Replicator Composer Parameter List


Replicator Composer is deprecated. Please view the documentation for Replicator YAML.

Replicator Composer is a tool for creating parameterizable offline datasets in Isaac Sim.

This page provides the list of input parameters for dataset generation. All examples are generated with Replicator Composer.

Parameter Tree

Object Parameters
Light Parameters
Scenario Parameters
Camera Parameters
Output Parameters
  • Dataset – name and size of the output dataset

  • Sequence – toggle and configurations of a sequential dataset

  • Output Data Types – toggles and configurations of output data types

Other Parameters
  • Simulation – rendering, unit, and physics configurations in Isaac Sim

  • Model Store – Nucleus Server URL

Parameter List

Object Parameters

Object Appearance

Parameters for object model and surface properties.


Model of an object.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_model_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_model_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_model_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_model_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_model_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_model_1.jpg
  • Value: String of model (file type: USD) on Nucleus Server

  • Example: /Isaac/Props/Forklift/forklift.usd


Color of an object.
Overrides native material of an object. If obj_texture and obj_material are not given, a solid color is painted.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_3.jpg
Otherwise, a color tint is overlayed.
Below are the same colors, where obj_material is /NVIDIA/Materials/Base/Wood/Parquet_Floor.mdl.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_6.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_7.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_8.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_11.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_color_9.jpg
  • Value: Tuple of 3 numbers, each an RGB value from 0 to 1

  • Example: Uniform((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1))


Texture of an object.
Overrides native material of an object.
Below are pattern-style textures from /Isaac/Materials/Textures/Patterns.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_4.jpg
Below are background-style textures from /Isaac/Materials/Textures/Backgrounds.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_6.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_7.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_8.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_9.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_11.jpg
  • Value: String of image (file types: PNG / JPEG / HDR / EXR) on Nucleus Server.

  • Example: Choice(["assets/textures/backgrounds.txt"])


Scale of the texture tile on an object. Requires obj_texture to be set.
Two values. One indicates horizontal scale, and other one vertical scale.
A value < 1 introduces a tiling effect (e.g. value = 0.5 produces a 2x2 tiling).
Note that models composed of submodels will have each submodel textured individually.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_scale_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_scale_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_scale_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_scale_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_scale_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_texture_scale_5.jpg
  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: Choice([(0.01, 0.01), (0.1, 0.1), (1, 1)])


Rotation in degrees of a texture on an object. Requires obj_texture to be set.
  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: Uniform(0, 360)


Material of an object.
Material contains both texture and surface properties.
Overrides the native material of an object.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_material_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_material_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_material_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_material_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_material_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_material_3.jpg
  • Value: String of material (file type: MDL) on Nucleus Server

  • Example: /NVIDIA/Materials/Base/Wood/Cherry_Planks.mdl

Object Dimensions

Parameters that determine the dimensions of an object.


if True: obj_size determines an object dimensions (default value).
if False: obj_scale determines the dimensions of an object.


The size of the largest axis of an object. Requires obj_size_enabled to be True.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_size_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_size_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_size_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_size_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_size_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_size_5.jpg
  • Value: Number or Tuple of 3 numbers, which specify different size values for each axis.

  • Example: Uniform(100, 200)


Multiplies the native dimensions of an object model. Requires obj_size_enabled to be True.
If value is 1, then, the dimensions are set to the native dimensions of model.
  • Value: Number or Tuple of 3 numbers, which specify different scale values for each axis.

  • Example: Uniform(0.5, 2)

Object Placement

  • Parameter for determining the location of an object


Number of objects spawned.
Note, default value is 0. Therefore, to spawn objects, must be set to a non-zero value.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_count_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_count_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_count_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_count_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_count_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_count_5.jpg
  • Value: Non-negative integer

  • Example: Range(0, 10)


If True: object is given a hitbox and dropped.
If False: object is flying (default value).
In the last three images, a new group with AprilTag-type objects is added where obj_physics is False.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_physics_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_physics_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_physics_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_physics_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_physics_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_physics_5.jpg


If True: object origin is centered at the model center (default value)
If False: object origin is the authored origin of the model. Object will rotate around this origin.


