Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains basic stage editing functions.

Menu Item


Stage Interpolation

Set the stage’s interpolation type for all attributes on the stage.
- Held: Each authored timesample is held constant until the next authored timesample.
- Linear: Attribute values are linearly interpolated between timesamples.


Load the payloads for the selected prim and all its descendants.


Unload the payloads for the selected prim and all its descendants.


Activate the selected prim.


Deactivate the selected prim.

Make Visible

Set the selected prim’s visibility property to “visible”.

Vis Only

Set the selected prim’s visibility property to “visible”. Make all other prims “invisible”.

Make Invisible

Set the selected prim’s visibility property to “invisible”.

Remove Session Visibility

Restore the selected prim’s visibility property value.

Reset All Session Visibility

Restore the visibility property value for all prims on the stage.