.. _Blender Connect: ======= Blender ======= .. raw:: html
Application or Connector? -------------------------------- `Blender `__ is an open-source, world-class 3D modeling application. You can download compatible versions of Blender with |connect_short| capabilities on the `NVIDIA Omniverseā„¢ Launcher <../../prod_launcher/prod_launcher/overview.html>`__ .. note:: In addition to this |omni|-compatible Blender install, which allows users to have solid import/export capabilities with Omniverse, an alpha version of the :ref:`Blender Nucleus Connector` add-on is available, to streamline access to Omniverse assets and to enhance Omniverse interoperability. How do I learn Blender? ----------------------------- For information regarding general Blender usage, please refer to the links below: - `Blender website `__ - `Blender documentation `__ - `Blender support `__ Topics ----------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 blender/manual.rst blender/material-templates.rst blender/nucleus-connector.rst blender/omni-panel.rst blender/audio2face.rst blender/scene-optimizer.rst blender/release-notes.rst blender/known-issues.rst