

The Maya Legacy Connector is no longer supported. All users should move to Maya Native.

USD Python Binding#

USD Python Bindings are available with the installation of the Maya Omniverse Connector.


Known Limitation - Other USD plugins must be uninstalled for this to work.

Maya Plugin Script APIs#

Loading the Plugin#

Besides loading the Maya Omniverse plugin via the Plugin manager dialog, users can also load the plugin via this script.

loadPlugin "OmniverseMayaLoader.mll"

Connect to an Omniverse Server#

Check Connection Status#

int $nvConnect = `optionVar -q omniverse_connection_state`;

The omniverse_connection_state is a Maya option variable. You can remove it with the following command.

optionVar -remove omniverse_connection_state;

And you can modify it with this command

optionVar -iv omniverse_connection_state 1;


Generally speaking, Users should use string or integer types for option variables as Maya does not use boolean variables.

OmniExtraCmd - clientLogLevel 0;

0 - Debug
1 - Verbose
2 - Inform
3 - Warning
4 - Error

Set User Name and Log in#

To make sure that you log in to right server you can call the following script command step by step.

Set up user name:

optionVar -sv "omniverse_user_name_var" dduka;

Set up available servers#

Creates a list of servers to connect to.

optionVar -sv omniverse_server_urls "localhost:3009;my-server:1234;my-other-server:4321"

Set Up Current Server#

Set’s up the server you wish to log-in to.

optionVar -sw omniverse_server_url "my-server:1234";

Inform C++ Plugin#

Script command to make the C++ plugin get the above information.


Connect to Server#

Makes the connection to an Omniverse Nucleus Server.

OmniConnectionCmd true;

Update Status#

Make the relative UI showing correct status after log-in.


Export USD#

Export a USD to Omniverse

OmniExportCmd -file "/Example/Users/aatest/tt.usd";


there is a prefix “/Omniverse” with the URL.

Setting up Export Mode types#

Optional variables control how you export a scene. As an export can take form in various ways, you need turn on/off some variables before calling the export command.


optionVar -iv omniverse_export_objecttype 1;

Skeletal Mesh#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_objecttype 2;
optionVar -iv omniverse_export_skip_skelanimation 1

This option allows you to choose if 1 frame of animation is set to USD Skel on export. It is off by default.

Point Cache#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_objecttype 3;

Set Export Collection Types

Export/Live-Sync All#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_collectiontype 1;

Export/Live-Sync Selected#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_collectiontype 2;

Export/Live-Sync Visible#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_collectiontype 3;

Always Export GeomSubsets#

optionVar -iv omni_always_export_geosubset 0;
optionVar -iv omni_always_export_geosubset 1;

Other exporting options:#

Turn on “Use Animation”#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_useanimation 1;

Set Animation Start-Frame#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_ani_start 1;

Set Animation End-Frame#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_ani_end 200;

Set Animation step#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_ani_stride 1;

Normalize Animation range#

This option renumbers the exported frame range starting from a given base number. It will also adjust the timecode of the usd file to reflect the range.

NormalizeFrameRangeOnExport -onflag true -basenumber 0;

Normalize Skin Weights#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_normalizeskinweights 1;

Bake Skin Bind position#

optionVar -iv omniverse_skin_use_finalmesh  0;

Include MDL#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_includemdl 1;

Embedded MDL option#

optionVar -iv omniverse_embed_materials 1;

Include Cameras#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_includecamera 1;

Include Lights#

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_includelight 1;

Live Sync Commands#

For Live Sync, it cannot work with USD Animation on. So, you need run two script commands to turn it on.

optionVar -iv omniverse_export_useanimation 0; // turn off Use Animation
optionVar -iv omniverse_export_livesync 1; // turn on Live Sync
nvOmniUpdateConnectionUI(); // this is optional. But if you want to see right Live Sync checkbox status, you need call it.

Import USD#

Imports a USD file on Omniverse

OmniImportCmd -file "/Omniverse/Users/aatest/tt.usd";


there is a prefix “/Omniverse” to the URL.

