.. _Create Interface: ==================== Code Interface ==================== .. image:: /content/images/code_ui_overview.png ========== ================================== ==================================================================== Ref # Option Result ========== ================================== ==================================================================== 1 File Opens the :ref:`File Menu` 2 Edit Opens the :ref:`Edit Menu` 3 Create Opens the :ref:`Create Menu` 4 Window Opens the :ref:`Window Menu` 5 Help Opens the :ref:`Help Menu` 6 Replicator Opens the :ref:`Replicator Menu` 7 Microservices Opens the :ref:`Microservices Menu` 8 Layout Opens the :ref:`Layout Menu` 9 Cache Status Displays the |nuc_short| cache status. Refer to `System Monitor <../../nucleus/system_monitor.html>`__ for details. 10 Live Sync Status Displays the Live Sync status with your |nuc_short|/data 11 Toolbar Refer to :ref:`Toolbar` for details. 12 Viewport Refer to :ref:`Viewport` for details. 13 Extensions Refer to :ref:`Extensions` for details. 14 Omni::UI Doc Shows the `Omni::UI developer documentation `__ 15 Omni.UI Scene API Documentation Shows the `omni.ui.scene API documentation `__ 16 Omni.USD API Documentation Shows the `omni.usd API documentation `__ 17 Graph Editor Example Previews :ref:`OmniGraph` capabilities 18 Omni.UI Graph Doc Shows the `omni.ui.graph API documentation `__ 19 Viewport Doc Shows the :ref:`Viewport developer documentation` 20 Stage Refer to :ref:`Stage` for details. 21 Layer Refer to :ref:`Layers` for details. 22 Render Settings Refer to :ref:`Render Settings` for details. 23 Debug Settings Manages debug tools and properties 24 Content Browser Refer to :ref:`Content Browser` for details. 25 NVIDIA Assets Browser Opens a browser for :ref:`mounted` assets 26 Console Refer to :ref:`Console` for details. 27 Script Editor Refer to :ref:`Script Editor` for details. 28 Samples Browser Opens a browser for :ref:`mounted` samples 29 Asset Stores Opens a browser for external assets 30 Material Browser Refer to :ref:`Material Browser` for details. 31 Environment Browser Refer to :ref:`Environment Browser` for details. 32 Property Panel Refer to :ref:`Property Panel` for details. 33 Commands Refer to :ref:`Command History` for details. 34 VS Code Link Refer to :ref:`VS Code Link` for details. 35 Animation Timeline Refer to :ref:`Animation Timeline` for details. ========== ================================== ====================================================================