User Interface#


The Maya Legacy Connector is no longer supported. All users should move to Maya Native.


Once the plug-in is installed, users must sign into an Omniverse server. Users can do so from two places in the Maya plugin:

Plugin Menu
  1. Connections are made to Omniverse via the connection dialog.

Connect with Menu

Users can take 2 routs to the connection window. 1. From the Omniverse Main Menu drop-down users can go directly to the connect menu. 2. From the Omniverse Shelf you can quickly get to the connect menu.

Menu Items



Your Omniverse Username

Server Information

The address to your Omniverse Nucleus


The server address field will store and auto-populate known recent servers.

After the NVIDIA Omniverse™ Maya Connector plugin has been loaded and signed in to, users can now Live Sync, Open Omniverse Nucleus / Local USD files, and Export USD files to your Omniverse Nucleus.

USD Menu#

Omniverse USD Menu

Menu Items


Open Recent

Lists recently opened USD assets

Open USD

Launches a File dialog that allows the user to navigate the contents of Omniverse and open USD files. Opens a USD file, clears the current Maya scene, loads the USD asset, and syncs.

Import USD

Imports USD Files from a Local/Network Drive Location. This collects materials to the location of the current USD file.

Connect USD

Connects an existing Native Maya file to an existing USD file on Omniverse. This allows a user to initiate a live connection without reexporting the USD.

Close USD

Closes the USD file and resets the Maya file to a new blank scene.

Help Menu#

Omniverse Help Menu


Menu Items



Maya Plug-In Documentation

Opens the doc for the Maya plug-in


Get Support

Link to user forums and Omniverse Support


Release Notes

Link to release notes



Informs user of the version specific information of Maya Omniverse plug-in

USD Export File Browser#

Exporting files from Maya is done through the Export File Dialog.

USD Export File Browser


Menu Items




There are several navigation options:

  • Breadcrumbs: Displays the path to the current directory or file the user has selected. Users can select any part of the existing path

  • Add Folder: Adds a new folder in your current directory

  • Search Bar: Contextual search for files that applies to the file hierarchy adn the content body.


File Hierarchy

Directory/File list


Content Body

File and directory list for the selected directory in the file hierarchy


Export Options

Export Options can be configured here. See below for various options.


File information

There are several file options:

  • File Name: The name you want the file to be.

  • File Type: Lists available export types. (See Note Below)

  • Export: Exports with chosen settings.

  • Cancel: Cancels the Export


You can export to USDA (Ascii) format by hard typing the extension .usda on export if exporting to a local drive (not an omniverse server).

USD Export Options#

USD Export File Browser

Export Options


Export Type Dropdown

Selects the asset
  • Prop: Standard Static Asset

  • Prop Animation Clip: Simple translational Animations (.anim.usd)

  • Skeletal Mesh: A mesh containing skinning information and joints. (.skel.usd)

  • Skeletal Animation: A mesh containing joint animation and skin clusters. (.skelanim.usd)

  • Animated Point Cache: Animated “point clouds” (.cache.usd)

Export Options

Selects what to export:

  • All: Exports everything in the scene

  • Select: Exports everything selected in the current scene

  • Sets: Select sets in Maya can be used as an export selection type

  • Default Prim: Sets the Default Prim of the exported USD, defaults to “World”

  • Export Visible Only: Exports only visible nodes in combination with the current export selection

You can also configure your export with the following values:

Use Animation

  • Enabled: Will export animation from timeline

  • Start Frame: First frame to be exported

  • End Frame: Last frame to include in the export

  • Step: Allows skipping of frames, use 1 for all frames

Include Instances

  • Export instances. A parent xform will be inserted as needed to conform with USD.

Include MDL

  • Will include all MDLs referenced in the file

  • Default: Uses global core material path and copies custom materials to user defined directory.

  • Include Dependencies: Copies all referenced materials to user defined directory.

  • USD Preview Surface: Will generate a USD Preview Surface and bake textures for export.

Include Cameras

  • Exports cameras in the scene.

Include Lights

  • Exports supported lights. see note below.

Nurbs Curves as USD Basis

  • Converts Nurbs curves to USD basis curves.

Include Hair Groom

  • Exports Xgen Grooms to USD - Xgen Hair Wrap Type - Xgen Hair UV Interp Type

Name Space Handling

  • Options for how to handle Maya name spaces when exporting to USD

Up Axis

  • Allows control over facing direction.

Batch Export

  • Will export each first level node as a unique USD file. Exported files will be re-composed into a new by either a Payload or Reference.

Move to Origin

  • When exporting an asset individually or in batch mode, exports the asset from origin.

Also Save Maya

  • Stores a copy of the Maya file on the Omniverse Nucleus

USD Export File Browser

Processing Options


Pre Export Script MEL

  • Runs any scripted functions on scene prior to export.