Rotation of an object
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_rot_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_rot_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_rot_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_rot_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_rot_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_rot_5.jpg
  • Value: Tuple of three numbers (pitch, roll, yaw) in degrees

  • Example: Uniform((0, 0, 0), (360, 360, 360))



Coordinates of an object. Requires obj_coord_camera_relative to be False.
  • Value: Tuple of three values in scene units

  • Example: Uniform((-200, -200, 0), (200, 200, 0))


If True: obj_distance, obj_horiz_fov_loc, and obj_vert_fov_loc determine the object location (default value).
If False: obj_coord determines the determine object location.


The distance of the object from the camera. Requires obj_coord_camera_relative to be True.
  • Value: Number

  • Example: Uniform(300, 800)

Object Movement

Parameters to determine how an object moves during a sequence.


The FOV location of an object. Requires obj_coord_camera_relative is True.
A value of -1 maps to left/bottom edge and +1 maps to right/top edge.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_fov_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_fov_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_fov_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_fov_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_fov_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_obj_fov_5.jpg
  • Value: Number

  • Example: Uniform(-1, 1)


The velocity of an object. Requires sequential to be True.
For step i in a sequence, the object coordinate is updated:
coord[i] = coord[i-1] + obj_vel * step_time + 0.5 * obj_accel * step_time**2
  • Value: Tuple of 3 numbers

  • Example: Normal((0, 0, 0), (50, 50, 50))


The rotational velocity of an object. Requires sequential to be True.
For step i in a sequence, the object rotation is updated:
rot[i] = rot[i-1] + obj_rot_vel * step_time + 0.5 * obj_rot_accel * step_time**2
  • Value: Tuple of 3 numbers in degrees

  • Example: Normal((0, 0, 0), (10, 10, 10))

Object Class

Parameter to assign class id to an object.


The class id of an object.
Used in semantic segmentation output. Note, all objects in a group are assigned this class id.
  • Value: Integer between 0 and 255 or string that represents semantic labels.

  • Example: 1

Light Parameters

Light Luminescence

Parameters for light color and brightness.


If light_temp_enabled is False: Analogous to obj_color.

_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_color_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_color_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_color_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_color_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_color_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_color_5.jpg


If light_temp_enabled is True: the light color temperature (in Kelvins).

  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 5000


If True: light color is determined by light_temp.
If False: light color is determined by light_color (default value).


Brightness of light source.

_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_intensity_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_intensity_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_intensity_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_intensity_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_intensity_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_light_intensity_5.jpg
  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: Uniform(10000, 50000)

Light Shape

Parameters describing the shape or form of a light source.


If True: light is an Isaac Sim DistantLight, which is distant plane of light rays (like sunlight).
This plane is positionless; light rays are determined by light_rot only.
If light_rot is (0, 0, 0): sets the rays of light like noontime.
Note that a floor/ceiling/wall can block this light, depending on light_rot.
If False and light_directed is False: light is a point source (default value).


If True and light_distant is False: light is a Isaac Sim DiskLight.
A light source with focused rays of light.
If False and light_distant is False: light is a point source (default value).

Light Placement

Parameters for determining the location of a light.


Analogous to obj_count


Analogous to obj_rot


Analogous to obj_distance


Analogous to obj_{horiz/vert}_fov_loc


Analogous to obj_coord


Analogous to obj_coord_camera_relative

Light Movement

Parameters to determine how a light moves during a sequence.


Analogous to obj_vel


Analogous to obj_rot_vel

Scenario Parameters

Scenario Model

Parameters to determining the model of a scenario.