List Command#

List Command can be used to list the files and sub-folders in an Omniverse folder. The return value of this command is a string array which has data grouped by 3.

string $ffs[] = `OmniListCmd -la "/Omniverse/Users/aatest/"`;


the string should end with ‘/’ as well as starts with the prefix ‘/Omniverse

Show File/Folder Name#

Shows each folder/file full name

int $m = 0; for($m = 0; $m < 3; $m++) { int $idx = $m * 3; print ($ffs[$idx] + "\n");}

Show Folder/File Modify Date#

int $m = 0; for($m = 0; $m < 3; $m++) { int $idx = $m * 3 + 1; print ($ffs[$idx] + "\n");}

Show Each Folder/File Author#

int $m = 0; for($m = 0; $m < 3; $m++) { int $idx = $m * 3 + 2; print ($ffs[$idx] + "\n");}


Check Cache Status#


Enable Caching#

maya.mel.eval('OmniEnableCachingCmd -enable 1')

Plugin Load Time#

maya.mel.eval('OmniExtaCmd -tl')
t = maya.cmds.OmniExtaCmd(tl=True)
print t

MDL Materials#

Python Scripts relating to MDLs

List MDL Materials#

Python Script to show all of MDL materials

import maya.cmds as cmds
mdls = cmds.mdlShaderCmd(q=True,listHyperShadeItems=True)
for module in mdls:
    print module



Alternative List MDL#

mdls = cmds.mdlShaderCmd(q=True,listHyperShadeItems=True)

Result .. code-block:: python

[u’L/Library/MDL/Base/OmniGlass/OmniGlass’, u’L/Library/MDL/Base/OmniPBR/OmniPBR’, u’L/Library/MDL/Base/OmniPBR_Opacity/OmniPBR_Opacity’]

Upgrade MDL Materials#


This feature will be deprecated in upcoming releases as it is not needed any longer. This tool specifically addresses a material change that was done from 2019.2 to 2019.3. The menu entry has been removed, however is still available as a MEL script command if needed.


Record Time#

Record Time of Server Connect and Load#

maya.mel.eval('optionVar -sv "omniverse_user_name_var" "my-user-name"')
maya.mel.eval('optionVar -sv "omniverse_server_url" "my-server:1234"')
t = maya.cmds.timer(e=True);
print t

Record time to load templates#

maya.mel.eval('optionVar -sv "Omniverse_Library_Materials_Templates_SearchPaths" "/Omniverse/Library/Materials/Templates;"')
t = maya.cmds.timer(e=True);
print t

Record time to load Collection#

Collection Path is supported the same way as template path in plugin. So, there is should be no difference. But adding more path should cost more time.

maya.mel.eval('optionVar -sv "Omniverse_Library_Materials_Collections_SearchPaths" "/Omniverse/Users/aatest/ani;"')
t = maya.cmds.timer(e=True);
print t

Pick one file name#

User may want to pick and get a file name without exporting or importing a USD. Here the things to do. You need define a mel function nvOmniPickCallback in which you define what you do with the file name. Now you can call mel function nvOmniPickAFile() to start the file pick dialog. Once you pick a file and close the dialog, nvOmniPickCallback is called.

global proc nvOmniPickCallback(string $filename)
   print("nvOmniPickCallback " + $filename + "\n");

nvOmniPickCallback is read only. You may want to export a new USD. Then you can call nvOmniAddAFile(). And you also need define a call back function, nvOmniAddAFileCallback, to handle the file name.

global proc nvOmniAddAFileCallback(string $filename)
   print("nvOmniAddAFileCallback " + $filename + "\n");
   OmniExportCmd -file $filename;

Loading the Plug-In#

Load Plug In

Once the Maya Omniverse plugin is installed, navigate to the Plug-in Manager.

(Windows > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager)

Look for OmniverseMayaLoader.mll and load/verify the plugin is loaded/working. Select auto load if Maya should load this plugin automatically.