpr HandleInt omni::graph::core::INVALID_TOKEN_VALUE
Deprecated - use kInvalidTokenValue.
- constexpr InstanceIndex omni::graph::core::kAccordingToContextIndex
Special index for a context.
- constexpr InstanceIndex omni::graph::core::kAuthoringGraphIndex
Some default instance value.
- constexpr char omni::graph::core::kInstancingGraphTargetPath
The path used to identify the targeted prim, when graph instancing is used.
- constexpr AttributeHandle omni::graph::core::kInvalidAttributeHandle
Constant representing an invalid attribute handle.
- constexpr GraphContextHandle omni::graph::core::kInvalidGraphContextHandle
Constant representing an invalid graph context handle.
- constexpr GraphHandle omni::graph::core::kInvalidGraphHandle
Constant representing an invalid graph handle.
- constexpr HandleInt omni::graph::core::kInvalidHandleIntValue
Representation of an invalid handle as an integer.
- constexpr InstanceIndex omni::graph::core::kInvalidInstanceIndex
Special index indicating an invalid instance.
- constexpr NodeHandle omni::graph::core::kInvalidNodeHandle
Constant representing an invalid node handle.
- constexpr NodeTypeHandle omni::graph::core::kInvalidNodeTypeHandle
Constant representing an invalid node type handle.
- constexpr DataAccessFlags omni::graph::core::kReadAndWrite
Data is accessible for both read and write.
- constexpr DataAccessFlags omni::graph::core::kReadOnly
Data is only accessible for reading.
- constexpr GraphInstanceID omni::graph::core::kUninitializedGraphId
- constexpr uint8_t omni::graph::core::kUninitializedTypeCount
The value of an uninitialized attribute for a type (eg: tuple_count, array_depth)
- constexpr DataAccessFlags omni::graph::core::kWriteOnly
Data is only accessible for writing.