The base scenario is a collection of models where each scene is housed within.
if True: base scenario is a parameterizable rectangular prism (a “room”) centered at the origin.
if False: base scenario is a USD provided by scenario_model (default value).
Below are examples where scenario_room_enabled is True.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_room_enabled_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_room_enabled_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_room_enabled_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_room_enabled_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_room_enabled_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_room_enabled_5.jpg


If scenario_room_enabled is False: the model of the base scenario.
Note, value is set once per dataset.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_model_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_model_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_model_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_model_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_model_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_scenario_model_5.jpg
  • Value: String of model (file type: USD) on Nucleus Server

  • Example: /Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/warehouse.usd

Scenario Room

Parameters describing a scenario room’s appearance and size.


If scenario_room_enabled is True: then True or False determines if that room face is generated.


If scenario_room_enabled is True: the height of the room.
Note, this value is set once per dataset.
  • Value: Number

  • Example: 2000


If scenario_room_enabled is True: size of the floor and ceiling of the room.
Note, this value is set once per dataset.
  • Value: Number

  • Example: 2000


Analogous to obj_color


Analogous to obj_texture


Analogous to obj_texture_scale


Analogous to obj_texture_rot


Analogous to obj_material

Sky Box

Parameters describing the sky box - a scene-encompassing cube with textures on its inner faces to simulate a sky or backdrop.


If provided, texture of a sky box.
If not provided, no sky box is created.
Below are sky textures from assets/textures/skies.txt.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_sky_texture_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_sky_texture_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_sky_texture_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_sky_texture_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_sky_texture_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_sky_texture_5.jpg
  • Value: String of image (file types: PNG / JPEG / HDR / EXR) on Nucleus Server

  • Example: Choice(["assets/textures/skies.txt"])


The light intensity of the sky box.
If value is 0, the sky box is black.
  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 1000

Scenario Class

Parameter to assign class id to base scenario.


Analogous to obj_class_id. Applies scenario_class_id to the entire base scenario.

Camera Parameters

Camera Lens

Parameters for the resolution and lens properties.


The dimensions of the data

  • Value: Positive integer

  • Example: 1280 / 720


Physical focal length of the camera in mm.

_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_focal_length_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_focal_length_2.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_focal_length_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_focal_length_3.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_focal_length_4.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_focal_length_5.jpg
  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 50


Distance at which perfect sharpness is achieved.

  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 400


Controls distance blurring. Lower numbers decrease focus range, larger numbers increase it.

  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 0


Emulates sensor/film width/height on a camera, measured in mm.

  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 20.955 / 15.2908

Camera Placement

Parameters for placing mono or stereo cameras.


If True: stereo cameras are used and output RGB data is in stereo.
Note, left stereo camera is centered at camera_coord.
If groundtruth_stereo is True: output groundtruth data is also in stereo.
If False: a mono camera is used (default value).


If stereo is True: distance between stereo camera pairs.

  • Value: Number

  • Example: 20


Analogous to obj_coord.

  • Example: Uniform((-500, -500, 20), (500, 500, 100))


Analogous to obj_rot.
  • Example: Uniform(0, 360)

Camera Movement

Parameters for determining how the camera(s) move in a sequence.


Analogous to obj_vel


Analogous to obj_rot_vel

Output Parameters


Parameters for determining dataset name and size.


The output files directory. Follows Paths rules.

Note, the command line argument --output will override parameter value of output_dir.

  • Value: String path

  • Example: dataset


If sequential is True: number of sequences in dataset.
If sequential is False: number of samples in dataset.
Note, the command line argument --num-scenes will override the parameter value of num_scenes.
  • Value: Positive integer

  • Example: 10000


Parameters for enabling and configuring a dataset sequence.


If True: num_scene sequences are generated.
Each sequence consists of one scene updated over sequence_step_count steps.
Objects, lights, and cameras move each step according to *_vel, *_accel, and *_movement_*_relative parameters.
Output files are formatted as {sequence_id}_{sample_in_sequence_id}.
For instance, 003_16.png (sample 16 in sequence 3).

