.. _kaolin_dataset-visualizer: ================================== Dataset Visualizer ================================== The performance of machine learning models can depend heavily on the properties of the training data. The Omniverse Kaolin Dataset Visualizer extension allows sampling and visualizing batches from 3D datasets to gain intuition and identify problems that can hinder learning. Interface ######### .. image:: /content/images/kaolin_dataset-visualizer_ui.jpg ========== ================================== ==================================================================== Ref # Option Result ========== ================================== ==================================================================== 1 Dataset Directory | Select directory from which to recursively search for valid `.usd`, `.usda` and `.usdc` files. 2 Resample objects | Selects a new random subset of assets. 3 Number of objects | Sets the maximum number of objects to sample. 4 Rotate | Rotates assets, in degrees. 5 Spacing Factor | Reduces/Increases the spacing between assets. 6 Normalize Size | Normalizes each asset to a common size. 7 Up Axis | Rotates the assets to accommodate either Y-Up and Z-Up orientations. 8 Demo | Opens a browser window to this documentation. ========== ================================== ====================================================================