====================== Using |showroom_short| ====================== |showroom| is ideal for users who are new to |omni| and want to learn what's possible on the platform. Because of this, |showroom_short| has a minimal interface for loading and interacting with demos. Interface --------- .. image:: /content/images/showroom_ui-overview.png :align: center :width: 700 :alt: Showroom user interface with reference numbers The interface in this App is streamlined, without the distraction of most menus typically found in |kit_short|__-based apps: =========== ========================== ===================================================================================== Reference # Function Description =========== ========================== ===================================================================================== 1 GPU Displays the amount of video memory being used compared to the total amount available 2 Toggle workspace mode Closes the demo and returns to the demo list 3 Search Searches the demo list 4 Demo list Displays available demo projects (Single click to select; double click to open.) 5 Open/close list Opens and closes the demo list (Drag the bar to resize.) 6 Open demo Opens the selected demo 7 Minimum system specs Displays the recommended minimum computer specifications for the selected demo 8 Parameters Refer to a demo's documentation to learn about the parameters it offers 9 Viewport resolution Changes the viewport's resolution settings 10 Controls Refer to a demo's documentation to learn about the controls it offers =========== ========================== ===================================================================================== .. note:: |showroom|, itself, is a demonstration of how developers can create lightweight, purpose-built Applications with |kit|. .. __: ../../kit/index.html