If False: num_scene samples are generated, where each scene is used for 1 sample (default value).


If sequential is True: number of steps in a sequence.

  • Value: Positive integer

  • Example: 10


If sequential is True: time taken per step in a sequence.
Then, for each object / light / camera in a scene:
coord[i] = coord[i-1] +     vel * step_time + 0.5     * accel * step_time**2
  rot[i] =   rot[i-1] + rot_vel * step_time + 0.5 * rot_accel * step_time**2
  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 0.5

Output Data Types

Parameters for enabling and configuring output data types.
Underlying, it is using annoators from omni.replicator.core.


If True: images (3 channel PNG) are output.

_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_rgb_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_rgb_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_rgb_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_rgb_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_rgb_16.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_rgb_29.jpg


If True: depth maps (NPY) are output.

_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_depth_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_depth_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_depth_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_depth_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_depth_16.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_depth_29.jpg


If True: instance segmentations (8 bit PNG) are output.
Each coord of the matrix corresponds to the instance id of the pixel, where each model in the scene is given a unique instance id.
If groundtruth_visuals` is false - instance data will be stored as a non-rgb png file, where each pixel corresponds a instance id.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_instance_seg_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_instance_seg_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_instance_seg_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_instance_seg_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_instance_seg_16.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_instance_seg_29.jpg


If True: semantic segmentations (8 bit PNG) are output.
Each coord of the matrix corresponds to the {obj/scenario}_class_id of the pixel.
Pixels corresponding to empty void have id is 0.
If groundtruth_visuals` is false - semantic data will be stored as a non-rgb png file, where each pixel corresponds a semantic id.
_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_semantic_seg_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_semantic_seg_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_semantic_seg_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_semantic_seg_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_semantic_seg_16.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_semantic_seg_29.jpg


If True: tight 2d bounding box data (NPY) are output. Note that the visuals are not supported for now.

_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_tight_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_tight_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_tight_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_tight_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_tight_16.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_tight_29.jpg


If True: loose 2d bounding box data (NPY) are output. Note that the visuals are not supported for now.

_images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_loose_0.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_loose_1.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_loose_5.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_loose_10.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_loose_16.jpg _images/isaac_replicator_composer_parameters_groundtruths_bbox_2d_loose_29.jpg


If True: 3d bounding box data (NPY) are output.
Note, groundtruth visuals are not supported.


If True: occlusion data (NPY) are output.
Note, groundtruth visuals are not supported.


If True and stereo is True: then the right stereo data for each active groundtruth will also be output.
Note, increases dataset memory footprint.
If False: no right stereo data is output for groundtruth (default value).


If True: then PNG visualizations of each output groundtruth will also be output.
Excludes wireframe and bbox_3d.
Note, increases dataset memory footprint.
If False: no groundtruth visuals are output (default value).

Other Parameters


Parameters for rendering, unit, and physics configurations in Isaac Sim.


If obj_physics is True for at least 1 object in a scene: the number of seconds Isaac Sim will simulate the scene..
  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 1


How many units in one meter, which is used to generate scenes and capture data. Default is 1.

  • Value: Positive number

  • Example: 1


If True: Isaac Sim is rendered using PathTracing. Higher quality and slower.
If False: Isaac Sim is rendered using RayTracedLighting (default value).


If path_tracing is True: the numbers of rays traced per pixel per frame.
Increasing the value increases the rendering quality and time.
  • Value: Positive integer

  • Example: 32

Model Store

Parameters for describing where models are stored. Currently, only the Nucleus Server is supported.


The URL of nucleus server where all models, materials, and textures are stored.
Note, the command line argument --nucleus-server will override parameter value of nucleus_server.
Second note, omniverse:// is prepended, if :// is not found in nucleus_server.
Note: if model is not present in nucleaus, it will search locally/
  • Value: String URL

  • Example: localhost


Whether to enable gravity or not in the scene. Default is set to false.
  • Value: Boolean

  • Example: True