.. _Toolbar: ================== Tool Bar ================== .. image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_vertical.png :align: center .. |tb_sel_mod| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_select_models.svg :width: 20pt :height: 20pt .. |tb_mv_glob| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_move_global.svg :width: 20pt :height: 20pt .. |tb_rot_glob| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_rotate_global.svg :width: 20pt :height: 20pt .. |tb_scl| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_scale.svg :width: 20pt :height: 20pt .. |tb_snap| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_snap.svg :width: 20pt :height: 20pt .. |tb_mv_local| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_move_local.svg :width: 20pt :height: 20pt .. |tb_sel_prim| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_toolbar_select_prims.svg :width: 20pt :height: 20pt .. |tb_anim_trans| image:: /content/images/kit_reference-guide_animation-bar-1.png :width: 20pt :height: 20pt ================================= ============================================== ================================================================== Icon Menu Item Action ================================= ============================================== ================================================================== |tb_sel_mod| / |tb_sel_prim| Select (Model / Primitive) | Allows user to pick select and object in the viewport. | This is also the default viewport mouse behavior. |tb_mv_glob| / |tb_mv_local| Move (Global / Local) | Instantiates a user widget that allows user to move a | selected object or group of objects |tb_rot_glob| Rotate (Global / Local) | Instantiates a user widget that allows user to rotate | a selected object or group of objects |tb_scl| Scale | Instantiates a user widget that allows user to scale a | selected object or group of objects |tb_snap| Snap (enable/disable) | Sets snapping to specified increments or surface snap. |tb_anim_trans| Select Mode | Toggles transform widgets between local and global | translation modes |tb_anim_trans| - Play | Start an animation |tb_anim_trans| - Stop | Stop an animation ================================= ============================================== ================================================================== .. Note:: Tools with a small triangle below their icon denotes additional options are available by right clicking the icon.