Post Export Script MEL

  • Runs any scripted functions on scene after to export.

USD Export File Browser

Additional Exported Files

Lists all associated/dependant files included in the export

USD Export File Browser


Creates a checkpoint and optional description. (For compatible servers only)

Exporting With Maya#


Open and Import USD Browsers#

With the open and import USD functions, you can open USD content directly in Maya.

The import USD function allows users to import USD and merge it with the currently opened USD file.


To quickly get to a file, paste an Omniverse URL into the filename field and press the Enter or Open button.


Ref #




Open Materials

Check to import materials. If Unchecked Materials will be ignored.


Prefer Material Type

Choose the render context for loading and displaying Materials in Maya:

  • MDL: Imported materials will display using MDL.

  • Preview Surface: Imported materials will display using USD Preview Surfaces.


Import Lights As

Choose how lights should be imported:

  • Maya: Imported Lights will be converted to Maya Standard Lights.

  • Arnold: Imported Lights will be converted to Maya Arnold Lights.


Object Name Collision

Choose what to do if there are naming conflicts with Imported Objects:

  • Overwrite: Replace the existing object if in conflict.

  • Skip: Keep the original and discard imported objects if name conflict exists.

  • Modify: Adjusts names of imported object to avoid name conflicts.

This option is only shown in Import dialog, not Open.


Material Name Collision

Choose what to do if there are naming conflicts with Imported Objects:

  • Overwrite: Replace existing materials if in conflict.

  • Skip: Keep the original and discard imported materials if in conflict.

  • Modify: Adjusts names of imported materials to avoid name conflict.

This option is only shown in Import dialog, not Open.

Omniverse Shelf#

Added in 100.1

The Omniverse Shelf allows connectivity and quick access to important Omniverse Functions.




Connect to Omniverse

Connects to an Omniverse Nucleus:

  • Add Connection: Allows Additional Omniverse Servers to be added to your server connection list.

  • Disconnect All: Disconnects Maya from all connected Nucleus servers.

Open USD

Opens a USD file locally or on a Nucleus

Save USD

Saves the current USD file.

Import USD

Imports a USD file into your current project.

Export USD

Exports current project file as a USD:

  • Export All: Exports current project file as a USD.

  • Export Selected: Exports the current selection of assets as a USD.

Share USD

Copies the location of the USD Files, if on nucleus, this link is shareable with other permitted nucleus users.

Live Sync

Enables real-time “live” editing:

  • Live Sync All: Enables real-time “live” editing.

  • Live Sync Excluding Materials: Enables real-time “live” editing but DOES NOT update materials.

  • Link Maya to USD file: Links the currently opened scene with a USD file. Refer to Using the Connect USD tool in Maya (Video) for more information.

Create Variants

Creates a USD Variant container. Refer to USD Variants in Maya for details.

Plugin Settings

Opens the Omniverse Plugin Settings Panel. Refer to USD Variants in Maya for details.


Links to this documentation.


Version and Technical Information about the Plugin.


Connect, Export and Live Sync have additional options are in the right click menu.

Omniverse Settings#

The Omniverse Settings Panel allows access to some optional settings and features.

General Settings#

Omniverse Settings Panel



Auto Sign In on Startup

Signs into previous omniverse connection automatically

Echo Feedback

Messages and alerts from a nucleus server will be reported in the script editor.

Object Export Path

Folder Name / Relative Path Option to allow customization of output organization. Used when exporting assets with the option “split into multiple files”.

Native Light Conversion Scale

Allows Native Maya light power to be adjusted upon conversion.

Arnold Light Conversion Scale

Allows Arnold Light power to be adjusted upon conversion.

Destination MDL path

If un-altered (blank by default) the Destination path will always be the location of the exported USD file. You can however “hard-code” a common directory where you want ALL exported USD’s to store their MDLs.

Material Template Search Paths:

If you or your organization have created specialized BASE MDLs, you can select their paths here.

Material Collection Search Paths:

If you or your organization has created Variants based on BASE MDLs you can select their locations here.

Live Settings#


For more information on Live Workflows visit.

Omniverse Settings Panel



Selection Mode

Defines the set of objects that are Live-Update connected

Live Transform Edits

If enabled, transform changes are Live updated

Live Material Edits

If enabled, material edits/assignments are Live updated

Live Camera Edits

If enabled, Camera transforms and parameters are Live updated

Live Light Edits

If enabled, Light transforms and parameters are Live updated

Live Timeline Edits

If enabled, scrubbing the timeline in 3dsMax will send the current frame as the USD file during Live update

Live Modeling

If enabled, modeling changes will be sent during Live Update