.. _Waypoints: ================================== Waypoints ================================== Waypoints and the Waypoint Manager are extensions and extend the Omniverse Experience by allowing users to Create and Save "Waypoints" and review them any time. Waypoints -------------------- Waypoints store everything about a view. From location and camera settings to the render mode and render settings... everything. By storing these waypoints in a list, users can easily store and save favorite shots. Later, they can be returned to quickly and easily. To interact with waypoints, locate the Waypoint Icon in the Top of the Viewport Window. .. image:: /content/images/ext_waypoints_create-waypoint.png Creating Waypoints ####################### #. In the top of the viewport, find for the Waypoint Icon. #. ``Left Click`` icon to Create a Waypoint. Returning to Waypoints ############################# #. ``Left Click & Hold`` to reveal existing waypoints. #. ``release left click`` on selection to jump the viewport to the Waypoint. .. _Waypoint Manager: Waypoint Manager --------------------- The waypoint manager is a panel that allows users to review, comment on, and organize waypoints. .. image:: /content/images/ext_waypoints_waypoint-manager_overview.png ============ ======================================================================== ========================================================================================================================== Ref # Option Result ============ ======================================================================== ========================================================================================================================== 1 Search Matches entered criteria to names for waypoints and filters the results according to these matches. 2 Waypoint/Waypoint List List of waypoints. Left Click: Selects and displays notes and Info. Double Click: Open the view in the viewport. 3 List Display Click/Slide to adjust size of Waypoint Thumbnails. 4 Notes Store and Review notes of the selected Waypoint. 5 Info Displays useful information about the waypoint. ============ ======================================================================== ==========================================================================================================================